Monday, October 25, 2010

Bobby Schilling vs. Phil Hare—Illinois Congressional District 17

I’m running out of time to post all the material I want to post before the general election. Therefore, I’m going to post more than one a day when I have opportunity. Today, I’m posting three. Only the first will have all the material I normally include in a post. Check out all three. Let’s be able to say on November 3rd that we have begun the process of Taking the Nation Back.

Lloyd Marcus sings “2010”

“We the People” video

A Bobby Schilling campaign commercial:

From Bobby Schilling’s campaign website:

“Protecting Life

Life begins at conception. Abortion takes life—approximately 1.2 million unborn babies’ lives each year in this country. The most basic rule of law tells us that it is wrong for one person to take the life of another person, no matter what stage of life they are at. Sadly, my opponent Phil Hare not only supports a woman’s’ right to take the life of her unborn child, but he also supports The Freedom of Choice Act, which, if passed, will remove basic restrictions on abortion, such as the partial birth abortion ban and notification of parents of minors attempting to obtain an abortion, and consequently lead to many more of them.

The Right to Life Act and The Pregnant Women Support Act are two of the most sound pieces of legislation Congress has ever introduced. They protect the lives of unborn children and provide support for mothers in need. Both bills are sponsored by Democrats and Republicans and have been introduced several times now. These must be passed if we are ever to build a culture of life in this country.

Embryonic stem cell research also takes life. This systematic taking of life through experimentation is also wrong no matter how good the intentions. We must focus our efforts on adult stem cell research that does not take life and to date has produced cures and therapies for over 70 diseases and injuries, such as Parkinson’s, Leukemia, and spinal injuries to name just a few. Embryonic stem cell research has produced zero cures or therapies.”

(I could not find anything on Phil Hare’s campaign website about his position on this issue. Is he afraid to voice his position on his website on this issue?—my addition)


Our nation’s immigration laws must be respected and enforced. We must secure our borders to ensure illegal immigrants do not enter this country, we must not reward people who do enter illegally, and we must work with our neighbors on border law enforcement and to promote economic opportunity in their countries, in order to prevent illegal immigration for economic reasons. People who are here illegally, but otherwise have obeyed our laws, should be given the opportunity to return to their country of origin, with the option of applying for legal entry into the U.S. This is a matter of preserving our national security, protecting federal, state, and local budgets; and reducing stress on our country’s job markets.

I will not support any bill that contains amnesty. Phil Hare talks about giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship—this sounds a lot like amnesty, and that can not stand. In 1986 Congress granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants and promised increased border security in the near future. Over twenty years later, the number of illegal immigrants in our country is approximately twelve million, with an estimated 10% being hardened criminals. Rather than repeating the mistakes of our past, Congress must work to secure our nation’s borders and enforce the immigration laws already in place. In addition, immigrants must be required to learn the English language as all American citizens are.”

“Gun rights

As stated in The Constitution, ‘the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.’ It is the responsibility of our elected officials to uphold this Second Amendment right; however, in September 2008 my opponent Phil Hare voted against allowing law abiding citizens of Washington, D.C. the right to own a gun. Despite his vote, this bill passed overwhelmingly. The right to defend ones’ self is paramount to sustaining a free society. If you put a hammer and a gun on a table, neither are good or evil, the person that picks up the hammer or the gun makes that determination.

“Rep. Hare Fluent in Hypocrisy


Hare votes to send jobs overseas; blames Schilling

EAST MOLINE, IL—Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, questioned Rep. Hare’s intellectual honesty on the issue of outsourcing. In recent weeks, the Hare campaign has launched desperate attacks blaming Bobby Schilling, a small business owner who has never held public office, for the epidemic of outsourcing that has taken place during Hare’s tenure. Clearly Rep. Hare is fluent in hypocrisy.

Under Rep. Hare's watch, we’ve had plant closings or huge layoffs at Bob Evans Farms, Interstate Brands Corp., National Manufacturing Corp., Nelson Tree Service, Honeywell, Tyco Valves and Controls, GE Control Products, Orgill, BOMAG Americas, Quad City Die Casting, Durham School Services, RTS Packaging, URS Washington Division, Great Central Lumber, Roadway Express, Pines Trailer, Olin Corp., Monterey Coal Company, Freeman Energy, and Kantar Operations. More than 3,300 jobs were lost at these locations according to the Illinois WARN Act reports.


In addition to that depressing record of failure, Rep. Hare has supported several recent policies that send jobs overseas.

Rep. Hare voted for the $787 billion stimulus package. As discovered by the Investigative Reporting Workshop


and reported by ABC News


earlier this year, 80 percent ($2.1 billion) worth of green energy grants under the stimulus went to foreign corporations.

Rep. Hare voted for H.R. 2454, otherwise known as Cap and Trade, a national energy tax bill that would have increased energy costs across the board. The bill would have been responsible for sending 2.5 million jobs overseas.


Rep. Hare voted for H.R. 3590, otherwise known as Obamacare, a bill that will crush small business with overtaxation and cost 1.6 million jobs by 2014.


Schilling said Rep. Hare has only brought disappointment to the people of the 17th District.

‘At what point will Rep. Hare take responsibility for his record?’ Schilling said. ‘He has supported job-killing policy after job-killing policy, yet he tells the public that somehow I’m responsible for all these jobs lost. Rep. Hare knows nothing about creating jobs. The unfortunate reality is that I’ve created more jobs at my business in Moline than our Congressman has created throughout the area. That’s disappointing.’

Bobby Schilling, a native of Rock Island, graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bringing jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city ‘Bob’s for Jobs’ tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District. Schilling was recently named an official ‘Young Gun’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee in their Young Guns program of top tiered races.”

My comment:

By the way, Caterpillar Tractor Co., one of the largest private employers in the State of Illinois and probably the largest private employer in Central Illinois, just announced that its third quarter profit was up by about 95% compared to the previous year. Most of that income came from overseas sales. Do you think Caterpillar wants free trade. You bet they do. Yet, in a radio commercial produced by something called “American Families First Action Fund”, the commercial faults Bobby Schilling for supporting free trade. However, free trade is good for both the world AND the United States. It is certainly good for Caterpillar and its employees!

The truth is, Phil Hare is a typical tax and spend Democrat who is also lacking in basic GOD required morals. My support goes to Bobby Schilling!

Also, check out these two links to youtube clips with Phil Hare declaring it is a “myth that this country’s in debt and we just can’t spend.” I kid you not. And he is a U.S. Congressman?!

Phil Hare: Debt and spending

Or this clip: