Saturday, March 06, 2010

Healthcare Nationalization update

Forget about the supposed bill coming from Barack Hussein Obama! It hasn’t been written and it has to be passed by both Houses of Congress. It’s not going to happen. It is a red herring being helped by the lapdog mass news media.

Forget about reconciliation! There is nothing to reconcile. An identical bill has to be passed by both Houses before there is something to reconcile. If an identical bill passes both Houses there is no need for reconciliation since the bill has passed. It is a red herring being helped by the lapdog mass news media.

Forget about the already passed House bill! The Senate isn’t even considering the House bill. It is a red herring being helped by the lapdog mass news media.

The important bill is the Senate bill currently in the House of Representatives. Concentrate your efforts in convincing the members of the House NOT to pass the Senate Bill. The Speaker DOES NOT NOW have the votes to pass the bill. If she did, they would be voting on it right now!


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