Monday, October 23, 2006

Our Cheating Nation

Here is a shocking story! It was in Parade magazine on 10/15/06, page 16. The headline is “Cheating Nation.” The entire story states: “From Enron to Tyco, we’ve heard a lot about dishonesty in the workplace. Don’t expect that to change soon, says Michael Josephson, president of the Josephson Institute of Ethics—a nonprofit organization that conducts training in business ethics and character education. According to the institute’s survey of 36,122 U.S. high school students, released today:

• 61% have cheated on an exam in the past year.

• 28% have stolen from a store.

• 23% have stolen from a parent or relative.

• 39% have lied to save money.

‘What makes us think these kids won’t cheat and steal at work?’ asks Josephson, noting that fewer than 2% of cheaters are caught and only half of those are punished. He insists that adults need to take responsibility. ‘It puts huge pressure on the workplace to retrain these kids.’”

And why shouldn’t these children do these things and worse? It is exactly what we teach them.

We teach them that there is nothing more important than self; and we call it esteem.

We teach them that situation ethics is the rule of the day.

We teach them that all things are relative.

We teach them that there are no absolute values.

We teach them that there are no absolute morals.

We teach them that there are no absolute truths.

We teach them that there are many truths and each of us can pick and choose the truths that are relevant and/or convenient for us.

We teach them that man is no different than any other animal.

We teach them that man evolved from the slim of the earth—from slim to slim!

We teach them that the lie of evolution must be taught while the truth of GOD CREATED can not be taught.

We teach them that an unborn baby is no different than a blob of paint. If the unborn baby is an inconvenience, just remove the unborn child or take a pill removing the unborn child.

We teach them that it is not murder if the Courts allow it and the unborn baby is not yet delivered.

We teach them that the perversion of homosexuality is a civil right.

We glorify sexual activity before marriage, outside of marriage, and without marriage.

We teach them that a video tape of a 20 year old having intercourse will make you a star.

We teach them that a President who has sexual activities with a 20+ intern and lies about it before the nation is a hero and his wife is in line to run for the Presidency herself.

We teach them that there is no responsibility for one’s actions.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of our genes.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of our addictions.

We teach them that we have a civil right to have addictions.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of mental illness.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of our environment.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of others.

We teach them that our actions are because we don’t know any better.

We teach them that our actions are the fault of anyone and every thing except ourselves.

We teach them that there is no GOD.

We teach them that if there may be a GOD, then there are many gods and you can pick and choose the god you are most comfortable with.

We teach them that if there is a GOD, then we will all go to Heaven regardless on any action on our part.

We teach them that if there is a GOD, HE must be removed from the public arena because our Constitution requires a separation from GOD and the state.

We teach them that the one with the most “toys” at the end of his life wins because there is nothing after death.

We teach them to do exactly what they are doing.

What we don’t teach them is the truth!

And the truth is: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)


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