PRO-LIFE Voters Did Not Vote for Romney; Did Not Vote
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When I wrote yesterday’s article I said that there was a Life News article that contradicted it but I was standing by what I write. Today’s article is from Life News and supports what I wrote yesterday. And I still stand by what I wrote yesterday. I maintain pro-life supporters did not vote for Romney because of his other views—particularly on “homosexual rights”—and because Romney threw pro-life candidates under the bus and did NOT articulate the pro-life position in his campaign. I think a large number of pro-life voters also stayed home because their position(s) were NOT being articulated by the Republicans including Romney! Romney is the one who lost the election for Romney!!!
Exit polling data from Tuesday’s presidential election shows the pro-life movement may have itself to blame partly as pro-life voters failed to either show up to vote in the election or did not support pro-life candidate Mitt Romney if they did.
In May, Gallup reported that the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as supporting legalized abortion has dropped to a record low.
‘The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as ‘pro-choice’ is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009,’ the polling firm noted. On the other hand, 51 percent of Americans call themselves pro-life, one percentage point away from the record high.
With a 51-41 percentage-point pro-life split in the number of Americans who take a position on abortion, pro-life Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney should have had a greater percentage of the popular vote on Tuesday. President Barack Obama, who favors unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy, takes a position that very few Americans support.
Despite the breakdown, exit polling data shows just 36 percent of voters who showed up to the polls took a pro-life position supporting making all or most abortions illegal while 59 percent took a pro-abortion position favoring keeping all or most abortions legal.
The disconnect in the numbers mean one of a number of things happened: a) pro-life voters did not turn out in the same numbers as abortion advocates, b) pro-life voters went to the polls and either voted for a third-party candidate or did not vote in the presidential election, or c) pro-life voters supported the most pro-abortion president in history.
Much of the response to the presidential election has revolved around how the Obama campaign did a much better job turning out his supporters than the Romney team. If that’s the case, and pro-life voters stayed home, they did the pro-life cause a terrible disservice and have potentially left unborn children without legal support for another 40 years if President Obama can continue packing the Supreme Court with abortion activists.
If b) and c) are true, and pro-life voters either supported Obama or voted for another candidate and failed to support the nominee who had pledged to help overturn Roe, sign pro-life bills, de-fund abortion and Planned Parenthood, the pro-life movement needs to do a better job convincing these people how to truly vote pro-life.”
We also know that pro-life Black voters voted for Obama again even though he is the most MURDEROUS President in history. They voted race over Christian conviction. They will have to answer to GOD for that SIN!
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