Monday, July 08, 2013

Texas Pro-Life Rally Today—Be There!


Special post for today. I will have the regular post later today as normal.

From: Concerned Women for America

“CWALAC Stand with Pro-Life Texans
Penny Young Nance

Washington, D.C.House Bill 2 (HB2), the bill that would protect the unborn after 20 weeks and protect women who choose abortion by placing reasonable regulations on clinics in Texas, advanced to the full House after the House State Affairs committee heard testimony from some of the nearly 2,000 witnesses who signed in to testify. The committee approved the bill on an 8-3 party-line vote, the first action on the bill since the legislature started a second special session called by Governor Rick Perry (R) last week.

The House is expected to take up the bill next week. In light of that, pro-life leaders are gathering on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol on Monday evening for a pro-life rally and encouraging participants to wear blue. Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, said in the brief statement below that this is history in the making:

‘A baby at 20 weeks gestation has all her organs; she has a detectable heartbeat and the beginnings of fingernails, eyelashes, and eyebrows. She can respond to her mother’s voice, and, most tragically, she can feel pain. Medical science has proven that he or she is a human life deserving of human rights (He or she is a human life from conception!my addition). In fact, late-term abortion is an inhumane practice that was recently unmasked by the horrors of Kermit Gosnell and his ilk. Now is your chance to stand for life and to speak for those with no voice. Please join us on Monday, July 8, at 7:00 p.m. on the south steps of the Texas Capitol. This is the human rights issue of our time, and our young people get that, with individuals under 30 supporting the ban by a 52-39 margin (Not surprising! Everyone of them was conceived under the real possibility of being MURDERED by their own mother!my addition). The mob rule tactics of the Left have shown that the extreme faction of the pro-choice movement refuses sensible regulation on abortion. Planned Parenthood believes that abortion should be legal at any point in gestation, as many times, for any reason at the taxpayer’s expense (Yes, they do! MURDERERS!my addition).

‘Monday is the day to show we stand for life. Pro-choice advocates who oppose these commonsense limits on abortion in Texas are unwilling to accept science and public sentiment. Their actions and speech are indicative of their cluelessness about the values of their own state. Chanting ‘Hail, Satan’ as pro-lifers sang Amazing Grace was shocking and almost unbelievable.

‘According to a
June National Journal poll, 50 percent of women support a ban on abortion after 20 weeks. I am humbled and honored to be a part of the larger voice of those who cannot speak for themselves. Please join Governor Mike Huckabee, The Honorable Marilyn Musgrave of Susan B. Anthony List, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar with baby Josie Duggar (who was born at 25 weeks), myself, and other well-known national pro-life leaders. And remember to wear blue to show your support.’

For more information please
click here. For an audio link to Penny Nance’s statement please click here.

Media is invited to attend and cover this rally (And observe the actions of Pro-Life groups in contrast to the Pro-MURDER groups!my addition):

Event Details:

Pro-Life Rally
Date: Monday July 8, 2013
Location: Texas State Capitol Building
112 E 11th St, Austin, TX 78701
Time: 7 p.m. CDT”