Tuesday, April 21, 2009

House bill 2354 updated (part 2)


My book—The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam—is available at the above websites. See post on February 13, 2009 entitled Gunslinger Publications L.C. Website.

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity: www.farmersinsurancegroupsucks.com

Boycott all PepsiCo products—www.boycottpepsico.com: see my post of January 9, 2009 entitled “Homosexual support leads to boycott of PepsiCo.” That post contains a list of the PepsiCo divisions and the various products sold by each division. Use the list. Boycott all PepsiCo products—www.boycottpepsico.com


The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts at this time. I do not plan to get to them until sometime later this year. I do plan to discuss Iraq but not until later this year. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)








Tonight, the responses I received from Representatives that I e-mailed declaring my opposition to House bill 2354.

1) Representative Bill Mitchell of the 87th District wrote a letter to the editor explaining his position on House bill 2354. He sent me a copy of that letter to the editor. Except for minor changes to fit my format, it is posted as written.

“To the Editor:

At a time when Macon County has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state at over 10%, the Chicago Democratic leadership in Springfield is pursuing one of the most radical and extreme abortion on demand bills in Illinois’ history. Rather than focusing on putting Illinoisans back to work, HB 2354 was introduced that would:

• Repeal the Illinois Parental Notification Law;
• Expand public funding for abortions using taxpayer dollars
• Invalidate the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience, and;
• Mandate comprehensive sex education for all public school children

In the past several weeks, people from all over the seven counties in Illinois that I represent have called expressing their outrage at this extreme legislation. Please be assured that I will vote NO on HB 2354 when it is called for a vote.

At present Illinois ranks:
• 48th in economic performance
• 44th in economic outlook
• 47th in job growth
• 14th highest overall tax burden in the country
• 3rd highest in population loss

Shouldn’t the General Assembly focus on the pressing problems instead of waging a cultural war?

Bill Mitchell
State Representative
87th District”

2) Representative Tom Cross—House Minority Leader and Representative from the 84th District—sent and email with the following paragraph:

“Your views are very important to me and I appreciate you taking the time to write. I always welcome and consider the opinions I receive when making decisions in Springfield.”

He did not specifically address the specific bill that was referenced in my e-mail—House bill 2354—nor did he say how he would vote.

3) I also received an e-mail from Dan Pelphrey, a Legislative Aide for Representative David Leitch a Republican from the 73rd District, thanking me for expressing my opinion on House bill 2354 and saying he will pass that opinion on to Representative Leitch. Again, no mention was made of whether the Representative supported or opposed the bill.

4) Representative Jil Tracy—R from the 93rd District—sent a short and distinct e-mail. She said she would oppose House bill 2354 and that she believed the bill had stalled.

and finally:
5) Representative Keith Sommer, who represents my District—the 106th—sent an e-mail stating that he would vote in opposition to House bill 2354 and calling the bill a “bad and dangerous bill.” Then on April 14th, I received another e-mail stating that House bill 2354 has been removed from the House calendar.

I’m not certain that the removal from the House calendar is the end of the bill for this session. I will keep watch to see if there is an attempt to “resurrect” the bill. If it is, I will have more to write about.

I checked my e-mails twice and I believe that the above is the sum total of the Representatives who responded to my emails. I will close tonight’s post with the list of the Representatives I sent e-mails to and a paragraph from Illinois Family Institution that summarizes the bill and gives the link to send an e-mail just in case it is needed for later in the session. “Thank YOU!” to all the Representatives who expressed their opposition to the bill, to all the Representatives who opposed the bill, and to those who responded to my e-mails.

01) Representative Keith Sommer—R from the 106th District. Keith is the Representative for my District (Morton, Illinois in Tazewell County) and, in the interest of full disclosure, I’ve known him since childhood when we use to play baseball together in Little League and in pick-up games.

02) Speaker Michael Madigan—D from the 22nd District. Representative Madigan is the leader of the Democratic Party in the House. The 22nd District is a Chicago area District. I don’t know if it is within the city limits or not.

03) House Republican Leader Tom Cross—R from the 84th District. Representative Cross is the minority leader for the Republican Party in the House.

04) Representative Dan Brady—R from the 88th District. Representative Brady is the Representative for another portion of Tazewell County in the House as well as other counties.

05) Representative Jehan Gordon—D from the 92nd District. Representative Gordon is the newly elected Representative of this District that includes Peoria and campaigned in support of the MURDER of unborn children.

06) Representative David Leitch—R from the 73rd District. The District is north of Peoria and includes part of Peoria County.

07) Representative Bill Mitchell—R from the 87th District. The District is south of the 88th District. I sent an e-mail to the 88th District Representative in the first round of e-mails.

08) Representative Michael Smith—D from the 91st District. The District is within the Peoria area and reaches into Tazewell county.

09) Representative Rich Myers—R from the 94th District. The District is south and west of Peoria going to the border of the State.

10) Representative Jil Tracy—R from the 93rd District. The District is south of the 94th District and west of Peoria going to the border of the State.

11) Representative Rich Brauer—R from the 100th District. The District is south of Peoria. A small portion of the 93rd separates it from the Peoria Districts.

12) Representative Raymond Poe—R from the 99th District. The District is directly south of the 100th District.

In short, if this bill is signed into law, Illinois would become a bloody abortion free-for-all. Please click here and follow through on the steps required to take action.” (This website allows you to send an e-mail to your House Representative as well as any of the other House Representatives who number a total of 118 Representatives—my addition.) “Of course, if you’re still not moved—or if all of this is still kind of vague to you—click the following to watch a video titled—‘Everyone Against Abortion, Raise Your Hand.’”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Boycott all PepsiCo products—www.boycottpepsico.com


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