Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Christine O’Donnell—less than a week before the Republican Senate Delaware primary

The Republican establishment is supporting Mike Castle just as they did Mark Kirk in Illinois, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, and John McCain in Arizona. Unfortunately, many in the Republican establishment still don’t get it—Republicans who are NOT conservative are not what is needed.

From: Tea Party Express
Tea Party Express’s donation website:

“Date: Sep 7, 2010 6:54 PM

Earlier today we reported on a message from ABC News’ Rick Klein who is their Washington bureau political news editor. ABC’s Klein said ‘God Bless’ the GOP establishment for trying to ‘kill off’ the candidacy of the conservative candidate for U.S. Senate in Delaware—Christine O'Donnell. (Another example of a nonpartisan mass media?—my addition)

Blogger extraordinaire, Dan Riehl, first broke this story ….” “And the outrage continues to grow. Please see the Tweet from ABC News’ Klein below, and help us fight back against the media bias and the dirty tricks of the political establishment by making a contribution to our campaign for Christine O’Donnell for U.S. Senate—

If you are as angry as we are to see the liberal media teaming up with liberal politicians to ‘kill off’ conservative candidates, then please support our efforts to fight back by making a donation to our campaign to elect Conservative Republican Christine O’Donnell to the U.S. Senate.

We are in the middle of a $200,000 MoneyBomb for O’Donnell which you can support by making a contribution—

Please—forward this to all your conservative friends. Ask everyone you know to match your contribution— We are up against the entire political establishment and obviously the liberal news media—and clearly they want to see us lose this race. But we CAN win—if we all stand united on the principles of constitutional conservatism.

***We need 500+ people to contribute $100 or more in the next 24 hours.
***We need 100+ people to contribute $500 or more in the next 24 hours.

Make a donation——And tell a friend to help too. … Please tell 10 or more friends to pitch in and help too. We’ve got a lot of work to do—and the Election is just 7 days away!

We’re going to need the support of those of you who can afford a more generous contribution of $250, $500, $1,000—up to the maximum of $5,000.”