Friday, July 13, 2007

Question the questioners!

I’m sorry! I do plan on answering the question on immigration asked recently. However, that will not happen this week. I hope I will begin answering the question next week. I apologize for the change in plans!

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

What questions should be asked of every Congressman and of every U.S. citizen who is demanding that the United States abandon Iraq? Demand that they truthfully, realistically answer these questions. What will happen in the next year after the United States leaves Iraq? What will happen in the next five years after the United States leaves Iraq? How will pulling out in Iraq make the United States safer in relation to the War on Terror? In short, what will be the consequences of pulling out of Iraq? If they can not truthfully answer these questions, why are they demanding and supporting the abandonment of a newly established democratic country that we established in the first place?

It is not enough to demand a certain action. One must be willing to point out the results of such an action. Actions do not result in a box. Every action has consequences. What are the consequences of abandoning a newly established democracy?

On my last post, I changed the headline and the direction of the post while I was writing it. That happens sometimes. In the process of doing so, I did not identify the second quote. I was asked who I quoted. The quote which is repeated below is from a small portion of the “Gettysburg Address” delivered by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 after a battle that turned out to be a turning point in the Civil War. “In November 1863 President Lincoln dedicated a national cemetery to those who had died in the Battle of Gettysburg. His speech, known as the Gettysburg Address, became famous as an expression of the democratic spirit (Has this democratic spirit been lost in the United State today?—my addition) and reconfirmed Lincoln’s intention to reunite the country.” (Gallagher, Gary. "American Civil War." Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.) The quote again and my original statement on the quote is as follows:

“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain….”

Is George W. Bush ranting again? We should not sacrifice one more soldier in Iraq. So what if we withdrawal and Al-Qaida is still there, still bombing, still killing? That is not our problem. Iraq has had enough time to get their act together. We freed them. If they can’t stand on their own to fight by now they don’t deserve liberty. Why should we continue to help? All we have to do is withdrawal and Al-Qaida will leave us alone.

We will be safe and secure within our own borders just as we were before. Then we can concentrate on the really important stuff like insuring that mothers can continue to murder their own babies, like removing GOD from the public arena, like insuring that homosexuals can live their life of sin and get married, like providing abortion pills to minors, like increasing the amount of legalized gambling, like allowing the Supreme Court to make the important legislative decisions for us. We have plenty of important goals without worrying about some newly established country being overrun by Al-Qaida. What is that to us?

Before the Battle of Gettysburg, the fight to force the Confederacy back into the Union was not going particularly well. “From many points of view, Gettysburg and Vicksburg were among the most important Union victories in more than two years of war. Strangely, they coincided with a violent outburst of disloyalty (Disloyalty in time of war? How strange!—my addition) in the North. From the beginning of the conflict, Lincoln had resorted to measures that many Northerners opposed. (Sound familiar?—my addition) His suspension of the writ of habeas corpus enabled him to hold critics of the government in prison indefinitely. The Emancipation Proclamation had angered many who were willing to fight for the Union but not for the abolition of slavery. (Sound familiar? How many today are not will to fight for a people in another country who had been held in slavery by a murderous dictator for years?—my addition) The military draft, which bore hard on men too poor to pay for substitutes, stirred thousands to the brink of revolt (Revolt during war?—my addition). Many others were simply weary of a war to which they could see no end. They wanted peace at almost any price.

The Peace Democrats (Sound familiar? I guess Democrats will be Democrats in any era.—my addition), often called Copperheads, did not support the Lincoln Administration or the war (Sound familiar?—my addition).” (Gallagher, Gary. "American Civil War." Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.)

“Many others were simply weary of a war to which they could see no end. They wanted peace at almost any price.” Sound familiar? If it wasn’t written specifically about our own Civil War, it could almost be a direct quote about the War in Iraq. After two years of war, some people had decided that the war would not end and it was time to allow the Confederacy to withdraw from the Union. They didn’t care enough to keep the nation together! If peace meant the end of the Union, so be it. The end of the fighting was more important than the country as a whole. Peace at any price is not a new concept. If the people who were demanding an immediate end to the Civil War had gotten their way, we may have been two divided countries even to this day.

Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising that people today are willing to sacrifice the newly established democracy of Iraq for a perceived end of the fighting. Would the people who are demanding our retreat today be the same ones demanding an end to the Civil War before the Battle of Gettysburg if they lived in that era? The Union Army did eventually turn the tide and the country was reunited. Those who died at Gettysburg did not die in vain.

If we retreat from Iraq now, will those brave Americans who have died in Iraq have died in vain because of those who are demanding peace at any price today? Are they willing to sacrifice the lives of our troops and the newly established democracy of Iraq for temporary peace just as some wanted to sacrifice the Union for peace during the Civil War? What will the consequences of such a retreat be for Iraq and for our own country? Demand to have the answers before such a drastic action is taken. As far as I know, none of these people have addressed the question of what will be the results of a withdrawal from Iraq other than we will no longer be involved in the fighting.

But then, their attitude seems to be “What is that to us?”


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