Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Federal Government, Job Creation, and Growing the Economy.

Tonight, I am speaking to the Morton 9/12 group about the U.S. Constitution. The theme is “Restoring the Constitution Thru Knowing the Constitution.” The meeting starts at 6:30PM at the Morton Freedom Hall. If you live in or around the Morton area and have time to come to the meeting, please do. I’m almost certain you’ll learn more than listening to one more speech given by the President where he declares his goal is to create jobs and grow the economy.

First of all, the federal government has absolutely NO Constitutional authority to create jobs and/or grow the economy. In a free market economy that responsibility falls to private entrepreneurs based upon supply and demand principles. Secondly and basically, the federal government can not create new additional jobs for the economy because, for all practical purposes, the revenue that the federal government has is either from transfers from taxes, duties, and fees and/or from borrowed money.

The United States is already borrowing 40% of ALL money spent. The only additional money the government would have is MORE borrowed money. Borrowing money in the long run is ALWAYS a negative resulting in less long term growth—not more long term growth. It is getting some growth now at the expense of much less growth in the future. It’s a ridiculous concept to mortgage the future for some small amount of instant gratification now.

This is what the President SHOULD say this evening:

It is evident that our policies over the last two plus years are NOT working. It is also evident that the United States can NOT continue to borrow money to cover the cost of government.

Therefore, I am proposing the following:

1) Congress will immediately pass a law ending the federal income tax on all business income for all types of businesses—sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations—as of September 30th of this year. All businesses will file a final income tax return from the beginning of their fiscal year through September 30th. The return will be filed by December 31st of this year. From September 30th of this year into the future, no business will pay income tax on business income. In return, the federal government will no longer give money under any circumstance to any business for any purpose. Nor will the federal government loan money under any circumstance to any business for any purpose. All businesses will have to rely upon supply and demand principles and private money.

2) Since the federal government’s fiscal year begins on October 1st of this year and since a fiscal year budget has not yet been passed and the Senate has not yet proposed a budget, the Democrats in the Senate will graciously compromise and accept the passed House of Representatives budget as the budget for fiscal year 2011-2012.

3) Since the federal government can not continue on its disastrous spending spree and since no one or no government can spend their way out of debt, the Congress will immediately set about writing the fiscal year 2012-2013 budget. The Congress will present and pass a balanced budget for the fiscal year without increasing ANY taxes, duties, and fees or adding any NEW taxes, duties, and fees or adding any provisions that may be deemed a tax, duty, or fee. The law that was passed during the debt ceiling debate will be repealed since this 2012-2013 fiscal year balanced budget will cut spending immediately rather than over ten years.

4) Government spending in areas NOT authorized by the U.S. Constitution will end with the adoption of the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget.

5) Congress will begin immediately to rewrite and simply the federal income tax provisions for individuals. The income tax system will be use to collect the necessary revenue for the operation of the federal government. The federal income tax system WILL NOT be used to transfer money from one group of individuals to another. The federal income tax system WILL NOT be used to favor one economic activity over another. No income group will be taxed for more than 25% of his income from that year.

6) All government regulations that directly or indirectly impact businesses will be immediately frozen. No NEW regulations will be proposed or enacted for at least two years. All presently proposed regulations WILL NOT be enforced. Congress will immediately set about studying and reducing the regulations on business.

7) NO estate tax, inheritance tax, or any similar tax will exist as of December 31st 2011.

The above is what he should propose. If he does and the above proposals are enacted into law and followed, business in this country will immediately revive and begin spending for the future. The purpose of business is to make a profit. No business can survive without a profit. Let supply and demand and competition operate and the nation will once again have a growing economy.

Will the President do the above? NO!!! Instead, he will continue to demand that the federal government continue to spend money that it does NOT have. If he does, he should be defeated in 2012. If he does and he is not defeated, it is the responsibility and the fault of we the people!!!

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” (Last sentence of the Declaration of Independence)

It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION!!!
It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION!!!
It is time, it’s past time to RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION!!!

It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION!!!
It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION!!!
It is time, it’s past time to OBEY THE CONSTITUTION!!!

It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!
It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!
It’s time, it is past time to TAKE BACK THE NATION!!!