Friday, May 22, 2009

“Hate crimes” part 13

“‘I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest….’” Isaiah 62: 6 (NIV)

I received the following by e-mail from the “Alliance Defense Fund” on 5/19/2009. I am posting portions of the e-mail with some comments. The e-mail with comments:

“The pretense of ‘tolerance’ by the opponents of religious freedom and free speech is over, and Christians are no longer free to disagree.
Watch the video (This video, as I understand it, is also on YouTube. I don’t normally watch these because I use dial-up here in Illinois and it takes forever. This one I did watch. You should too!—my addition)

Just mention, ‘Prop 8’ in a mixed crowd and you’re sure to get a lively discussion going. The issue of same-sex ‘marriage’ in this country has nearly everyone talking—and that’s good. However, in California, angry advocates of the homosexual legal agenda are trying to bully those who support marriage as the union God intended—between one man and one woman, only—into silence.”

“Pretense of Tolerance is over
Christians are no longer free to disagree

The ACLU and its allies are committed to push the mute button on those who disagree with them. Just how committed are they?

You’ll be shocked at the depth they’ve sunk to in their efforts. It has turned very, very ugly out there—especially after Arizona, California, and Florida voters enacted state constitutional marriage amendments, protecting biblical marriage, last November. The democratic process itself is under assault. (This is NOT the first time and it won’t be the last time!—my addition)

This is evidenced by the ACLU and its allies’ selective opposition to the democratic principle of free elections. It would prefer that courts force same-sex ‘marriage’ on the nation. If you can’t beat them at the ballot box, go to court and sue them. Seriously! Just look at what the former head of the ACLU said after the people of Alaska overwhelmingly enacted a marriage amendment: ‘Today’s results prove that certain fundamental issues should not be left up to a majority vote.’ So, no sooner did voters in California enact Proposition 8, the ACLU ran again to the court and demanded that it overturn the results of the state’s marriage amendment.

Many of you, those who believe in marriage as God intended—the union between one man and one woman, only—joined together in the fight to protect this important issue. Some gave money. For some Californians who gave $100 or more, they got the shock of their life.

Californians Against Hate took personal information from the secretary of state’s website about donors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign and posted it on a Google Internet map. As the Google map and personal information became known, retaliation followed against individuals that had donated money to restore marriage as the union between one man and one woman in the Golden State. (It seems that Californians Against Hate don’t consider their actions to be motivated by hate. Or maybe, as a group, they are also opposed to their own group! Homosexual activists seem to enjoy labeling people—especially people who are opposed to the immoral behavior of homosexual sin. It seems that to them opposition to homosexual immorality and depravity = hate. Thus, any statement against their behavior or action against their positions, such as financially supporting Proposition 8 to repeal an obscene California Supreme Court decision, is a “hate crime?” Yet, it seems that any criminal behavior perpetrated against those in opposition to their behavior is an act of “love.” I guess there really are “love crimes” after all?—my addition)

• Personal property was vandalized.

• Profanity was spray-painted on churches

• Businesses were hounded into firing employees who had donated to Prop. 8.

• Death threats were sent to Prop. 8 supporters.

• White powder was mailed to make recipients fear that they had come into contact with the deadly substance anthrax.

(I haven’t read any of these things in my local paper! Therefore, they must NOT be true. Just more Christians spreading hate lies! Lies such as homosexual behavior is immoral, depraved, perverted, and an abomination to GOD!

According to the Dissenting Statement of members of the House of Representatives, California has a “hate crimes” law—probably one that includes crimes motivated because of religious beliefs—such as the belief that homosexual behavior is a sin and should not be permitted in a moral society. Do you think any of the individuals involved in the above mentioned criminal activities will be prosecuted for committing a “hate crime?” Do you think they would ever be convicted? Or, are “hate crimes” laws only used to protect rather than prosecute homosexuals? Can homosexuals be prosecuted for a “hate crime?” Have homosexuals ever been prosecuted for and convicted of a “hate crime?” Wouldn’t that be an interesting study! Or, are homosexuals incapable of committing crimes be they “hate crimes” or otherwise?—my addition)

Do these outrageous actions resemble anything even remotely close to ‘tolerance’? (As I’ve said many times before, homosexual activists only believe in tolerance if you agree with them. You MUST tolerate their sinful behavior but they WILL NOT tolerate any opposition to that behavior—that is hate. That is homophobic!—my addition)

No, these shameless acts are the last resort of people who have taken off the gloves of ‘tolerance’ for the express purpose of coercing opponents into surrender. The ACLU and its allies cannot tolerate a truly fair democratic process, so instead they seek advantage by intimidating and punishing citizens that disagree with their agenda.

Christians are treated harshly for living out their faith.” (No “hate crime” there! Ah, but they haven’t been MURDERED for their faith. Or have they?—my addition)


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