Friday, October 14, 2005

"Don't return to back alleys" is the headline for a letter to the editor printed on 10/11/05. Coincidentally (or not), the letter was side by side with the letter, that I wrote about Tuesday, lamenting the supposed lack of qualifications for Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers. The letter is filled with incorrect statements but I will not deal with those. My concern is the gist of the letter and an argument often advanced by the humanistic rationalists who support the murder of unborn babies. It is this, although they, of course, don't state it in these terms. I'm translating their humanistic rationalist political correctness. "Society should make it easier and safer for a mother to murder her unborn child." These humanistic rationalists have great compassion for the murderer and none for the murder victim.

Make no mistake about it; the vast majority of Supreme Court allowed abortions are government sanctioned murders. And most of the humanistic rationalists know it and some even admit it. GOD created the first man. GOD created the first woman. GOD created the process to be used by the first man and woman and all humans since to create their children. GOD knows exactly when life begins because HE created the process to create life.

Man then provided names for the process involved in human life as created by GOD. In our modern English, man named the joining together of the egg and sperm (the beginning of the human life cycle as created by GOD) conception. (Did you ever think about this? JESUS said that in marriage the two, a man and a woman, become one. When a sperm from a man unites with an egg from a woman the two become one and a new life is created in that instant. There is no way that man evolved by chance. No way!!!) Man named the developing, growing unborn baby a fetus. (Doesn't even sound human does it? Maybe that is why the humanistic rationalists always refer to a developing human as a fetus.) Man named the delivered human a baby. Man named the growing child an adolescent. Man named the child from 13 to 19 a teenager. Man named the human at age 18 an adult. Man named the human of an advanced age a senior citizen. (You get the idea and of course I didn't mention all the terms and all the stages.) The point is that all of the terms relate to the same thing--a human being. A human being begins at conception (It has to be true and there has to be a starting point.) and continues through various named stages until the physical death of that human being. It is the same for every human being created by the natural process created by GOD. (And everyone should know this. However, the humanistic rationalists try to rationalize the truth away to suit their own desires. Yes, Peoria Journal Star editorial staff; there is only one truth.)

Senator Hillary "We are the President." Clinton has as much as admitted that abortions murder unborn babies. She has been quoted as saying that "abortions should be legal, safe, and rare." What? Why should they be rare? There can be only one reason why! Abortions murder innocent unborn babies. If a baby is not murdered by an abortion, there would be no reason for them to be rare. If an "impediment" is being removed, there would not be a need for abortions to be rare. The only possible reason why abortions should be rare is the obvious reason. Abortions murder unborn babies. If that is not true, ask Senator Clinton why abortions should be rare. Listen carefully to her answer!

A few years ago the editorial writers of the Arizona Daily Star, the largest Tucson paper, admitted the same thing. They probably did not realize it but they certainly did. A woman from Phoenix was suing a doctor in Phoenix because an abortion he performed was not successful. In other words, the baby lived; the baby was not murdered. This particular abortion was either her third or fourth, I don't remember exactly which one. The editorial writers suggested that she should drop her suit because the last attempted abortion was one too many. What? If an abortion doesn't murder an unborn baby then it doesn't matter how many abortions a woman has. One, two, three, four, twenty; it does not matter if a life is not being destroyed. By stating that the last abortion was one too many, the writers were admitting that each and every abortion murders a human life. Each and every abortion murders a human life!

The conclusion tomorrow; the Lord willing.


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