Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scott Rigell vs. Glenn Nye—Virginia’s Congressional District 2

Scott Rigell’s campaign website:

To contribute to the campaign:

I have Scott’s name written on my “to do” paper next to my computer. However, I don’t remember why I’ve included him. I think I heard him on Sean Hannity’s radio show in his section dealing with current candidates. He’s conservative and Pro-life and running against a first term Democrat who has been supporting the Pelosi/Reid ticket to disaster. Thus, I am including him in today’s series of posts.


“Family values

The family is the basic building block of every strong community and nation. America’s greatness is strengthened through hard work, personal responsibility, strong marriages and the family unit pulling together through the tough times we face today. As a nation, we must support legislation that will reaffirm marriage and family life as the foundation of a healthy society.

Over the last decade we have seen an assault on the institution of marriage and our core family values. In 2006, I was proud to have joined a majority of Virginians as we voted to protect traditional marriage in our state Constitution.

It is time we have public servants in Washington who will promote a culture that values life and protects the most vulnerable amongst us, at the beginning of life and at the end. That is why I am proudly pro-life.

As a nation, we must support legislation that will reinforce marriage as the bedrock of a healthy society. That means providing benefits for those who stay married through tax credits and lowering the tax burden for those who choose to raise up the next generation of Americans.

We must always remember that parents are responsible for the up-bringing of their children and not the government. While we are making progress in improving public education, for those who choose to home-school or send their children to private and alternative schools, I will defend their freedom to do so in Washington.”

Scott Rigell’s campaign website:

To contribute to the campaign: