Friday, March 15, 2013

Why I will NOT Buy Girl Scout Cookies!

I posted a questionnaire I sent to the two mayoral candidates for the Village of Morton and the answers given by one of the candidates—Stephen Newhouse. The questions and answers are posted at:

If the other candidate responses I will also post his answers. At the present, he has not.

Watch this video: I just want a job!

Is the way to increase jobs to legalize illegal immigrants? Is it true that there are some jobs that U.S. citizens won’t do? Is it because employers pay below minimum wage and/or below the supply and demand cost of labor in that area if there were no illegal aliens to fill the jobs?

Watch this video and wonder!

Tea Partiers are terrorists—petition says no!

Petition against drone use in the U.S. and more

Support right of conscience:

Petition to cut off funds to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!

A new segment: The fraud of the day. President Obama claims that the federal government can’t afford to cut any spending even though we are borrowing 40% of every dollar spent. And even though fraud is RAMPANT throughout the federal government! When the government is spending trillions of dollars the opportunity for fraud is everywhere! Therefore:

Fraud of the day website:

The fraud article of the day:

Representative Jan Schakowsky (Democrat from Illinois—my addition) admits that a handgun ban is next

Petition against illegal immigrants’ amnesty!

Board hearing for Abortionist/MURDERER LeRoy Carhart


“Girl Scouts Still Humming the Pro-Abortion Chorus

by Mary Hasson
Washington, DC

The Girl Scouts’ Law

insists that Girl Scouts be ‘responsible for what I say and do (Responsibility! Thats always good!—my addition).’ When it comes to abortion, however, the Girl Scouts USA ‘says’ the magic words that keep pro-life members in the fold (i.e. that Girl Scouts ‘does not take a position’

on sexuality, birth control, or abortion) [A noncommittal does not keep me happy!—my addition).

What they ‘do’ behind the scenes is another story.

GSUSA’s hefty brand power—and funding—continue to fuel the pro-abortion advocacy of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (‘WAGGGS’). And the Girl Scouts have refused once again to take responsibility for that.

I recently exchanged emails with two Girl Scouts USA spokespersons, Joshua Ackley and Michelle Tompkins, asking them to clarify the Girl Scouts’ ‘no position’ stance in light of WAGGGS’ leadership on the pro-abortion Bali Global Youth Forum Declaration

[From the PDF: “As part of this basic package governments must provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services that include safe and legal abortion, maternity care, contraception, HIV and STI prevention, care, treatment and counseling to all young people.” Page 4

“Governments and UN agencies should support the sexual and reproductive rights of young people including ensuring access to legal and safe abortion that is affordable, accessible and free from coercion, discrimination and stigma, providing support and protection mechanisms that promote the right to choose.

Governments should implement financially sustainable policies and legal frameworks that protect, promote and fulfill the reproductive and sexual rights of all young people, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identities.” Page 4-5

“Governments should decriminalize abortion, and create and implement policies and programs that ensure young women have access to safe and legal abortion, pre- and post-abortion services, without mandatory waiting periods, requirements for parental and spousal notification and/or consent or age of consent.” Page 11

“Services should be confidential, accessible, and include a full range of safe, effective, affordable methods of modern contraception and family planning services and commodities, including pre-and post-natal care, amongst others. Comprehensive sexuality education should be developed in partnership with young people and include information on sexual orientation and gender identities that is free of religious intolerance (i.e. Free of the TRUTH!—my addition)” Page 11

“Governments should ensure legal recognition of undocumented workers including migrants, decriminalize sex work, and eliminate mandatory medical checks that are used as a basis for discrimination, especially mandatory HIV, and pregnancy testing in the general protection, respect and fulfillment of the rights of all young people to decent employment.” Page 15

(My use of red and my copying of segments of the document—my addition)]

(December, 2012). Their responses highlight GSUSA’s corporate unwillingness to take any actions to distance themselves from WAGGGS’ global advocacy for youth ‘sexual rights’ and abortion—even though WAGGGS claims to speak for all its members, including GSUSA.

First, realize how radical the Bali Youth Declaration really is: it asserts ‘sexual rights’ for youth (including 10 year-olds) on nearly every page and demands, over a dozen times, youth access to ‘abortion’ or ‘reproductive rights’ and services. It marginalizes families—decrying parental consent and ‘age of consent’ restrictions in sexual and reproductive matters—and casts religious objections to LBGT lifestyles as ‘religious intolerance.’ Not surprisingly, the pro-abortionchorus embraces

the Declaration (I would expect as much since they helped write it!—my addition).

There’s more to know about the Bali Declaration, but what’s most relevant here are the architects behind its design.

The Declaration reflects the handiwork of the Global Youth Forum’s International Steering Committee, a group stacked with abortion providers and abortion-advocacy groups, such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Youth Coalition.

Who else’s fingerprints are all over the Declaration? WAGGGS.

WAGGGS was heavily invested in formulating the Declaration. Its leaders, including

WAGGGS’ Senior Advocacy Coordinator, not only served on the Forum’s Steering Committee, but also worked for six months on the Taskforces that shaped the conference agenda, the resulting Declaration, and follow-up activities. At the Bali summit, WAGGGS representatives facilitated breakout sessions and presented youth ‘recommendations’ to the plenary sessions. Now WAGGGS promotes the Declaration and advocates for its implementation.

So that leaves the Girl Scouts with a problem.

In light of their officially neutral position on abortion, it should have been a no-brainer for the Girl Scouts to repudiate the radical, pro-abortion Bali Declaration. Or at least to clarify that WAGGGS’ does not speak for GSUSA when it advocates on sexual and reproductive matters, including the Bali Declaration.

GSUSA refused to do either.

GSUSA informed me that, ‘GSUSA does not have an official position on the Bali Global Youth Forum Declaration,’ and demurred further comment because ‘the lengthy declaration deals with very complex issues … [and] deserves a thorough review.’

There’s nothing ‘complex’ about the Declaration’s aggressive push for abortion and youth sexual rights.

GSUSA reiterated that it ‘does not take a position on abortion’ and asserted generally that, ‘all [WAGGGS] members reserve the right to have their own positions on certain topics.’ But when I requested documentation that WAGGGS members ‘reserve the right’ to differ on advocacy positions, GSUSA produced an off-point WAGGGS memorandum discussing programming decisions, not advocacy.

The WAGGGS memo states, ‘Member organizations engage with WAGGGS’ programs in a number of ways, from helping develop and piloting them, to integrating them into their national programs, to not using them at all. As a membership organization, it is entirely at the members’ discretion what programs they use and how they are implemented.’ This ‘discretion’ clearly applies to program implementation not WAGGGS advocacy. WAGGGS’ advocacy positions are adopted and implemented on behalf of the entire organization. (See below.)

(Incidentally, the WAGGGS document supplied by GSUSA also falsely claims that, ‘There are many issues WAGGGS does not have a position on, including abortion; nor does WAGGGS have a partnership with Planned Parenthood International.’ For GSUSA to put forth this document while discussing WAGGGS’ and IPPF collaboration in Bali and WAGGGS’ open support for abortion and youth sexual rights is laughable.)

A Damning Silence on Abortion

My email to GSUSA underscored WAGGGS’ strong support for the Bali Declaration—including its abortion advocacy—and asked, ‘If the Girl Scouts USA does not support the Youth Declaration, or portions of it (please specify), will the GSUSA publicly repudiate WAGGGS’ claim that it speaks for 10 million members, including Girl Scouts USA, in its advocacy for the Youth Declaration?’

GSUSA spokesperson Joshua Ackley replied, ‘Regarding how we use our voice, GSUSA will use its voice in a fashion that we believe constructively contributes to the conversation. We have in the past and we will continue to share our positions with our sister organizations in WAGGGS.’

In other words, ‘No.’ The Girl Scouts will not publicly disavow WAGGGS’ pro-abortion actions. Instead, it hums along with the pro-abortion chorus.

It’s not hard to see why.

The Girl Scouts USA and WAGGGS have a long history of interlocking financialties, brand alignment, and collaborative activities. (And GSUSA’s leadership team syncs well, ideologically, with WAGGGS’ advocacy positions.) GSUSA wields outsize influence in WAGGGS because of its status as founding member, its membership (GSUSA’s 2.3 million girls members constitute nearly one-fourth of WAGGGS’ ‘10 million’ members), and GSUSA’s contributions of money, resources, and talent.

The Deputy Chairman of WAGGGS, for example, is USA representative Sapreet Saluja, who rose to leadership through U.S. Girl Scout Councils. The Girl Scouts’ New York headquarters plays host when WAGGGS delegates advocate at the U.N. for abortion and sexual rights. And GSUSA money flows generously to WAGGGS: GSUSA pays over a million dollars annually to WAGGGS for its ‘membership quota’ and leans on young girls, from Daisies to Ambassadors, to donate to WAGGGS through ‘World Thinking Day’ fundraisers and Juliette Low Fund contributions, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars for WAGGGS’ coffers. Girl Scouts USA also supports WAGGGS through a private foundation GSUSA created expressly for WAGGGS, funding world centers that offer WAGGGS seminars and teach girls to ‘take action’ for adolescent sexual and reproductive rights.

Actions Speak Louder

No Girl Scout in America could miss the closeness of the relationship between GSUSA and WAGGGS. That close relationship, coupled with WAGGGS’ ardent advocacy for sexual and reproductive rights and the Girl Scouts’ refusal to disown WAGGGS’ handiwork (the Bali Declaration) raises some questions: does GSUSA do anything to prevent its brand power, funds, and resources from supporting WAGGGS’ global advocacy for sexual rights and abortion? Corporate responsibility demands as much. After all, GSUSA stakes its relationship with families and churches on the credibility of its promise to ‘take no position’ on sexuality and abortion.

The bottom line: Beyond its thin disclaimer (GSUSA ‘does not take a position’), GSUSA appears to do nothing to ensure that the funding, brand reputation, and practical support it provides to WAGGGS are not used to support WAGGGS’ pro-abortion and sexual rights advocacy.

GSUSA: The Silent Gorilla

WAGGGS routinely claims that its advocacy represents the voice of all its members—not a subset. For example, in July 2012, World Board Chair Nadine El Achy highlighted the advocacy of ‘WAGGGS delegates at [the U.N Conference] Rio+20’ who “represented each one of our WAGGGS members: YOU - in this process.” (The WAGGGS delegates at Rio lobbied for ‘sexual and reproductive health rights.’)

According to its World Conference reports and World Board statements, WAGGGS embraced ‘a new image and new positioning’ in 2008, embarking on a global advocacy ‘agenda.’ WAGGGS’ advocacy positions are framed by its World Board, confirmed during worldwide Conferences (with GSUSA present and participating), and referenced in annual statements. They are promoted on behalf of the entire membership, not Balkanized subsets.

The Girl Scouts know this.

In its communications with me, GSUSA could not offer any instance when WAGGGS qualified its sexual and reproductive rights advocacy by stating that it only represents 7.7 million members (10 million general membership minus 2.3 million GSUSA girls) on issues related to sexuality and reproduction.

It has never happened. And it won’t, because GSUSA is the silent gorilla in the room when WAGGGS speaks at the UN or at global events. It’s a gorilla with financial heft (GSUSA’s budget is twenty times the size of WAGGGS’ budget) and chummy connections to the Obama administration, whose global agenda supports abortion and family planning worldwide.

If GSUSA really objected to being included under the WAGGGS’ advocacy umbrella, which promotes sexual and reproductive rights on behalf all ‘10 million’ members, GSUSA lawyers would lock down WAGGGS’ representations in a heartbeat, to protect the Girl Scouts’ costly re-branding efforts.

So I asked spokeswoman Michelle Tompkins if GSUSA had ever asked WAGGGS to ‘cease and desist’—to stop representing itself as the voice of its entire membership, including GSUSA, when WAGGGS advocates for sexual and reproductive rights. I also inquired whether GSUSA sought assurances from WAGGGS that ‘no funds which GSUSA provides to WAGGGS (whether as its membership quotas, World Thinking Day contributions, proceeds from merchandise sales, training and travel fees) shall be used to support WAGGGS advocacy on sexual and reproductive rights.’ Finally, I asked whether GSUSA had taken its own steps ‘to ensure that GSUSA funds do not end up supporting WAGGGS’ advocacy’ for abortion.

GSUSA bobbed and weaved. Spokeswoman Michelle Tompkins first replied, ‘This is going to take quite a while to review because it gets into the bylaws of WAGGGS and many other areas.’ (Note: I checked. WAGGGS by-laws don’t apply.) I clarified that my question was factual: whether GSUSA has in fact made any requests or instituted any structural measures to ensure that GSUSA does not fund WAGGGS’ abortion advocacy.

GSUSA’s response: those questions are ‘under review.’ And GSUSA is in no hurry, because, ‘we have quite few things on our plate right now and resources are limited.’

The reality is this: GSUSA has not once objected to WAGGGS’ global advocacy on sexual and reproductive issues, nor to WAGGGS’ claims to represent its entire membership, including GSUSA, on those issues. They refuse to disown even WAGGGS’ most radical pro-abortion efforts (e.g., the Bali Youth Declaration). And they continue to fund and support WAGGGS’ global megaphone, as it amplifies ‘progressive’ messages promoting adolescent abortion and youth sexual rights.

They will do nothing to impede or even distance themselves from WAGGGS’ pro-abortion, pro-contraception, ‘sexual rights’ advocacy.

Those GSUSA assurances that it ‘does not take a position’ on abortion and birth control? Lip service.

I’m really not surprised that GSUSA won’t make a serious effort to ensure that its assets, reputation, and financial contributions are not used to support WAGGGS’ global advocacy on sex and reproduction.

But I am astounded that pro-life families—and sponsoring churches—are willing to go along with that.

LifeNews Note: Mary Rice Hasson is a Visiting Fellow in Catholic Studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. A lawyer, writer, and thinker with substantive expertise in the areas of women, family, media, and education, Mary and her husband, Seamus Hasson, are the parents of seven children. She blogs at This column originally appeared in Catholic Lane.

You will know them by their words, their actions, and with whom they associate! The Girls Scouts of America are NOT the original Girl Scouts of America. They have been taken over by the Pro-MURDERERS just as the homosexual perverts are trying to infiltrate and take over the Boy Scouts of America!