Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ovide Lamontagne and Christine O’Donnell—endorsed by the Senate Conservatives Fund

I was going to write today about 9/11, the mosque near ground zero, the burning of books, and Barack Hussein Obama. However, I received the following e-mail this morning and since it is extremely time sensitive, I’m posting the e-mail today with a few comments. Remember: One of my positions is that we need conservative Senators to prevent radical judges and Justices from being appointed throughout the federal court system. The Senate races in November are critical to the well-being of the nation.

From Senate Conservatives Fund

“Date: Sep 11, 2010 9:03 AM

Dear Friend:

I’m writing to you this Saturday morning to ask you to help two more conservative candidates for U.S. Senate.

Ovide Lamontagne is running in New Hampshire and Christine O’Donnell is running in Delaware. They are two outstanding leaders who will stand strong for the principles of freedom, and they both deserve our support.

The Republican primary elections in New Hampshire and Delaware are this Tuesday, September 14. With so little time remaining, I’m asking you to visit their campaign websites today, make a contribution and sign up to volunteer.

Support Ovide Lamontagne at

(You may remember that I wrote a post last Tuesday in support of Ovide Lamontagne. Among other things, I wrote that “I checked out the websites of Kelly Ayotte and Ovide Lamontagne. I did not check out either Jim Bender or Bill Binnie because, according to one of the two articles quoted, both of them support the MURDER of unborn babies and I will NOT support anyone in a primary who supports the MURDER of unborn babies. Both Kelly Ayotte and Ovide Lamontagne are pro-life.

I have said that the three most important issues in this election, as in 2008, are the MURDER of unborn babies, stopping the expansion of the homosexual agenda, and the appointment of strict constructionists to the federal courts.

Appointments to the federal courts is the deciding factor between these two candidates. On Kelly Ayotte’s website, I could not find any comments about these appointments on her issues page. However, Ovide Lamontagne’s website does and he states he will support judges who will not make law from the bench. According to one of the reports, Kelly Ayotte said she would have voted for Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. And she—Sonia Sotomayor—is a judicial activist. It doesn’t make sense for a conservative to oppose the MURDER of unborn babies and the homosexual agenda and yet say she would vote for the type of judges and Justices who permitted the MURDER of unborn babies and the growth of the homosexual agenda. The decisions of the federal courts have created many of the moral, social, and cultural problems we face today—the TYRANNY of the courts.”

Consequently, I stated my support for Ovide. Today, the Senate Conservatives Fund has joined me in support of Ovide Lamontagne. I was on the Fund’s website this morning and it did not make provision for donates for either of these two candidates—Ovide or Christine. Therefore, you should contribute directly to the candidates as provided by the appropriate links. Please support them!—my addition)

Support Christine O’Donnell at

Like all of our endorsed candidates, Ovide Lamontagne and Christine O’Donnell support balanced budgets, constitutional limits and individual liberty. They oppose earmarks, bailouts, and amnesty, and they are both pro-Second Amendment and 100 percent pro-life.

In New Hampshire, Ovide Lamontagne is not candidate supported by the Washington establishment, but he is the best choice. Ovide is a proven conservative leader who will stand up to the big spenders in both political parties.

Also, Ovide is surging. A recent poll shows that he had jumped into second place and was trailing the first place candidate by only 10 points. Then the Union Leader newspaper endorsed him, giving him another boost in the homestretch.

If we’re willing to fight for Ovide in the final hours of this race, he can and he will win this seat for conservatives. Please support his campaign today at

In Delaware, Christine O’Donnell is fighting for her life against an establishment machine that is terrified by her rapid rise in the polls. Despite being massively outspent and ignored by Washington insiders, she’s now within only 9 points of her opponent, according to one poll.

The choice in Delaware could not be more clear. Christine’s opponent, Representative Mike Castle, supports a cap-and-trade energy tax, he opposes the repeal of ObamaCare, he supports earmarks, he’s pro-choice, and is anti-Second Amendment. (And yet he is being supported by some in the Republican establishment in Delaware just as Mark Kirk was in Illinois. What is wrong with these people?—my addition)

Christine has earned the endorsement of conservative leaders like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Sarah Palin. And just yesterday, she won the support of the National Rifle Association because she will fight to protect our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.

If we’re willing to fight for Christine in the final hours of this race, she can and she will win this seat for conservatives. Please support her campaign today at

(As I’ve previously written, Christine O’Donnell has been endorsed by the Tea Party Express. Therefore you may also support her candidacy at

Make no mistake: these two candidates are underdogs. The odds are against them. But we’re not going to save freedom in America if we’re not willing to take a risk. You’ve taken many risks with me this year and I’m so proud to say that many of them have paid off. Let’s fight for two more. (It takes money to win an election. That is just a fact of political life. If we can help these two receive the Republican nomination, we will have eleven new rock solid conservatives running in the general election. Their victories will have a fundamental impact on the Senate and the direction this country takes in the future. We can TAKE BACK THE NATION! Contribute, work, pray. This country can be turned around. This is a critical election in that process—my addition.)

Thank you for your steadfast support for the principles of freedom.

Yours truly,

Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

Support Ovide Lamontagne at

Support Christine O’Donnell at

Support Christine O’Donnell at

Continue to SCARE the left wing mass media and libertine Democrats with your influence and resolve!

Support Ovide Lamontagne at

“Senate Conservatives Fund is a political action committee dedicated to electing true conservatives to the United States Senate. SCF seeks to bring bold conservative leadership to Washington by supporting only the most rock-solid, conservative Senate candidates nationwide.

Contributions to Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Not paid for at taxpayer expense. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires Senate Conservatives Fund to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.”