Nelson Mandela, His Death, Abortion, and Praise for the Dead
Competition is good for the economy and competition is good for the Republican Party!!! Competition keeps Congressmen committed to we the people!!! Primary Republicans who do not support the Constitution as written.
“Unfortunately, Nelson Mandela Signed Law Legalizing Unlimited Abortions
by Steven Ertelt | Cape Town, South Africa | | 12/6/13
The world is paying its respects to civil rights leader and former South African president Nelson Mandela today, after learning that he passed away at the age of 95. While most people respect the civil rights and racial reconciliation work he did, some have questioned where Mandela stood on abortion.
Unfortunately, Mandela signed into law a bill legalizing abortion on demand.
John Smeaton, of the British pro-life group SPUC, offers this documentation about Mandela’s pro-abortion views. He writes as a Catholic but the comments are instructive of all pro-lifers to praise the good things Mandela did but to keep in mind he did not respect human life before birth (We are not judged by GOD with GOD using a balance—weighing our good against our bad and if our good weighs slightly more than our bad we are saved! GOD doesn’t work that way. HE is just and HE [meaning GOD the FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT] alone decides—not man!—my addition).
‘May God rest Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa who died last night,’ he said. ‘But it is absolutely vital that Catholic leaders do not allow themselves to become respecters of persons, swept away by personality cults (Always true for anyone in relation to anyone!—my addition). Catholic leaders have a duty to stand up to public figures with anti-life and anti-family records, however praiseworthy their record may be on other issues (True! From Barack Hussein Obama, to Nelson Mandela, to any other imperfect man, and we are ALL imperfect except for JESUS, the CHRIST!—my addition). The sanctity of human life and the dignity of the family are the foundation and guarantee of all other human rights (Absolutely true!—my addition).’
Smeaton provided to LifeNews the following history of Mandel’s record on abortion.
‘Nelson Mandela and abortion
Mr. Mandela has been quoted as saying on abortion: ‘Women have the right to decide what they want to do with their bodies (By definition, an unborn baby IS NOT another woman’s body! In all cases, the DNA is different! Two bodies!—my addition).’’
In 1996, Mandela signed into law the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Bill, which permits abortion on demand (My use of red—my addition). SPUC’s pro-life colleagues in South Africa tells us that the bill was introduced into the South African parliament by Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Mr. Mandela’s health minister.
‘In addition, the wording of the new South African constitution, signed by Mr. Mandela in 1996, had made the legalisation of abortion on demand a mere formality. Mr. Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC) has a strong ideological committment to abortion, with the ANC Women’s League strongly behind the legalisation of abortion on demand.’
The ANC has for decades been in a close political and electoral alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP) (Mr. Mandela pictured with SACP leader Joe Slovo) which also has a strong ideological committment to abortion (Nelson Mandela, particularly in his early adult life, was a communist and was a terrorist. He was imprisoned for terrorist acts including murder!—my addition).’
Today, the pro-abortion group NARAL is applauding Mandela’s pro-abortion record.
‘NARAL Pro-Choice MA @ProChoiceMass
‘Among his many accomplishments, Nelson Mandela replaced one of the most restrictive #antichoice laws in South Africa
8: 24 AM - 6 Dec 2013’”
You will know them by their words and deeds! Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
Wealth in the Senate: This is a couple of years old but it is the latest information I could fine with a quick search. Notice the top seven are all Democrats—the supposed Party of the poor and underprivileged! John Kerry is now Secretary of State. Herb Kohl is no longer in the Senate. Frank Lautenberg recently died, has been replaced, and his widow was given $174,000 by Congress using a provision in a law just passed. Of course, all seven, as Democrats, are pro-MURDER in their voting records although back home they may claim otherwise!
“Posted by Anne Sorock
August 2, 2012
Ballotpedia has compiled data on the average net worth of our elected officials for the years 2004 to 2010. As the average net worth of Congress has increased since 2004, and held about even from 2007 to 2010, the average American family net worth dropped 40 percent from 2007 to 2010 to an average of $77,300.
In 2010, the average net worth for a U.S. senator was $13,224,333. The average net worth for a Democratic senator was $19,383,524, compared to $7,054,258 for a Republican senator. That’s a difference of $12.3 million.
The top ten richest senators, the highest seven of which are Democrats, from this Ballotpedia table:
Top 10 Senators in 2010 with average net worth:
John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) $231,722,794
Mark Warner (D-Virginia) $192,730,605
Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin) $173,538,010
Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) $99,057,011
Frank R. Lautenberg (D-New Jersey) $85,572,116
Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) $73,151,590
Dianne Feinstein (D-California) $69,046,622
Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) $59,550,022
James E. Risch (R-Idaho) $54,088,026
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) $27,213,024
Watch this video: Barack Hussein Obama in high school
Video: President Barack Hussein Obama now & then on Obamacare
E-book available: Why Uphold Marriage?
We need to keep supporting and working for PRO-LIFE, PRO-TRADITIONAL FAMILY candidates and representatives at all levels of government.
Never get complacent!
Never give-up!
You will know them by their words and deeds!
Matthew 12: 35-37 (NIV)
“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 11: 19b (NIV)
“But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”
This question was at the side of an article I posted on
“Debating Abortion: Should You Use Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?”
My answer: Neither! We should name it by what it is! PRO-MURDER!
Texas Senator John Cornyn is already running ads for his reelection in 2014! We will not be fooled! John Cornyn voted for cloture to FUND Obamacare! John Cornyn owns Obamacare!
John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!
John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!
John Cornyn owns Obamacare! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!
1) Obamacare is immoral!
2) Obamacare is illegal!
3) Obamacare is unconstitutional!
4) the American people do NOT want Obamacare implemented!
5) If you vote for Obamacare funding, YOU OWN Obamacare!
6) Obamacare is a vote for, vote against issue in 2014!
7) He/she represents US not the Party and not the President!
Watch this video on Great Britain hospitals!
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