Texas, Late Term Abortions (AKA MURDER), State Senator Davis, Governor Rick Perry, and the American People
I have posted on http://christiangunslinger1.blogspot.com information on the recall of Senators McCain and Flake of Arizona. Get involved! Get them out of office and replaced by social and fiscal conservatives!
I have posted on http://christiangunslinger7.blogspot.com information in relation to the Republican primary for the Special Senate Election for New Jersey.
Petition to support Texas in its effort to limit the MURDER of unborn babies and unsafe conditions for women
Petition to stop the immigration bill (AKA: Amnesty) from Texas Senator Ted Cruz!
Petition to Stop the “Gang of 8” Amnesty Betrayal
Abandon the Government Plantation! Watch the video on the website below!
Petition to investigate the IRS Abuse of Power:
From: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/06/27/new-web-site-is-this-your-voice-backs-texas-late-term-abortion-ban/
“New Web Site ‘Is This Your Voice’ Backs Texas’ Late-Term Abortion Ban
by Cassy Fiano | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/27/13
Imagine that someone who was completely uninformed on abortion turned on the news and saw coverage of the Texas pro-life omnibus bill, Senate Bill 5 (SB5). He’d likely come away with the idea that extremists were trying to force an anti-woman bill onto Texans, who overwhelmingly opposed it—and that Texas Senator Wendy Davis, who led a 10-hour filibuster against the bill—was a hero standing up for women everywhere. This is the picture painted in the abortion-friendly media. But is it an accurate portrayal?
Davis’s filibuster ended minutes before the voting session expired, when it was ruled that she had gone off-topic. Rather than letting the state senators vote on the bill, hundreds of abortion activists who were present, led by Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, began shouting down the legislators and successfully obstructed the voting process until those final few minutes ticked by. Pro-aborts are cheering this as a victory over anti-choice extremists.
Online for Life has put out a call to action for the pro-life community, called Is This Your Voice? Pro-lifers are being asked to stand up and speak out against the abortion lobby and its cronies. The truth is, it’s the pro-abortion mob that smacks of extremism—not the pro-lifers supporting SB5.
Were the voices of Texans represented in the shouting and screaming of the abortion lobby’s bullies? No, Texans support banning abortion after 20 weeks. And it has been long established that the majority of Americans overall are against late-term abortions as well. The extremists are the ones fighting to keep abortion available, on demand, up until the moment a woman gives birth.
What about patient safety? SB5 would require abortion clinics to follow the same health and safety regulations that other ambulatory surgical centers are held to. These include requiring admitting privileges at a local hospital and that doctors personally administer medicated abortions. It also would require, for some clinics, building renovations and equipment upgrades. Basically, abortion clinics would be held to the same standards as other surgical centers, which would make abortion safer for women (something pro-aborts claim to care about). The mob doesn’t dispute this, but rather is more concerned that clinics may close. Would they prefer that women continue getting abortions at a clinic that is substandard and can’t meet these basic regulations (Yes, they are in the MURDER business and MURDER can not stop for any reason!—my addition)?
Is this your voice (NEVER!—my addition)?
It is obvious that the extremists are the ones fighting this bill, which contains commonsense regulations for abortion clinics, and a ban on late-term abortions that both Texans and Americans overwhelmingly favor. The extremists are the ones who led a mob-like attack on the democratic process, rather than let legislators do the job they were elected to do. It is time for pro-lifers to speak up and fight back. Sign the petition,
and show your support on Facebook and Twitter using #thetrueSB5voice. The pro-abortion bullies may have hijacked the legislative process, but the fight isn’t over—and we can’t let their shouting silence our voices.
LifeNews Note: Cassy Fiano is a twenty-something Florida native now living in Jacksonville, North Carolina who writes at a number of conservative web sites. She got her start in journalism at the Florida Times-Union. She is the mother of two sons, one of whom was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. This originally appeared at Live Action News.”
From: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/06/27/governor-rick-perry-we-will-beat-the-pro-abortion-mob-ban-abortions/
“Governor Rick Perry: We Will Beat the Pro-Abortion Mob, Ban Abortions
by Steven Ertelt | Dallas, TX | LifeNews.com | 6/27/13
Governor Rick Perry gave a rousing speech to the National Right to Life convention today and urged pro-life activists to continue pressing members of the Texas legislature to ban abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Perry responded to the mob that shouted down members of the state Senate, who came a few minutes short of passing a bill that would ban late-term abortions and hold abortion clinics accountable for violating the health and safety of women.
‘Even if they lose at the ballot box and come up short with stalling tactics, they will resort to mob tactics to force their agenda,’ he said. He added: ‘the louder they scream, the more we know that we are getting something done.’
He said what the state witnessed Tuesday was nothing more than the hijacking of the democratic process and told pro-lifers to match their intensity but in a respectful and dignified manner.
The pro-life issue is too important and discussed his call for another special session to pass the 20-week abortion ban, saying, ‘I am bringing lawmakers back to Austin to finish their business,’ he said. ‘I put pro-life measures at the top of that list.’
Nearly 80,000 unborn children are lost to abortion each year in Texas. ‘It breaks my heart,’ he said. ‘Abortion is a human rights issue and is a scar on our national conscience.’
‘We will ban abortions after 20 weeks. It makes sense because so many children are born prematurely,’ the governor added.
Perry also talked about the abortion facility regulations in the bill.
‘Any patient should have the expectation that any facilities being used for a medical procedure’ should be up to standards, he said. ‘It is entirely their call’ if abortion facilities would rather close than operate under health and safety laws. We are under no obligation to make things easier for the abortionists. The ideal world is a world without abortion.’
‘There are better options than to stop the beating heart of an unborn child,’ he said.
Perry noted how pro-abortion legislator Wendy Davis rose from being a daughter of a single mother to go to Harvard and become an elected official. ‘Just unfortunate she hasn’t learned from her own example,’ he said.
The governor said stopping abortion is a ‘just cause and a way to remember the 55 million who have been robbed of life.’
From: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/06/27/new-poll-shows-americans-support-banning-abortions-after-20-weeks/
“New Poll Shows Americans Support Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/27/13
The House of Representatives recently approved a bill that bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Although President Obama and Senate Democrats are opposed to the measure, a new national poll reveals Americans support it.
From the National Journal:
‘Americans favor such a bill by 48 percent to 44 percent.
Support was greatest among Republicans, 59 percent in support, but 53 percent of Americans not affiliated with either major party sided with the GOP. A majority of Democrats, 59 percent, were opposed while only 33 percent were in favor.’
‘But the poll, notably, showed that women supported such a measure in greater numbers than men (50 percent of women in favor; 46 percent of men).’
‘Overall, the survey suggests that the 20-week abortion measure fractures some of the modern Democratic coalition. Among all age groups, it was young Americans—who have regularly sided with Democratic priorities in the age of Obama—who most strongly supported the measure (52 percent). The measure also received the support of 51 percent of white women, both those who are college educated and those who are not.’
‘The abortion measure received plurality support across all income levels and even fared well in the suburbs—a key battleground for social issues and elections—receiving 49 percent support, with 41 percent opposed.’
‘The measure split along racial lines, with white Americans in favor (50 percent to 43 percent) and nonwhites opposed (49 percent against to 43 in favor).’
‘In the poll, arguments for and against the measure were presented to Americans.’
‘Survey respondents were told that the legislation included exceptions in cases of rape and incest that were reported to authorities. They were also told supporters say the bill was necessary because a fetus can feel pain at that point in pregnancy and that opponents say the measure undermines abortion rights granted by the Supreme Court in 1973.’
‘The survey of 1,005 adults was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International from June 20 to 23, via both landlines and cell phones. It has a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points.’
The bill, if it receives a vote in the Democrat-controlled Senate, is not expected to pass and pro-abortion President Barack Obama has issued a veto threat. But pro-life groups hope to use the measure as an election tool in 2014 in an attempt to wrest the Senate from abortion advocates.
A recent national poll by The Polling Company found that, after being informed that there is scientific evidence that unborn children are capable of feeling pain at least by 20 weeks, 64% would support a law banning abortion after 20 weeks, unless the mother’s life was in danger. Only 30% said they would oppose such a law.”
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