Friday, December 18, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare—religious organizations that support MURDER

The following is from

“United Church of Christ, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian Churches OK Abortion Funding

Washington, DC (—A collection of pro-abortion religious groups authored a letter today to members of the Senate that essentially places them on record supporting taxpayer funding of abortions. The letter expresses their opposition to the Nelson amendment, released today, to remove abortion funding from the Senate government-run health care bill.

The Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Church are the four mainline protestant denominations to sign the letter asking lawmakers to oppose the Nelson amendment.

They are joined by the Disciples Justice Action Center, NA'AMAT USA, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a pro-abortion group, The Religious Institute, and the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

The groups say their position is that there is a ‘social and moral obligation to ensure access to’ abortions ‘at every stage in an individual’s life.’

‘Reforming the health care system in a way that guarantees affordable and accessible [abortion] for all is not simply a good idea—it is necessary for the well-being of all people in our nation,’ the religious groups wrote. Full story at

If you are a Christian and you know that GOD condemns the MURDER of pre-born babies and you worship with one of the above religious organizations, I have only one question. WHY?


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