Thursday, March 11, 2010

Healthcare Nationalization update (2)



“We are in the process of personalizing this ad for the top 10 most vulnerable Democrats. Each of our targets voted in favor of Obamacare last fall. They were each elected from conservative districts won by the McCain/Palin ticket but on average they support Pelosi’s radical agenda 77% of the time.

Every one of our targets acts like a conservative at home but votes like a liberal in Washington. They include:

Baron Hill, Indiana
Chris Carney, Pennsylvania
Zach Space, Ohio
John Salazar, Colorado
Harry Mitchell, Arizona
Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona
Michael Arcuri, New York
Earl Pomeroy, North Dakota
Alan Mollohan, West Virginia
Thomas Perriello, Virginia

CNN has already reported on this campaign and the Democrats are starting to come unglued. We will continue expanding this list with each and every turn they make!”


I checked this out early Wednesday morning. Click on the “STOP Obamacare” on the home page and it provides a list of the possible vote of some House members on the issue of the Nationalization of Healthcare. It is my understanding that the list is being updated daily.

1) “Probable Yes” Lists 23 Representatives

2) “Lean Yes” Lists 9 Representatives

3) “Toss-Up” Lists 21 Representatives

4) “Lean No” Lists 8 Representatives

5) “Probable No” Lists 26 Representatives

Call these Representatives and ask then to vote NO!!! The site also says 166 Representatives are a solid yes vote.

166 + 23 + 9 = 198. The House of Representatives needs a majority yes vote of those voting (NOT an absolute majority). The votes are not yet there. As I said in an earlier post, if they were, they would be voting. Check the website and contact these members of the House.

Contact these Representatives and ask then to vote NO!!!

Let me make this perfectly clear, once again. What has passed the Senate and what has passed the House is ALWAYS referred to by the mass media and Barack Hussein Obama and his cohorts as healthcare reform. IT IS NOT REFORM!!! It is an attempt to NATIONALIZE healthcare in this nation. It is an attempt to NATIONALIZE approximately 1/6th of the American economy. It will NOT work!!!


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