Friday, September 03, 2010

District Judge Vaughn R. Walker—IMPEACH & CONVICT him

After the illegal and unconstitutional decision of the inferior federal court judges in California and Arizona, I looked on the internet for impeachment and conviction petitions of these two judges. I could not find any and let it drop. Turns out, I had an e-mail in my in box from one of my throwaway e-mail addresses that I didn’t get around to reading until yesterday.

It’s actually not a petition, but is good enough. It’s an opportunity to send an e-mail to your House member asking him or her to initiate the impeachment process against Judge Walker. He certainly has violated the Constitution and, in my opinion, should be impeached and convicted. As a bonus, if we actually start impeaching judges for their repeated violations of the Constitution, they will be less likely to do so in the future. And that’s a guarantee and not too many things can be guaranteed in government.

“Congressional Resolution Opposing Ruling on Prop 8
by David E. Smith, IFI Executive Director-Illinois Family Institute

Federal Issue

U.S. Representative Lamar Smith has introduced a non-binding resolution (H. Res. 1607) condemning the recent ruling by an activist federal judge in California to overturn that state’s marriage amendment, also known as Proposition 8 (or Prop 8).

So far, 17 other Congressmen have signed onto this resolution. Sadly, there are no congressional co-sponsors from Illinois. (What’s new!—my addition)

Click HERE to send an email or a fax to your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor H. Res. 1607, which faults U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker for engaging in improper conduct during his consideration of the case, citing Walker for failing "to conduct himself in an impartial manner’ and ‘attempted to illegally broadcast the trial in disregard of the harassment such broadcast would invite on witnesses supporting Proposition 8.’

You can also call your Congressman at their local district office. If you are unsure who your elected officials are—including your U.S. Representative, click here to look them up or call the IFI office at (708) 781-9328 and we will be happy to look them up for you!


California voters approved Prop 8 to amend the state constitution and establish the historical and natural definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The California Supreme Court had previously ordered marriage to be redefined to include individuals of the same gender. On August 4th, Chief U. S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, in Hollingsworth v. Perry, ruled that the decision of California voters to retain natural marriage violated the equal protection provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Judge Walker is openly homosexual. (As I’ve said repeatedly since this decision was reached, as well as the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law being restricted by judicial fiat, judge Walker has NO standing in this case. The U.S. Constitution specifically REQUIRES ALL cases in which a State is a party to begin in the U.S. Supreme Court and NOT with an inferior federal court. This judge should be impeached and convicted for NOT upholding his oath of office. He either does NOT know what the Constitution requires or has chosen to ignore the Constitution. Both result in the same violation of the “good behavior” requirement. Both are a violation of his oath of office—my addition.)

The Congressional resolution takes Judge Walker to task, stating that he failed to conduct himself in an impartial manner during the course of the proceedings and failed to decide the case as a matter of law. The resolution condemns actions by Walker during the trial and his decision to impugn the personal and religious motivations of the 7 million Californians who voted for Prop 8.

The resolution states, ‘In America, we respect and uphold the right of a free people to make policy choices through the democratic process. If a handful of activists are allowed to void a constitutional amendment protecting marriage, we have eliminated the core of the American democratic system and will deny more children the mom and dad they deserve.’

Meanwhile, our national affiliate, the American Family Association is mounting a nationwide campaign calling for the impeachment of Judge Walker. The U.S. Constitution says that federal judges hold office only ‘during good behavior,’ (Nowhere in the Constitution is any judge or Justice given a lifetime tenure of office. It simply does NOT exist!—my addition) and if they violate that standard they can be impeached. AFA believes, as we do, that Walker has made a mockery of our system of justice with his arrogant and prejudicial abuse of the rule of law. We agree with AFA that ‘this unconscionable expression of judicial activism and tyranny cannot go unchallenged.’

You can join the AFA campaign by using this link:
Impeach Judge Walker (

H. Res. 1607 Co-sponsors to-date:

U.S. Rep. Aderholt, Robert B. [AL-4]
U.S. Rep. Akin, W. Todd [MO-2]
U.S. Rep. Bachmann, Michele [MN-6]
U.S. Rep. Bachus, Spencer [AL-6]
U.S. Rep. Chaffetz, Jason [UT-3]
U.S. Rep. Fleming, John [LA-4]
U.S. Rep. Franks, Trent [AZ-2]
U.S. Rep. Gingrey, Phil [GA-11]
U.S. Rep. Hoekstra, Peter [MI-2]
U.S. Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3]
U.S. Rep. Jordan, Jim [OH-4]
U.S. Rep. King, Steve [IA-5]
U.S. Rep. Lamborn, Doug [CO-5]
U.S. Rep. Latta, Robert E. [OH-5]
U.S. Rep. Marchant, Kenny [TX-24]
U.S. Rep. Pitts, Joseph R. [PA-16]
U.S. Rep. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. [WI-5]”

(I recognize some but not all of the names. I’m pretty sure though that everyone of them is a Republican. Democrats don’t seem to have the guts to stand up for the rights of States even when the Constitution is being directly violated! Note also that not a single member (53 in all) of the California delegation is listed. The power of the people of the State of California is being directly voided by one inferior federal court judge and NOT ONE California Representative has chosen to challenge that decision!—my addition)


Time to impeach Judge Vaughn Walker

Contact your representative today and urge him to start impeachment proceedings
August 5, 2010

Yesterday (August 4), U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker single-handedly overturned California’s Prop. 8, which elevated protection for one-man, one-woman marriage to its state constitution.

In doing so, he frustrated the express will of seven million Californians who went to the polls to shape their state’s public policy on marriage.

Since marriage policy is not established anywhere in the federal Constitution, defining marriage, according to the 10th Amendment, is an issue reserved for the states. Judge Walker never should have accepted this case in the first place.

Under Judge Walker, it’s no longer ‘We the People,’ it’s ‘I the Judge.’ (And he does NOT have jurisdiction over this case according to the U.S. Constitution!—my addition)

In addition, Judge Walker is an open homosexual, and should have recused himself from this case due to his obvious conflict of interest.

What can be done?

Fortunately, the Founders provided checks and balances for every branch of government, including the judicial branch. Federal judges hold office only ‘during good Behaviour,’ and if they violate that standard can be removed from the bench. (And should be!—my addition)

Judge Walker’s ruling is not ‘good Behaviour.’ He has exceeded his constitutional authority and engaged in judicial tyranny.

Judges are not, in fact, unaccountable. They are accountable to Congress, which can remove them from office. (And Congress, if it does NOT Act, is accountable to we, the people!—my addition)

Impeachment proceedings, according to the Constitution, begin in the House of Representatives. It’s time for you to put your congressman on record regarding the possible impeachment of Judge Walker.

Take Action

Email your representative today and urge him to launch impeachment proceedings against Judge Vaughn Walker for his outrageous ruling against natural marriage.” This website provides a sample e-mail that can be sent and that you may add (which I did) and/or subtract from. You then will be given the opportunity to let the website send the e-mail for you after you provide the site with the appropriate information. The site identifies your Congressman by your zip code.