Saturday, October 08, 2005

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin made the newspaper today in two different articles. The first was his and other libertine Democrats reactions to the President's speech on Iraq and terrorism. "Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Bush 'has offered America a false choice, between resolve and retreat.'" (Peoria Journal Star, Page A8, 10/7/05) What is lacking at least in the article is the Senator's solution to the situation. If he is unhappy with how the President is handling the situation, he should offer a solution. The only one I have heard is pull the troops out of Iraq. If that is not retreat, I wish the libertine Democrats would explain what it is. But then, these are the same libertines who espouse the murder of unborn babies as a choice and as some kind of Constitutional right. Senator Durbin has no credibility as far as I am concerned.

He also continues the already worn out complaint that the President did not give a plan for withdrawing troops. I don't know how else to explain it to these libertines. It makes no sense to tell the enemy your plans. Does the Senator think they don't watch CNN or have access to other media? As far as I am concerned, every time one of the libertines suggests an announced plan of withdrawal they are demonstrating complete ignorance. They just don't get it! It's like a football team inviting the members of the opposition into the huddle. I hate to admit he is a Senator from my State.

The other article deals with the nomination of Harriet Miers. Again as with Justice Roberts' nomination, he continues the same dribble that he must know the nominee's position on the issues of the day. Senator! You are not approving an appointment to the Senate! You are approving an appointment to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not suppose to make law and decide issues. They are suppose to uphold the Constitution and Congressional law. That is the whole problem with the libertines. They can not get their policies passed into law and so they have turned to the Courts to achieve judicially what they can not achieve legislatively. They are helping and encouraging the courts to destroy our democracy in favor of a Courtocracy. They must be stopped!


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