Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Congressional survey

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

Recently the National Republican Congressional Committee asked me to complete a survey. I expanded my answers somewhat beyond the choices given in the survey. The survey was actually a better worded survey than many I have received and seen lately. Here is the survey and my answers.

“The Republican Party is conducting this nationwide grass-roots project as a critical part of our efforts to rebuild and strengthen our Party by getting more Americans involved. The goal is to help the Leadership of the Republican Party gain an on-going and in-depth understanding of the issues, which are of greatest concern to Americans like you. The results of this survey will help shape the future of our Party and our Nation. (My answers to the questions included.)


1. Do you agree with Democrat Congressional leaders that the United States must set a deadline to remove American troops from Iraq?

Answer: No—that is absolutely STUPID!!!

2. How concerned are you that we potentially face more terrorism within the United States and that it will directly impact your family?

Answer: Somewhat concerned—much more so if the Democrats gain control of the White House and continue controlling Congress.

3. Some Congressional Democrats are threatening to cut off funding for the war in Iraq as a means to limit America’s continued involvement in that country. Do you agree with this strategy?

Answer: No (Anytime America confronts terrorists on whatever front we must win that confrontation—that is the best way to discourage acts of terrorism and limit its growth!!!)

4. Do you think Democrats who accepted campaign donations from should return it and denounce the Petraeus ad?

Answer: Yes


5. How confident are you that America's economy will continue to grow in the next six months?

Answer: Strongly confident

6. Which of the following factors do you feel is most adversely affecting our economy?

Answer: Other—impediments to basic supply and demand functions by government or other forces

7. Do you support permanently eliminating the Death Tax?

Answer: No opinion

8. Should Congress provide more incentives for small businesses and job creation?

Answer: No (let supply & demand function properly)


9. Are you in favor of establishing a guest worker program that will allow people to enter the United States temporarily to fill jobs that Americans do not take?

Answer: No (Americans do not take the jobs because supply and demand is not allowed to work. People will work jobs if the wages are increased sufficiently to draw them in that direction. Skilled jobs may take longer because of basic training needs. However, it is the ignoring of supply & demand principles that should not occur that generally “causes” jobs that Americans do not take.)

10. Do you support increased funding for border control operations?

Answer: Yes—but use the funds wisely = priorities

11. What do you believe is the best way to protect America’s borders from a continued invasion of illegal immigrants?

Answer: A combination of both of the above (This is the best answer of those provided. The question did not provide the best answer. The best answer is to enforce the present laws particularly the laws that DO NOT allow illegal immigrants to work in this nation. If there are no jobs available to illegals, the flow of illegal immigrants WILL be greatly reduced. Believe me, this is true. I lived in Tucson, Arizona for years before moving to Illinois in 2004. We just need the will as a nation to enforce these laws.)

We also need to amend the Constitution so that the babies of non-American citizens do not automatically because American citizens. People in Mexico deliberately drive across the border to have their babies born in the U.S. so that they will be American citizens. (They also must be served by local hospitals but that is another problem.) Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants SHOULD NOT automatically become American citizens. That provision of the 14th Amendment has served its purpose and should be changed immediately!!!”


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