Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mark Kirk for Illinois U.S. Senator—NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO!

Update: When I registered on line early Friday morning at the website over 61,000 people had registered before I did. I don’t know the final total. I believe this was the first year something like this was done and I didn’t learn about it until Thursday afternoon.

Mark Kirk—Republican In Name Only

On June 9, 2009 an article in the Peoria Journal Star declared “Republicans have yet to offer a candidate, but U.S. Representative Mark Kirk is mulling a run. National Republicans say they are optimistic he could make the race competitive.” On June 17, 2009 I posted on my blog a commentary entitled “Republican Party—an open letter to the National and State of Illinois Republican Party” stating among other things “Are they crazy? When the Republican Party moved away from “values” issues in 2006 and 2008, they lost elections! The Republicans in 2006 nominated a “RINO”—Republican In Name Only—for governor in Illinois and lost badly to a governor who has since been removed from office.”

Recently, I received a robo-call from Mark Kirk emphasizing that many “name” Republicans are supporting him for the U.S. Senate. In my opinion, that simply means that the “leadership” in the Republican Party has not yet realized that the voting conservative public (emphasized by the unexpected victory in Massachusetts) is determined to stop the plunge to the left. Unquestionably, Mark Kirk is part of that leftist agenda even as he carries the Republican label.

Since my post in 2009, I have revised the letter and every time the Republican Party—State or national—solicits donations I send the postage paid envelop back with the letter and without any money. And yet, they continue to send me solicitations for money. They truly seem to have a most difficult time learning.

Tonight, the letter I have been mailing to the Republican Party:

Recently, I received a robo-call from my present Republican Representative trumpeting the candidacy of Representative Mark Kirk for the Republican primary nomination for U.S. Senator from Illinois. Why the Republican Party is trying to force a RINO upon voting, conservative, value oriented Republicans is something I can NOT fathom.

However, this I guarantee! If the Republican Party promotes RINO’S I will NOT provide a dime to the Party rather turning to PACS which support the values I support. If you do not recognize that the soft underbelly of the Democratic Party is their absurd promotion of immorality and emphasize that difference, you deserve to be the minority party and will neither receive my money nor my VOTE. I will NOT vote for Mark Kirk in the primary or in the general election. Learn from your past mistakes including New York 23!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Republican Party—an open letter to the National and State of Illinois Republican Party


The maneuvering for those who desire or may desire to run for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate in 2010 has begun. An article that recently appeared in the Peoria Journal Star (June 9, 2009, page B3) was about a Democratic member of the Illinois House of Representatives who was thinking about running for the U.S. Senate but who decided not to run—rather she is planning to seek reelection to the House.

I have no concern on whether or not she runs for the Senate and normally would not deal with this article. However, one paragraph in the article is significant and that paragraph I will address.

The paragraph declared that “Republicans have yet to offer a candidate, but U.S. Representative Mark Kirk is mulling a run. National Republicans say they are optimistic he could make the race competitive.”

My response: Are they crazy? When the Republican Party moved away from “values” issues in 2006 and 2008, they lost elections! The Republicans in 2006 nominated a “RINO”—Republican In Name Only—for governor in Illinois and lost badly to a governor who has since been removed from office.

She supported the immoral homosexual agenda including “civil unions” and an increased reliance on gambling for revenue and lost the necessary support of conservative Republicans from downstate. Democrats are not going to support a RINO and conservative Republicans will NOT support a RINO in sufficient numbers to offset the Democratic Chicago area. It was an invitation for another unnecessary loss at the polls.

Earlier, I was involved in the first attempt by conservatives to place an amendment into the Illinois Constitution to define marriage as between only a man and a woman. According to reports I read, black Christians in the Chicago area were actively involved in gathering signatures to encourage the General Assembly to place the amendment on the ballot even though these same black Christians tend to overwhelming support Democratic candidates. Where was the Republican Party? NOWHERE to be found. The Party was conspicuous in its absence.

By ignoring this major “values” issue, the Republican Party missed an opportunity to increase the number of conservative voters going to the polls for the general election and an opportunity to work with Black Christians who, in reality, have much more in common with conservative Republicans than with libertine Democrats. Quite simply, the Republican Party squandered an opportunity to reverse their fortunes in Illinois. They blew it!

By nominating Mark Kirk as the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in 2010, the Party will again demonstrate that they just don’t get it! A Republican will NOT win in Illinois by acting like a Democrat.

Is Mark Kirk acting like a Democrat? He is as far as I’m concerned. Before the 2008 Presidential election, I said that the three major issues were 1) the MURDER of unborn babies, 2) the sin of homosexual behavior and specifically granting homosexual behavior special “rights” such as the ability to marry, and 3) appointments to the U.S. courts. All three of those issues are just as relevant and just as important today.

I don’t know where Mark Kirk stands on two of those three issues but I do know his stance on the third. I WILL NOT support any Republican who does NOT agree on ALL three and I believe that the same is true for many other conservative voters.

Mark Kirk voted for legislation in the House of Representatives to include homosexual behavior as a protected status in the “hate crimes” bill that passed the House. (See my post of May 9th—“Hate crimes,” part 5 and “Hate crimes” and the vote of Illinois’ members of the House of Representatives, part 6 posted on May 11th.) In fact, Mark Kirk was a co-sponsor of the legislation.

Rep. Mark Steven Kirk (R)—YEA HR 1913 Co-sponsor 10th Congressional DistrictWashington Phone: 202-225-4835District Phone: 847-940-0202That one action is sufficient to tell me he does NOT understand or accept the immorality involved in homosexual behavior. Or he does and he doesn’t care! Either way he will neither get my support nor vote and I, along with others, will work for his defeat. A RINO Republican is NO better than a libertine Democrat. Just examine the history of Arlen Specter—Pennsylvania U.S. Senator—who was a Democrat, who turned to the Republican Party, who is now again a Democrat although elected to the Senate as a Republican to understand the impropriety of supporting RINO’S.

NO RINO’S in State government and certainly NO RINO’S in Congress. It just doesn’t work.

Since I wrote this post, Representative Kirk voted for “Cap and Trade”—one of only eight House Republicans to do so!
Also, from

“Republicans United Against Mark Kirk: Hey, How Do I Sign Up?
Commentary by Daniel T. Zanoza, Executive Director
August 7, 2009”

“The animus directed towards Kirk was clear and unambiguous. Many Republicans believed the pro-abortion, anti-gun, tax and spend liberal (which Kirk is) would be better off running as a Democrat. Even fiscal conservatives seem to be marching to the same drummer regarding Kirk’s Senate bid. They cite the fact Kirk was only one of eight Republicans whose House vote helped to pass President Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade bill which may be soon considered by the U.S. Senate.

Subsequently, I am writing this column to see if a campaign to stop Kirk would be supported by Republicans, not only in Illinois, but across the nation. But this message is not solely meant for Kirk. I would hope both the national Republican Party and the Illinois GOP Combine would get the message. The Party needs to understand that so-called moderates or liberals like Kirk have damaged the GOP. If the Republican Party has a masochism complex or some sort of desire to self-destruct, running candidates like Kirk would fit that bill—perfectly. They also need to know, as stated by Peter Finch’s character in his Academy Award winning role in the movie Network, ‘we are sick and tired and we’re not going to take it any more.’ True Republicans feel the same way.”

Further, from

“Mark Kirk is not a ‘moderate’ on abortion
Posted: July 27, 2009
By John Biver”

“My colleague Doug Ibendahl summed up U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk’s pro-abortion record as follows—and I couldn’t agree more:

‘In 2003 Kirk voted AGAINST the federal ban on partial birth abortion. That vote put him more on the fringe than even his vote this year for Obama’s economy-wrecking cap & trade scheme.”

“My colleague Cathy Santos has compiled the devastating record of Mark Kirk when it comes to abortion and the protection of innocent life:

‘Mark Kirk voted NO to prohibit partial-birth abortion.

Mark Kirk voted NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions.

Mark Kirk voted NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime.

Mark Kirk voted NO on funding for health providers who don’t provide abortion info.

Mark Kirk voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad.

Mark Kirk voted NO on making it a federal crime to harm a fetus while committing other crimes.

Mark Kirk voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.

Mark Kirk voted YES on allowing human embryonic stem cell research.

Mark Kirk voted NO on an amendment that would stop federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood through the Title X Family Planning programs. Planned Parenthood received more than $350 million in taxpayer money from federal, state, and local governments in fiscal year 2007-2008.

Mark Kirk was the only Republican in either the House or Senate to receive a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood in 2008 and 2006.’

For anyone who wants to pretend the country isn’t moving right on abortion, the polls tell a different story. And consider this quote—brought to my attention by my friend Laurie Higgins—from the liberal Joel Klein in Time magazine:

‘It’s possible that abortion has become less acceptable because of the remarkable advances in sonogram technology. We now can see, in perfect detail, the exquisite humanity that exists within the womb, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Late-term abortions...are usually hard cases, sometimes the result of rape or incest or the discovery of severe birth defects. But they are, without question, the taking of a life.’ (SO IS ANY ABORTION—IT’S MURDER!!!—my addition)

It’s not too late for any pre-mature supporters of Kirk’s candidacy to do the right thing and revoke their endorsement. There will be other candidates in the race who are far more deserving of Republican support.” (This unfortunately didn’t seem to happen although I heard the flow of money to him has slowed—my addition.)

From the Peoria Journal Star, 8/31/09, page B3 and entitled “McCain endorses Kirk for U.S. Senate”

“But the congressman from Chicago’s northern suburbs is the one candidate national Republicans have coalesced around as they try to flip the seat now held by Democratic Senator Roland Burris.”

(When I was living in Tucson, Arizona and voting and running for political office as a Democrat, Republican friends would complain to me that John McCain would be as comfortable living in Massachusetts as a Democrat as he was in Arizona being a Republican. And yet, he was nominated to run for the Presidency for the Republican Party!!!)

When will the party learn? Mark Kirk may win the primary because of the number of candidates and the misguided and/or ignorant endorsement by name Republicans at both the State and federal level, but he WILL NOT win the election. I have done my homework and so have others. “Values” orientated conservatives WILL NOT vote for him. Value issues is the key to regaining control of Congress. The other issues are symptoms NOT the sickness. I will NOT donate to a party supporting RINO’S!!!


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