Saturday, November 14, 2009

Treaty of Copenhagen —Petition against

I received the following e-mail from a reliable source although I don’t know the original source. I have “signed” the petition. (And forgot to record whose website it was!) The first material was from the e-mail. The second group of quoted material is from the website after “signing.” The e-mail:

“Important Notice for America’s Future

The Treaty of Copenhagen is being prepared for signing in mid-December 2009. It would create an unelected world government with direct power over all financial and trading markets, and direct power to intervene over the heads of elected governments in the economic and environmental affairs of all nations signing the Treaty. The new, supranational bureaucratic entity will have the power to redistribute up to 2% of wealthy nations annual gross domestic product to third-world countries in reparation for imaginary ‘climate debt’—just as undeniable scientific proof becomes available that CO2 has only a tiny and harmless warming effect! Please support the Instrument of Repudiation, and urge at least five of your friends to support it too. Please sign up to oppose the Treaty and preserve America’s freedom, democracy, and prosperity.

Full website and petition below

The response to signing the petition:

“Thank you for joining the many other concerned Americans who have registered their opposition to the unconstitutional Treaty of Copenhagen and its underlying fraudulent claim that human activity will cause a climate catastrophe.

Current Number of Supporters who’ve signed the Instrument of Repudiation:



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