Thursday, October 28, 2010

B.J. Lawson vs. David Price—North Carolina Congressional District 4

I was listening to Rush Wednesday as he was talking about this race. Later, the father of B.J. Lawson called and said that B.J. is a “Rush baby.” Consequently I had to check him out and the result is this post. Rush said that B.J. has given out over 50,000 copies of the U.S. Constitution during his campaign. What a concept!


William ‘B.J.’ Lawson is a husband, father of three and concerned citizen with a background in engineering, medicine, business and entrepreneurship.

After graduating from Lakeland Senior High School in Florida, B.J. came to North Carolina in 1992 to study engineering and then medicine at Duke University. His high-school sweetheart, now wife, JoLynn attended Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, which made Duke’s engineering even more attractive.

JoLynn and B.J. married after college graduation, where she taught elementary school in Durham while BJ started medical school. After receiving his medical degree in 2000, Dr. Lawson then started neurosurgery residency at Duke University.

Despite a strong calling to medicine, B.J. recognized opportunity to address a fundamental inefficiency in our healthcare system: to take care of patients, all physicians need timely and portable access to patient information and in 2001 started Durham-based, MercuryMD.

Like many Americans, throughout his experience creating a company, and taking a risk, BJ began to ask specific questions regarding our economic system and the role of the government in the economy. The more his company created and prospered, the more government seemed to get in the way and the more concerned he became for our nation and most importantly our children.

‘Taking the risk to start and grow a company was an amazing education, and my immersion in the world of raising money, growing teams, and serving customers led me to study the broader problems facing our society outside of technology and healthcare.’

Lawson is running on the same core theme of Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty—and campaign slogan of Less Taxes, Smaller Government and More Freedom!

B.J. believes that those conservative principles are being embraced nationwide by Americans who are waking up to runaway government spending, oppressive taxation, and overly restrictive regulation.

He firmly believes the greatest thing about being an American is that we have a principled foundation that respects the individual based upon our founding documents are the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

If you are interested in joining our campaign please volunteer!”

To volunteer or donate:

Protect Life, Family, and Freedom to Do Good

Life begins at conception, and the primary purpose of government is to protect life—thus there is no ‘right’ to elective abortion. Furthermore, Roe v. Wade is an unconstitutional decision, as it is outside of the Supreme Court’s constitutional jurisdiction. As your Congressman, I will work to legislatively overturn Roe v. Wade and return the abortion issue to our states, where we can take control of this critical issue and through efforts to protect life, support women with unwanted pregnancies, and end taxpayer financing of abortions and ‘family planning’.

I will also work at the federal level to end taxpayer funding for abortions/‘family planning’ and support legislation defining life as beginning at conception.

The family is the foundation of our prosperity and security. Marriage and religion are related in that marriage is a sacred covenant between myself, my spouse, and our God made in the presence of God within our community of faith. I separate marriage as a holy commitment from the legal contract that engages our civil codes, and do not support giving the federal government more of a role in defining the sacrament of marriage—defining marriage is the job of churches, not of government. The issue of community property and family law is a state issue, not a federal one, and should remain at the state level.

I believe freedom of religion is under threat by government, and specifically our oppressive form of income taxation. Churches trade their ability to speak freely and work for positive social change for the tax ‘benefits’ of 501c3 status—thus effectively muzzling what should be one of our greatest advocates for positive social change. (Very TRUE!!!—my addition)

So called ‘faith-based initiatives’ are one of most insidious dangers—churches can literally become dependent on government funding instead of voluntary tithes and donations to carry out their missions. (Also, very TRUE!!!—my addition)

We need to take back our communities, and not ‘outsource’ welfare and social justice to the government. Building a just community with well-developed safety nets is where our churches need to shine, and compete on an open playing field for the hearts and minds of people trying to improve their lives by living their faith.

I believe we need smaller government and larger charities, simply because government relies on coercive force and taking through taxation, while charities bring change through voluntary association and charitable giving. I will work to enact economic policies that free us to do a better job helping ourselves and each other through our communities of faith.


William (B.J.) Lawson is a firm advocate of enforcing our existing immigration laws, opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants, and fully supports the efforts of the Arizona government in picking up the enforcement of the federal laws.

Dr. Lawson on Immigration:

While we are a nation of immigrants, illegal immigration has reached epidemic
proportions and is economically unsustainable. We must eliminate economic incentives
driving illegal immigration, which are driven largely by federal mandates for provision of
public services.

As your Congressman, I will work to end unfunded federal mandates that expand the welfare state and are bankrupting our local communities and healthcare system.

I will work to increase border security, as border security is required for national security.

I will not support amnesty for illegal immigrants. We must enforce our existing immigration laws. Furthermore, we cannot entertain any proposals for ‘immigration reform’ until we have established a credible history of enforcing our existing laws.

Finally, an essential part of addressing the immigration issue is the responsibility of foreign governments to institute good economic policies that provide opportunities for their citizens. While we cannot directly control corruption or economic opportunity in other countries, to the extent that our trade and agricultural policies damage other nations, we worsen the problem of illegal immigration.

I will work to repeal agricultural subsidies and heavily-managed trade agreements such as NAFTA that destroy agriculture in developing countries, and worsen our domestic unemployment.”

To volunteer or donate: