Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Democrats will try to steal the election?

“What does David Axelrod know?

Posted: October 25, 2010
1: 00 am Eastern

By Judson Phillips
© 2010

A few days ago on CNN, White House political adviser David Axelrod said people should stay up all night for the election results, certainly hinting there would be some surprise outcome.

Elections always generate surprises. David Axelrod, with his gloating little prediction, scares the living daylights out of me.

I have been writing for several weeks, on Tea Party Nation and other sites, that this election is not in the bag for the conservatives, as many people want us to believe. We are dealing with liberals, and liberals never voluntarily surrender power. They have made vote fraud almost an art form. I have been telling people we need to be very worried about this election being stolen by the liberals.

Remember 2000: Al Gore’s amateurish attempt to steal the Florida election? Do you remember the ‘hanging chads’ and the circus that went on until the United States Supreme Court finally put an end to it?

How about 2004? Dino Rossi was declared the winner of the Washington governor’s race by the initial vote count and an automated recount. Only on a ‘hand count’ did enough votes for Christine Gregorie suddenly appear to make her the governor.

How about the 2008 election for Minnesota Senate seat? Norm Coleman won that race by a tiny amount. Al Franken’s lawyers descended upon the election commission demanding that disqualified ballots for Franken be included and disqualified ballots for Coleman not be. Coleman went from a lead of several hundred to trailing Franken by several hundred. Mysterious absentee ballots appeared, which amazingly went for Franken in overwhelming numbers.

In 2008, Black Panthers stood at a polling place with nightsticks, threatening voters. The Obama regime ordered the Department of Justice to seek to have a default judgment against the Black Panthers set aside and the case dismissed. Now, in Texas, citizens have been doing a remarkable job of ferreting out voter fraud and insisting that the voting rolls be accurate. The Obama Department of Justice is now investigating this!

Democrats have always rejected any attempt to verify voter identity. Requirements that voters produce identification are always met with an immediate attack, while anything that will aid vote fraud, such as the Motor Voter Act, is passed as quickly as it can get it passed.

Which brings us back to David Axelrod. Why is he so happy? What does he know?

For the last several weeks, on Tea Party Nation, I have been telling people to get involved. Become poll watchers. Take your cell phones or video flip cameras with you to your polling place, and if you see voting irregularities, get them on video. If you see irregularities, complain immediately.

Meanwhile, as long as David Axelrod and the White House ‘Chicago machine’ seem to be optimistic about the election, I am afraid.

This election can be stolen from us. And I put nothing past the Obama regime.”