Saturday, July 23, 2011

Spenditol and a Petition! Or, Tea Party, the Debt Limit, the Federal Budget, and a solution—part 4

BONUS: I heard this on the Hannity radio program on 7/22/2011. Hannity played an interview with a news reporter and an individual who Hannity identified as a friend who was in radio. The individual stated that he did not believe a depression would have occurred if President Barack Hussein Obama had not been able to convince Congress to pass the “stimulus” law. (And he was and is correct!!! In fact, the economy would be BETTER off now without the “stimulus” law then!!!) The reporter then fired back asking “And do you have a degree in economics?” (My guess is that SHE DOES NOT!)

His response was “In fact, I do with high honors!” (According to Hannity, he had a double major at Duke University in political science and ECONOMICS before becoming an attorney.)

Ouch!!! Some reporter did not do her research before the interview!!!

This was not a planned post for today. I received this yesterday and decided to post it today. I thought I was finished with the debt ceiling but decided I was not. I plan one more post on the debt ceiling, Monday. Then, I hope to continue on with other material.

From: Concerned Women for America: Legislative Action Committee


“Women of America Say:

‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families!’

Citizen Petition Calling On Congress To ‘Cut, Cap And Balance’ To Stop The Cycle Of Endless Debt

The endless cycle of federal debt is a moral issue. The endless cycle of deficits is putting our families at risk and undermining the future for our children and grandchildren. It’s time for the women of America to stand up and demand that the federal government ‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families!’ and get serious about ending the cycle of debt and balance the budget!

Women are responsible for the vast majority of consumer spending. We are forced to balance our family budgets. The government can and must do the same. That’s why Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is initiating this petition calling on our nation’s leaders to ‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families’ and pursue a real plan to end the deficits and balance the federal budget—the Cut, Cap and Balance proposal

The next crucial budget vote is expected within days. Please sign and join women across this nation who are demanding that Congress ‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families!’

NOTE TO MEN: While this petition is primarily for women, CWALAC will also represent the voice of men on this key moral issue on the devastating impact of government spending on our families. Check the box below.”

Petition States:

I am joining with women across the nation who are drawing a line in the sand and telling leaders in Washington, D.C., to ‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families!’ These runaway deficits are a moral issue that threatens our families and the future for our children and grandchildren. Just as families across the nation face tough choices to balance their budgets, it’s time for Congress to make the tough choices to stop runaway spending and balance the federal budget. Specifically:

1) I support the ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ proposal to cut and cap spending while passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution

2) I reject tax increases which would further cripple our families, devastate the economy and consolidate more power in government. Make real cuts in government spending!

3) I support a government shutdown, if necessary, to stop the cycle of endless deficits.

(Men supporting this effort should check here)

As a man, I support this effort by women across this nation who are standing up and demanding that politicians ‘Stop Bankrupting Our Families!’”

NOTE: The Submit button goes to a page asking for money for sending a FAX to Congress. Naturally, I don’t pay in these situations. It’s your choice.

Repeating my compromise proposal:

1) The Balance Budget Amendment is dropped!

As I wrote on my July 16th post:

“The truth is, if we restore the Constitution, this proposed Constitutional Amendment will be meaningless and unnecessary. If we don’t restore the Constitution, it is already meaningless and unnecessary because the government will continue doing whatever it wants as it is NOW doing!!!”

2) BEFORE ANY raising of the debt ceiling, Congress passes and the President signs a 2011-2012 fiscal year budget!

As I wrote on my July 15th post:

“That’s not all though. The federal government has still not approved a budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The new fiscal year begins October 1st. That’s less than THREE months away!!! Three months away and no budget so we have NO IDEA how much the next budget will contribute to the growing deficit. The House of Representatives passed a budget that cut back on spending. The Democratic controlled Senate rejected it. The Democratic controlled Senate then also rejected the President’s budget which would have increased spending. Even though the President now claims that he is for cutting “some” spending. The Democratic Senate is NOT close to passing a budget for the coming year. Isn’t a budget for the coming year more important than raising the debt ceiling. It is IF the President and HIS party are serious about cutting spending. The problem is, the President has NO DESIRE to CUT SPENDING!!! NONE!!!!! HE IS A LIAR!!! AND HE THINKS WE ARE IDIOTS!!! AND SO DOES THE MASS MEDIA THAT PARROTS HIS LIES!!!”

3) Federal income tax on ALL business income—sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations of all types—will end in the 2011-2012 fiscal year budget. Only individual income will be taxed when distributed to individuals. (Next month, I will propose changes in the individual income tax but the first priority is to stop taxing business income.)

In return for not taxing business income, NO tax money will go to businesses to encourage changes in market activities. Let the free market determine economic activity; NOT some bureaucrat in government and certainly NOT Congress, the President, and the Courts. By the way, there is NO such concept as a business or a business sector that is too big to fail! Failure occurs all the time just as success occurs all the time. The risk is the businessman’s. The rewards are the businessman’s. Let the market place decide. Legal, legitimate supply and demand ultimately CAN NOT be controlled by government.

My guess is, and I doubt if anyone knows empirically because our laws have so distorted the free markets, that the federal government spends more money to try to induce businesses into certain business activities than it collects in business income taxes. By the way, the nonsense of requiring businesses to pay “prevailing wages” when carrying out a government contract would end with the 2011-2012 fiscal year budget. That practice perverts the bidding process and needlessly adds additional cost to the project which adds costs to local, State, and federal governments. Costs that NONE of these governments can afford! Again, let the market place decide!

4) Spending WILL be cut in the 2011-2012 fiscal year budget so that the increase in the national debt for the fiscal year WILL BE NO MORE THAN ½ trillion dollars. Repeating: Deficit spending WILL BE NO MORE THAN ½ TRILLION DOLLARS.

5) For the fiscal year 2012-2013 budget which begins on October 1, 2012, deficit spending WILL BE NO MORE THAN ½ TRILLION DOLLARS.

6) In return, the debt ceiling will be raised by NO MORE THAN ½ TRILLION DOLLARS till October 1, 2012. Before the beginning of the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget, IF the national debt has NOT increased by more than ½ TRILLION DOLLARS, the debt ceiling will be raised another ½ TRILLION DOLLARS for the fiscal 2012-2013 budget year. If NOT, the debt ceiling will NOT be raised.

7) Let the 2012 election determine the fiscal direction of the country.

Will we be a nation that CUTS spending to get our national debt under control or will we be a nation that continues to borrow money to increase spending at the federal government level to “invest” in the nation?

Are the members of the two political parties willing to let the voters decide the direction of the country based upon the 2012 election?

I Timothy 6: 10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people (and governments!—my addition), eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that grants authority to the federal government to spend money for education or to build sidewalks for a city or to do a lot of other things that the federal government is NOW doing! If the federal government would stop spending money in unauthorized areas, balancing the federal budget would be much easier and would not CORRUPT the behavior of so many within the United States. IT IS TIME TO STOP SPENDING!!! IT IS TIME TO DRASTICALLY CUT THE FEDERAL BUDGET!!!

It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION
It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION
It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION

It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION
It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION
It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION

It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!
It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!
It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!