Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Stopping the Abortion (AKA MURDER) of Unborn Babies Is Cost Prohibitive?

After reading today’s post, please go to http://christiangunslinger5.blogspot.com

and read that story. In my opinion, it is important!

I have posted on http://christiangunslinger1.blogspot.com information on the recall of Senators McCain and Flake of Arizona. Get involved! Get them out of office and replaced by social and fiscal conservatives!

I have posted on http://christiangunslinger7.blogspot.com information in relation to the Republican primary for the Special Senate Election for New Jersey.

Sad, sad, sad! Watch this video on The Declaration of Independence. Listen carefully to the question(s)!


Watch this video on Syria:


Petition to support Texas in its effort to limit the MURDER of unborn babies and unsafe conditions for women



Petition to stop the immigration bill (AKA: Amnesty) from Texas Senator Ted Cruz!


Petition to Stop the “Gang of 8” Amnesty Betrayal


Abandon the Government Plantation! Watch the video on the website below!


Petition to investigate the IRS Abuse of Power:


From: http://godfatherpolitics.com/11538/cbo-pro-life-bill-could-increase-the-deficit-by-400-million/

“CBO (Congressional Budget Officemy addition): Pro-Life Bill Could Increase The Deficit By $400 Million

Posted by Philip Hodges

As if any politician really cares about the deficit. But expect pro-abortion politicians to use this CBO report to disparage Republicans who signed on to H.R. 1797, the bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. All of a sudden, they’ll claim that Republicans want to add to the national debt just so they can ‘control’ women’s bodies. I’m sure they’d throw in how ‘irresponsible’ and ‘unpatriotic’ these Republicans are to do such a thing.

Here’s how the CBO came to its conclusion:

‘Depending on the number of additional births under H.R. 1797, such Medicaid costs could range from about $75 million over the next 10 years to more than $400 million over that period … [A]bout three-quarters of the abortions that would occur 20 weeks or more after fertilization under current law would instead occur earlier, and the remaining one-quarter would not occur so those pregnancies would be taken to term (How do they know this?my addition). Because the costs of about 40 percent of all births are paid for by the Medicaid program (Would this figure remain the same? How do they know?my addition), CBO estimates that federal spending for Medicaid will rise to the extent that enacting H.R. 1797 results in additional births and deliveries relative to current law. In addition, some of those children would themselves qualify for Medicaid and possibly for other federal programs as well.’

I don’t necessarily doubt the CBO report. On the off chance that the bill was actually signed into law, I’m sure there would be some noticeable uptick in federal expenditures associated with childbirth and child healthcare over the course of a decade, however miniscule.

It would only affect the deficit, because we live in a welfare state. Our country has largely bought into the idea that the government needs to take care of us from cradle to grave. More than 58 million people rely on Medicaid, and many more will sign up once Obamacare takes full effect next year.

Once all these people are signed up under government ‘healthcare,’ all they will be to the government is just a bunch of numbers. Once you become too costly to care for, they’ll have to ‘let you go,’ in a compassionate sort of way. You wouldn’t want to be a burden on the system, would you? You wouldn’t want to contribute to the national debt or be part of the reason that our deficit is so large, would you? You see, once you become an Obamacare beneficiary, they own you. And they’ll have to operate in such a way to keep costs down.

If this pro-life bill did have this effect on the deficit, it wouldn’t be a good thing. But, then again, government healthcare was never a good thing. And speaking of government healthcare and the national debt, Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) takes up about 23% of the federal budget. That’s around $802 billion. So, it doesn’t sound like they really care that much about the deficit and national debt after all. Only when it suits them politically.”

First of all, the CBO can only make a prediction, which is what this is, based on information and figures given to them by Congress. The estimates given by the CBO for the costs of Obamacare were grossly under estimated.

Second, we need to turn away from the federal government as our nanny. Consequently, these costs should be and could be drastically cut.

Third, money that goes to the MURDER of unborn babies can now be spent in other areas.

Finally, saving the lives of unborn babies, who would otherwise be MURDERED, is priceless! The lives of unborn children are more valuable than any possible cost that may occur because of such!

END the MURDER of unborn babies NOW!!!