Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare—procedural motion and its provision to MURDER the preborn

I’m not continuing my series on video gambling tonight. Instead, the following two articles were sent to me by e-mail on the 19th. The e-mail with some additional information including contact information for Democratic Senators who are up for election in 2010 put into my format:

“GOP Leader Blog []

Sen. Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on November 19th, 2009

Just like the original 2,032-page, government-run health care plan from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) massive, 2,074-page bill would levy a new ‘abortion premium’ fee on Americans in the government-run plan.

Beginning on line 7, p. 118, section 1303 under ‘Voluntary Choice of Coverage of Abortion Services’ the Health and Human Services Secretary is given the authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government-run health plan. Leader Reid’s plan also requires that at least one insurance plan offered in the Exchange covers abortions (line 13, p. 120).

What is even more alarming is that a monthly abortion premium will be charged of all enrollees in the government-run health plan. It’s right there beginning on line 11, page 122, section 1303, under ‘Actuarial Value of Optional Service Coverage.’ The premium will be paid into a U.S. Treasury account—and these federal funds will be used to pay for the abortion services.

Section 1303(a)(2)(C) describes the process in which the Health Benefits Commissioner is to assess the monthly premiums that will be used to pay for elective abortions under the government-run health plan and for those who are given an affordability credit to purchase insurance coverage that includes abortion through the Exchange. The Commissioner must charge at a minimum $1 per enrollee per month.

A majority of Americans believe that health care plans should not be mandated to provide elective abortion coverage, and a majority of Americans do not believe government health care plans should include abortion coverage. Currently, federal appropriations bills include language known as the Hyde Amendment that prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for elective abortions under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, while another provision, known as the Smith Amendment, prohibits federal funding of abortion under the federal employees’ health benefits plan.

Leader Reid’s 2,074-page health care monstrosity is an affront to the American people and drastically moves away from current policy. The National Right to Life Committee has called the Reid abortion language ‘completely unacceptable.’ The American people deserve more from their government than being forced to pay for abortion. The pro-life Stupak/Pitts amendment passed the House by a vote of 240 to 194, enjoying the overwhelming support of 176 Republicans and 64 Democrats. The Stupak/Pitts Amendment codifies current law by prohibiting federal funding of elective abortions under any government-run plan or plans available under the Exchange. The Reid plan ignores the will of a bipartisan majority of the House, and indeed the American people, by rejecting this bipartisan amendment.

Health care reform should not be used as an opportunity to use federal funds to pay for elective abortions. Health reform should be an opportunity to protect human life—not end it—and the American people agree. House Republicans have offered a common-sense, responsible solution that would reduce health care costs and expand access while protecting the dignity of all human life. The Republican plan, available at, would codify the Hyde Amendment and prohibit all authorized and appropriated federal funds from being used to pay for abortion. And under the Republican plan, any health plan that includes abortion coverage may not receive federal funds.”
“This entry was posted on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 11:35 am and is filed under Health Care, Life Issues.”

I do not know what the Senate number of the bill is so I’ve not downloaded a copy of it. I’ve been hearing since it was presented that it would fund the MURDER of preborn babies. If you regularly read my blog, you know that I have been saying from the beginning that if the Nationalized Healthcare bill specifically does NOT exclude funding for the MURDER of preborn babies, said MURDERS will be funded and will occur. I have also said from the beginning, that the day that the federal government forces me by law to pay for the MURDER of a preborn baby in this nation, I will stop paying federal income tax. To prison I will go before I will help finance the MURDER of my fellow citizens.

From Patients First []

“Dear Patients First supporter,

After six weeks of closed door sessions and backroom deals, Harry Reid has finally released his massive 2,074 page health care bill. As expected, the Reid bill imposes a government-run health care system that replaces your current health care options with more expensive, lower quality, government-defined care.

Upon release, Leader Reid pointed to the Congressional Budget Office’s projection that the bill will cost $848 billion and reduce the deficit by $130 billion. Unfortunately, both the projected cost and the savings are deceiving. How are we going to create a new entitlement program that will insure 31 million people and claim it will SAVE us money?! This is classic Washington deception.

Call your Senator today to tell them to vote against cloture on the motion to proceed. The vote will likely take place this Saturday and your Senator needs to hear from you. Time is of the essence!

While we are just beginning to read through the Reid bill, the initial assessment is worrisome:

1) Similar to the House bill, the Reid bill relies heavily on budget gimmicks to bring down the enormous cost of this government takeover. One glaring gimmick is that spending doesn’t really begin until 2014 (pushed back another 6 months from the last Senate bill—some way to address a crisis), with costs escalating dramatically in the later years ($196 billion in 2019 alone!). The fully phased in 10-year cost is about $2.5 trillion.

2) The so-called ‘doc fix’ provision—needed to maintain the already-low number of physicians who accept Medicare from dwindling even more—is left out of the bill. Despite being a crucial part of any health reform effort, the $247 billion provision was taken out to promote the charade that this bill will not add billions to the deficit.

3) The inclusion of yet another new entitlement program, a long-term care insurance program called the CLASS Act supposedly reduced the deficit! That’s right, a brand new entitlement program. They count the 10-year revenues of $72 billion as deficit reduction even though it will cost far more than it raises once benefits start being collected.

4) Even without the gimmicks, CBO is notoriously inaccurate when predicting what entitlements will cost (e.g., Medicare's actual cost was more than 10 times its original price tag). So even if the $848 billion number were honest (and they are NOT—my addition), it’s safe to assume the real cost will be several trillion, based on the experience with every previous Washington health care program.

5) Failing to propose any serious reforms that control costs, the bill also fails its other main goal by leaving 24 million people uninsured!

And it still includes government-forced insurance, rationed care for seniors, vast new bureaucratic controls over doctors that will drive many to retire, taxes on the middle-class and small businesses, and more—the bill has it all. Everything except real reform that puts patients first and makes health care more affordable. (Do you think it has tort reform—control over law suits that adds millions to lawyers’ income and billions to healthcare costs!—my addition)
Call your Senator today and demand they vote against cloture on the motion to proceed! Every vote that brings this bill closer to final passage is a vote for government-run health care.

Leader Reid is determined to ram this health care bill through before Americans have a chance to find out what's in it. Help us stop that from happening!


Patients First Team

P.S. Call your Senator today and tell them to vote against cloture on the motion to proceed. The vote will likely take place this Saturday. We must act now!”

Democratic Senators who are up for election in 2010:

01) Senator Evan Bayh [D] Indiana—2nd term
131 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-5623
FAX: (202) 228-1377
Attorney—Listed as Episcopal
(up for election 2010)

02) Senator Michael Bennet [D] Colorado—1st term—he was appointed to the position.
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-5852
FAX: (202) 228-5036
Attorney, Public Official—Not stated
(up for election 2010)

03) Senator Barbara Boxer [D] California—3rd term
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-3553
FAX: (202) 224-0454
Journalist—Listed as Jewish
(up for election 2010)

04) Senator Roland Burris [D] Illinois—appointed (NOT running for election)
523 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2854
FAX: (202) 228-3333
Attorney, Public Official—Not Stated
(up for election 2010)

05) Senator Christopher Dodd [D] Connecticut—5th term—he may be in political trouble because of financial dealings.
448 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-2823
FAX: (202) 224-1083
Attorney—Listed as Catholic
(up for election 2010)

06) Senator Byron Dorgan [D] North Dakota—3rd Term [Democrat Policy Committee Chair]
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-2551
FAX: (202) 224-1193
Public Official—Listed as Lutheran
(up for election 2010)

07) Senator Russ Feingold [D] Wisconsin—3rd term
506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-5323
FAX: (202) 224-2725
Attorney—Listed as Jewish
(up for election 2010)

08) Senator Kirsten Gillibrand [D] New York—1st term—she was appointed to the position.
531 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-4451
FAX: (202) 228-0282
Attorney—Listed as Catholic
(up for election 2010)

09) Senator Daniel Inouye [D] Hawaii—8th term—he was 85-years-old in September.
722 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-3934
FAX: (202) 224-6747
Attorney—Listed as Methodist
(up for election 2010)

10) Senator Ted Kaufman [D] Delaware 1st Term—he was appointed to his position. (NOT seeking reelection)
G11 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-5042
FAX: (202) 224-0139
Consultant, Congressional Aide—Listed as Catholic
(up for election 2010)

11) Senator Patrick Leahy [D] Vermont—6th term
433 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-4242
FAX: (202) 224-3479
Attorney—Listed as Catholic
(up for election 2010)

12) Senator Blanche Lincoln [D] Arkansas—2nd Term
355 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-4843
FAX: (202) 228-1371
Homemaker—Listed as Episcopal
(up for election 2010)

NOTE: According to SRN (Salem Radio News), she might be persuaded to vote against cloture thus not allowing the bill to be voted on!

13) Barbara Mikulski [D] Maryland—4th term
503 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-4654
FAX: (202) 224-8858
Social Worker—Listed as Catholic
(up for election 2010)

14) Senator Patty Murray [D] Washington—3rd term
173 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
202) 224-2621
FAX: (202) 224-0238
Educator—Listed as Catholic

15) Senator Harry Reid [D] Nevada—Majority Leader and Democratic Conference Chair]
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-3542
FAX: (202) 224-7327
Attorney—Listed as Mormon
(up for election 2010 in his fourth term)

NOTE: It is his bill but he is also considered to be in trouble back in Nevada. It won’t be the first time a Majority Leader LOST after trying to pass a terrible Nationalized Healthcare bill!!!

16) Senator Charles Schumer [D] New York—2nd term
313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-6542
FAX: (202) 228-3027
Attorney, Public official—Listed as Jewish
(up for election 2010)

17) Senator Arlen Specter [D] Pennsylvania—5th term (He just changed from Republican to Democrat.)
711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-4254
FAX: (202) 228-1229
Attorney—Listed as Jewish
(up for election 2010)

18) Senator Ron Wyden [D]Oregon—3rd term
223 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 (Website)
(202) 224-5244
FAX: (202) 228-2717
Attorney, Legal Services Executive, Seniors Advocate—Listed as Jewish
(up for election 2010)

NOTE: I wonder if he advocates the impending cuts in Medicare and the coming rationing?

19) A new Democratic Senator from Massachusetts was recently appointed. However, I don’t have any information of him. He will be up for election in 2010 also.


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