Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare—Doctor resigns from AMA

I was going to post another comment dealing with video gambling. Then all kinds of current news occurred today. I was torn among three items dealing with “Nationalized Healthcare,” an item dealing with “Global Warming,” and video gambling. I settled on an item dealing with “Nationalized Healthcare.”

As many of you may know, the American Medical Association (AMA) has endorsed the concept of Nationalized Healthcare. More specifically, the group has endorsed the currently debated Senate version of Nationalized Healthcare.

Listening to “Prime Time America”—a two hour program aired from 4 PM to 6 PM weekdays on a local area christian radio station, a doctor—Dr. David Stevens—was being interviewed. He is a christian doctor who said he had been a member of the AMA for about fifteen years. He said he joined the organization to attempt, along with other members, to change the direction of the AMA.

He said that at one time about 75% of doctors belonged to the AMA. Today, it is around 20% and falling. It is falling because he and others are now resigning because of the immoral policies of the AMA. He and others have come to realize that the AMA is not likely to be changed from the inside. (As an aside: That is the very reason I left the Democratic Party after being a voting Democrat all of my adult life until the 2000 election when, for the first time, I voted for a Republican—George W. Bush. The Democratic Party was NOT going to be changed from the inside.)

Doctor Stevens gave some examples of the immoral policies of the American Medical Association (AMA)—supporting the MURDER of pre-born babies, supporting embryonic stem cell research, promoting the study of the “benefits” of medical marihuana, supporting homosexual marriage, and now supporting “Nationalized Healthcare.” In his words, the AMA traded-off their support for Nationalized Healthcare in return for more money from the government in terms of Medicare and Medicaid payments. He stated it was unethical (Duh!) to support a political policy in return for more money benefits. And it is. It’s called bribery in legal terms. I guess since the government is involved it would be legalized bribery. Don’t you just love “change you can believe in”!!!???


01) The U.S. financing the MURDER of pre-born babies in foreign nations
02) Financing embryonic stem cell research
03) Nationalizing two automobile companies
04) Nationalizing several large financial institutions
05) Significantly increasing government spending
06) Significantly increasing the national debt
07) Supporting and promoting the homosexual agenda
08) Supporting and promoting the “Al Gore Gang’s Global Warming” nonsense
09) Supporting and promoting “Nationalized Healthcare”
10) Supporting and promoting the MURDER of pre-born babies in “Nationalized Healthcare,” through judicial appointments, and in every facet of our society.


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