Pro-Life, Speaker of the House John Boehner, Impeachment of President Barack Hussein Obama, Traditional Marriage, Sovereignty, Texas, and the 2014 Election
I have now been certified as an official write-in candidate for The U.S. House of Representatives for District 19 for Texas!
Please pray for Dr. Kent Brantly and all those involved with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Praise the LORD! Dr. Brantly was released from the hospital on 8/21/14!
According to Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Brantly did what a medical missionary would do, he praised GOD!
Yet, ABC radio, which is my news source, edited out ALL references to GOD in it news broadcasts!
— has the exclusive right to sale my e-books in its Kindle Store.
1) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Workbook for Gunslingers.
2) The direct link to the e-book Constitution Answerbook for Gunslingers.
3) The direct link to the e-book The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]
4) The direct link to the e-book Bible Questionbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]
5) The direct link to the e-book Bible Answerbook on Homosexuality for GODseekers
6) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Questionbook (This is the first book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ) [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]
7) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Bold Church and the Holy Spirit Answerbook (This is the second book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)
8) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Questionbook (This is the third book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ) [Also available at Prime to read at no cost.]
9) The direct link to the e-book The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ: The Church Individually and Collectively Answerbook (This is the forth book in a series on The Bold Church of Jesus, the Christ)
Update of August 26 primaries:
Adam Kwasman for Arizona’s House of Representatives District 1 lost
Steve Russell for Oklahoma’s House of Representatives District 5 won
Primaries in September:
08) Delaware State Primary: September 9, 2014
21) Massachusetts Primary: September 9, 2014
29) New Hampshire State Primary: September 9, 2014
39) Rhode Island Primary: September 9, 2014
Primaries in November:
18) Louisiana Primary: November 4, 2014 ~ Congressional Run-Off (if needed): December 6, 2014
Rob Maness | U.S. Senate – Louisiana—Primary is November 4 which is election day!
Joni Ernst | U.S. Senate - Iowa
Her website:
Donate directly:
Note: This post is a repeat of an earlier post this month. I am using a different template that was part of the original blog system before being purchased by Google. As a result, a limited number of posts are available for each month. By posting this as my last post of the month, it will remain.
After much thought and, I believe, being guided by the HOLY SPIRIT I have decided to run for the U.S. House of Representative District 19 for Texas as a write-in candidate. I do not do this lightly. I was a candidate for public office in Arizona in four different election years in the 1980s. It is not easy running for public office. Realistically, it will take a political miracle for me to have any affect on the election at this late date. Therefore, I intend this to be a two election cycle. Run as a write-in candidate in 2014. Run in the Republican primary election in 2016 and win that primary. Win the 2016 general election. One thing is certain, I can not win if I do not run.
I would not be running if I was satisfied with our current Congressman. I believe he has become an establishment insider more concerned with protecting the establishment Republican House leadership than serving the people of our district and upholding the Constitution of the United States as written by the Founding Fathers and as amended. It seems to be a common disease within the establishment— Potomac Fever. I do not support institutionalized term limits. Elections are the best method for term limiting a member of Congress. I believe it is time for our current Congressman to be term limited.
There are numerous issues that need to be addressed in this election. I intend to address them and offer solutions. However, there are three that standout and therefore will be the foundation for this 2014 campaign.
1) Remove all federal money from all federal and international programs that support either directly or indirectly any abortion providing or supporting organization such as Planned Parenthood. From Obamacare, to international parenting organizations, to the United Nations; no money to any group that is directly or indirectly involved in the murder of unborn children. If children are our most valuable resource, why do we keep murdering them in the womb?
2) Replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House with a solid social, fiscal conservative. There are several candidates that merit consideration including one or two from Texas. The goal must be to replace Speaker Boehner with a strong conservative leader who will provide the leadership that is desperately needed in the House of Representatives.
3) Restore the Constitution of the United States, or at least begin the process of doing so, by impeaching President Barack Hussein Obama who has become a lawless President unchecked by a weak-kneed Congress. He needs to be impeached sooner rather than later before he does permit damage to the United States.
4) Revive traditional GOD-given marriage. Throughout the history of man, marriage between one man and one woman has been the norm. The federal government has no constitutional authority to impinge upon the sovereignty of the States in relation to marriage. Texas must refuse to be bullied by the federal government in relation to its laws and its Constitution! As a member of Congress, I will work tirelessly to protect the sovereignty of Texas and other States.
It is time for all conservatives throughout the nation to get involved. It is time for all conservatives throughout the country to work to take back the nation. It is time for all conservatives throughout the nation to restore the Constitution as written and amended.
If not now, when?
If not now, why?
If not us, who?
James 2: 24 (NIV)
“You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.”
Impeachment IS the answer!
The horrors of abortion/MURDER are multitudinous! And the Left and the courts do not care!
The Democrat Party: The Party of death and MURDER! The Party of SIN and depravity!
Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!
Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!
Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!
An abortionist doctor who changed to pro-life. It is just under 17 minutes.
This movie is just under an hour and ten minutes in length. Watch it to the end! The final court room scene. Listen carefully. This was Hollywood in 1943.
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin—up for reelection this year—compares U.S. soldiers to those of Nazi Germany!