Wednesday, October 27, 2010

“Tea Party” candidates in NAME ONLY!

From: Tea Party Nation

“Candidates you need to be warned about: Tea Party Candidates

Posted by Judson Phillips on October 26, 2010 at 6: 00am in Discussions

Candidates to beware of: Tea Party Candidates

We are a week away from the election. While there are many good candidates out there, some we have told you about, but there are some you need to be aware of and avoid. You need to warn your neighbors about them and tell them not to vote for them either.

These are Tea Party Candidates.

No, Tea Party Nation has not suddenly gone nuts.

The left has come up with a strategy in several states to keep power. This involves the use of candidates who are nothing more than shills for the liberal candidate, but run under a ‘Tea Party’ party line.”

1) Peter DeStefano—New Jersey 3rd Congressional District = DON’T VOTE for

“In New Jersey, Peter DeStefano is running as the ‘NJ Tea Party’ candidate. If he can siphon 5% of the vote, he can help keep very liberal Democrat John Adler in office.”

2) Scott Ashijan—Nevada for U.S. Senate = DON’T VOTE for

“In Nevada, a group with ties to Harry Reid, called the ‘Tea Party of Nevada’ is running someone named Scott Ashijan. His sole purpose in the election is to pull enough votes away from Sharon Angle, so that Harry Reid can win with a plurality.

3) Randy Wilkinson—Florida Congressional District 12 = DON’T VOTE for

“In Florida, a fake Tea Party candidate named Randy Wilkinson. His purpose in the race is to split the conservative vote, again allowing a liberal to take the House seat.

(The Republican Party candidate is Dennis Ross. I have checked out his campaign website at and am supporting him in this election. You can download his “Principled Solutions to Empower Citizens” campaign literature at the website in the issues section.

From “Principled Solutions to Empower Citizens”

The Family Values section page 12-13:

“I truly believe that we, as a nation, must never forget that our rights come from the Almighty, and that the Judeo-Christian values that have sustained humanity for millennia—marriage between a man and a woman, respect for life, and a common sense of right and wrong—should be reflected in our government.”


01) Marriage defined as between one man and one woman

02) Life—from conception to natural death

03) Banning partial birth abortion

04) Reforming education to allow parents to choose the best school for their children

05) Reforming health care to give parents and families greater choice and price options

06) Protecting the 1st Amendment right to free speech and worship, including public displays of faith

07) Protecting the right to worship or not worship as one sees fit

08) Banning embryonic stem cell research

09) Reducing taxes to give families more money to spend on what they need, rather than what the government needs

10) Protecting the 1st Amendment rights of all Americans to the free exercise of their religion, not creating a freedom from religion”—my addition)

Tea Party Nation has been warning everyone repeatedly, that the Democrats are going to do anything they can, from false flag candidates like these, to outright election theft, to keep the hard left in power in this country.

This year, our country asks a lot of us. Tea Party Nation has been encouraging you to be involved this year. The election is only a week away. Tell your friends and family, when they vote, make sure they are voting for a real conservative, not simply a candidate using the Tea Party name, put up to it be a liberal, to split the vote and keep liberals in power.”