Sunday, October 09, 2005

The theory of intelligent design should not be taught in our public schools. As a former school board member, I will repeat the statement: The theory of intelligent design should not be taught in our public schools. The truth should be taught in our schools. The truth is that GOD created the universe and all that is within the universe. This is what should be taught in public schools because it is the truth. The theory of intelligent design does not give credit to GOD and is therefore incomplete.

This is a true statement, either GOD created the universe as claimed in the Bible or HE did not. This is a true statement, evolution as now taught in the classrooms of our schools is either true or it is not. This is a true statement, the information taught in relation to evolution and the belief that GOD created the universe including all life can not both be true.

The Bible is replete with statements declaring that GOD created the universe and all that is within. In my post on Tuesday, August 9, 2005; I gave five Biblical quotes that all stated that GOD created the universe. I will not repeat those here. However, here is a related quote from Romans 1: 18-20, "The wrath of GOD is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about GOD is plain to them, because GOD has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world GOD'S invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." In short, all one has to do is look at the creation of all things and it is obvious that they must all be made by GOD. It is obvious!!! To deny that GOD created all things is both godlessness and wickedness. When our schools teach the lie of evolution, the teaching of that lie is both godlessness and wickedness.

In my August 9th post, I explained some of the reasons why the "big bang" theory is invalid. Those same reasons are valid in relation to evolution because if the universe could not have been created by the process of the "big bang" theory then there is no universe for evolution to occur in. One must first understand the creation of the universe before one can understand how life was created. One of the major problems with the "big bang" theory or any theory that excludes GOD as creator is the question of where did all of the mass of the universe come from? Scientists know very well that something can not be created from nothing! Yet, the proponents of the "big bang" theory claim that is exactly what happened. They are unable to explain how. But, they take it for granted that it did. That is unscientific!

The same type of problems is evident with the theory of evolution as taught in the schools. Books have and can be written discussing all of the errors involved in the evolution theory. I will only mention one obvious problem. Scientifically, it is accepted that an element or conglomerate of elements can not go from not being alive to life. It has never been observed scientifically nor can it be. We do know because it has been observed as stated in the Bible that it is possible to go from life, to death, and then back to life. It has never been observed or proven that it is possible to take elements that do not have life within them, mix them together, provide some type of catalyst, and thus produce life. That has never been done or been shown to have ever occurred. Yet, the advocates of evolution would have everyone believe that once and only once that did occur without a CREATOR. Ridiculous until proven otherwise!

Here is the kicker. If the belief that GOD created the universe and all that is within including human life is a lie, then our Declaration of Independence is a lie. The Declaration of Independence specifically declares that the CREATOR gave us our rights--"that they (all men) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...." No CREATOR; no rights! Thus, if teaching that GOD created the universe is unconstitutional; then teaching the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional; then the Supreme Court is absurd, is godlessness, is wickedness.


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