Monday, April 30, 2007

Where is bin Laden?

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

A short news article was on page A2 of the Peoria Journal Star on April 26, 2007. Quoting the article in its entirety, “A top Taliban commander said al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was behind the February attack outside a U.S. military base in Afghanistan during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, according to an interview shown Wednesday by Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera.

Bin Laden planned and supervised the attack that killed 23 people outside the Bagram base while Cheney was there, said Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban’s main military commander in southern Afghanistan who has had close associations with al-Qaida.

He did not say how he knew bin Laden planned the attack, and it was not clear when the interview took place.

Deputy White House press secretary Dana Perino said it was ‘an interesting claim but … I haven’t seen any intelligence that would support that.’”

How can the American people not believe that this is a true and accurate report? First, it is a claim made by a Taliban commander therefore it must be true according to the wisest of the wise. Then, it was broadcast by a media representative so it certainly must be true and accurate. A Taliban official would not lie would he? A media representative would not air a segment unless he knew it to be true would he? American mass media would not repeat the story unless they also knew it was true would they?

Do you remember a time not too many years ago when Osama bin Laden would be shown in person boasting about his achievements and attempting to taunt the American government? Why did he not do it that way this time? Where is his boastful arrogance? Where is his personal appearance? Where is his confident utterances that the “Great Satan” is doomed?

Okay, he did switch from being before a camera to a voice recording touting his most recent successes. Why did he not speak for himself this time? Why send forth a mouthpiece? Wouldn’t the claim be more believable if he personally trumpeted his latest achievement? Do you think he is having a self-esteem problem? When was the last time we even had a claimed video or voice representation of Osama bin Laden? Isn’t it strange how he has become personally quiet and withdrawn?

Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro had major surgery several months ago. Periodically, a news report would be shown showing the dictator and assuring the people of Cuba that he is recovering. Why does Osama bin Laden not do similar broadcasts to assure his supporters that he is alive and well and still actively working to destroy the “Great Satan”?

Where is Osama bin Laden? Is he too frightened to come out of hiding to even make a video broadcast or voice message? Is he too sick or injured to present himself before the world? Is he dead? Is he just on an extended vacation? Where is Osama bin Laden?

But then, if he has libertine Democrats doing his work, maybe he doesn’t need to be personally involved?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Xerox and the military

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I received the following e-mail a couple of days ago. I’m posting it now as a public service announcement. I haven’t yet been to the site so I can’t verify the validity of the information. However, I received it from a very reliable source. Thank you if you follow through.

“Something cool that Xerox is doing!If you go to this web site, , you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them. Pass it on!”

Friday, April 27, 2007

Are You A Democrat, Republican, or Southerner?
How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

Since my last five posts were about the Supreme Court’s decision on the “partial birth abortion” law, I thought I would have a little change of pace tonight. I received the following by e-mail yesterday. I’ve only made slight alterations which I have identified except for the numbering which was also done by me. Most of it though is not from me, so don’t blame me if you don’t enjoy it.

Here is a little test that will help you decide. You're walking down a deserted street with your wife/husband and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do? Democrat's Answer: 01) Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! 02) Does the man look poor or oppressed? 03) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? 04) Could we run away? 05) What does my wife/husband think? 06) What about the kids? 07) Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
08) What does the law say about this situation? 09) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it? 10) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? 11) Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? 12) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? 14) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? 15) Should I call 9-1-1? 16) Why is this street so deserted? 17) We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior. 18) This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus. 19) Surely we can negotiate an amicable solution—my addition. (Oops, too late, all four in the family have been stabbed to death—my addition. I think this conclusion is implied in the material but not specifically stated. Sometimes, it is best to state the obvious—my addition)

Republican's Answer: BANG!
Southerner's Answer: BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click..... (Sounds of reloading) BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?"

Son: "Can I shoot the next one!"
Wife: "You aren't taking that to the Taxidermist!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Commentary on the abortion decision, Part 2

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

On my last post, I quoted a commentary by Kathleen Parker on the “partial birth abortion” decision by the Supreme Court. Tonight, I continue with a commentary by Ellen Goodman on the same decision and also published by the Peoria Journal Star on page A4 on April 23, 2007. I am changing my format somewhat with this post. Since I believe I will be commenting on each paragraph, I will quote a paragraph from her commentary and then make my comments on that paragraph. My comments will be distinguished by brackets ( [ ] ).

First, to repeat what I have declared over and over again. The 1973 Supreme Court decision to allow women to murder their unborn babies is the worst Supreme Court decision in American history. No court, no person, no body of people, no government has the power to give anyone the right to murder another person. There is absolutely nothing in the United States Constitution or its Amendments that would allow such an obscene ruling by the Court. The Court usurped the power of the Court and rewrote the Constitution of the United States illegally. Every Supreme Court Justice who supported that pagan decision should have been impeached and convicted for violating their oath of office. No one has the right to murder an unborn baby!!! No one!!!

“May I remind you what else was happening on the very day in 2003 when Congress passed the partial-birth abortion ban. In Florida, the Legislature passed a law that gave politicians the power to override Terri Schiavo’s wishes and have her feeding tube reinserted.”

[First of all, the only person who ever testified that it was Terry Schiavo’s wish to have her feeding tube removed was Terry Schiavo’s husband. Terry Schiavo never gave any such testimony. Terry Schiavo could not give such testimony. Terry Schiavo was in a coma. Secondly, it is the responsibility of the legislature to pass laws. Therefore, whether or not you agree with the law, it was within their prerogative to do so. But, of course, the implication from this paragraph is that somehow Terry Schiavo’s rights were violated and the Florida Legislature did not have the authority to pass such a law.]
“May I also remind you of the day President Bush signed the partial-birth abortion ban into law. The photo op had him surrounded by an all-male chorus line of legislators. These men were proudly governing something they never had: a womb.”

[What utter nonsense! First, the Congress was dealing with a method used to murder an unborn baby. The Congress had every right to pass such legislation. In fact, it is their duty to do so because it is their duty to protect the lives of United States citizens. Isn’t that an interesting theory that she is putting forward. Because men don’t have a womb they can not legislate in that area. Does that mean that only men can legislate in relation to rape (assuming, of course, that only men can commit rape which is not true)? Obviously, the statement does not allow for victims to have a say in the matter because, in fact, no unborn child has ever been allowed to testify that they are opposed to their murders by their mothers or the consenting doctors. Congress is not governing the womb; the Congress is governing the method used to murder the unborn child who occupies the womb just as GOD intended unborn babies to occupy the womb. Finally, she seems to ignore that women also oppose the murder of unborn babies just as some men approve of the practice because it relieves them of responsibility. Guess what, all nine members of the Supreme Court were men. So, the majority of men on the Court said women could be murderers and thus without repentance condemn themselves before GOD.]

“What a long and wounding debate this has been. The moment this procedure was dubbed ‘partial-birth abortion,’ pro-lifers won the public-relations war. They took women out of the picture, literally. The line drawings that illustrated congressional hearings often showed a headless woman bearing a perfect, healthy baby of six months’ or more gestation. Their words not only described a procedure that was indeed gruesome, they portrayed these invisible women as amoral—women who choose abortion to fit into a prom dress.

[Of course, there never should have been any debate because there never should have been a Court decision to permit the murder of unborn babies. Isn’t it interesting though that she paints the battle as a “public-relations war.” But then, that is in reality the attitude of the libertine baby murderers. If we lie often and long enough, we can actually convince some weak willed individuals that it is acceptable to murder unborn babies. Wait, she admits that a partial birth abortion is “indeed gruesome”! Did she forget to proof read her lies and accidentally let that truth slip in? By the way, murdering your unborn baby is not amoral; it is immoral!!!]

“When President Clinton vetoed the ban, he surrounded himself with women who had been through pregnancies that came with an awful vocabulary: words such as hydrocephalus and polyhydramnios. Those women and their ‘prom dates’—obstetricians and gynecologists—asked for only one exception to the ban. They wanted an exception for serious health risks.”

[To be remembered by every person who supports the end of the murder of our unborn babies: President Clinton vetoed the bill passed in the 1990’s to stop this obscene method of murder. Do you know what hydrocephalus or polyhydramnios is? I didn’t. I had to look them up. Actually, I couldn’t find polyhydramnios and my spell check said there was no such word. “Hydrocephalus, term used for potentially serious increases in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the ventricles of the brain. In infants, since their skull plates have not fused, it causes enlargement of the head, and there is risk of brain damage from CSF pressure on the developing brain.” (“Hydrocephalus”. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.) What? This is a health problem for the baby not for the mother? For polyhydramnios, the best I could do since I left my medical dictionary in Tucson before my move is to break down the portions of the word. “Poly: several, many.” “Hydr: the names of acids without oxygen in the molecule have the prefix hydr.” “Amnios (amniocentesis): a test performed to determine the health, sex, or genetic constitution of a fetus (unborn baby—my addition) by taking a sample of amniotic fluid through a needle inserted into the womb of the mother.” (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.) Is this another health problem for the baby or a health problem for the mother? Maybe, you could contact Ms. Goodman to find out what it means? Anyway, note what has not been said. No where does she declare that these women had a partial-birth abortion which was the only way the woman’s life could be saved. In fact, she does not even say that any of them had any abortion at all. As I’ve said, the health issue is a “straw man” argument used to try to justify all abortions for every reason. The vast majority of abortions have absolutely nothing to do with the health of the mother. The last problem is who defines “serious health problem”? The doctor? His profession is to murder unborn babies. Will he say anything is a serious health problem so that the abortion occurs? Remember, a doctor does not have to be consulted to murder an unborn baby. All a mother has to do is walk into a Planned Murderhood clinic and say remove this baby and the baby is removed. That’s suppose to be Constitutional even if immoral! Also remember what Kathleen Parker wrote, “But in no single court case were doctors able to demonstrate that partial-birth abortion was ever a medical necessity. Instead, all arguments were in the realm of the hypothetical. Indeed, the majority of partial-birth abortions are performed on the healthy babies of healthy women. Meanwhile, other alternatives are available that are safe for the mother, if no less unpleasant for the fetus.” (If no less murderously fatal for the unborn baby—my addition.)]

“In 2000, the Supreme Court struck down a Nebraska law by 5-4 because it didn’t have such a health exception. The court called it an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to abortion. Nevertheless, in 2003, Congress passed the law directly confronting that ruling. Now women are again among the disappeared. On Wednesday, a new Supreme Court upheld the ban, also by 5-4, proving what a difference the turnover in a justice or two can make.”

[Good for Congress for directly confronting the obscene decision of an obscene Supreme Court! The whole concept of “undue burden” is a bunch of legalistic hogwash. Who knows what an “undue burden” is? Why only the United States Supreme Court. Therefore, to know what an undue burden is a Legislative body has to be able to anticipate the “mind” of the Supreme Court. Since when is that how laws are suppose to be written. The Supreme Court has usurped their role in the federal system and we as a nation are reaping the unholy consequences of it. “Do not be deceived: GOD cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6: 7 (NIV) “Now women are again among the disappeared” is such a ridiculous, bold faced lie that I’m not going to even respond to such nonsense. She is right about one thing: the membership of the Supreme Court is extremely important. We absolutely must continue to elect Presidential candidates and Senatorial candidates who will appoint and approve strict constructionists to all court positions.]

“For many years, Sandra Day O’Connor kept an uneasy peace in the court, maybe the country. She upheld Roe v. Wade while allowing states to regulate abortion as long as they didn’t place an undue burden on a woman’s right to decide. In many ways, the first justice who had ever been pregnant defined which burdens were ‘undue.’ She said it was an undue burden to ban any procedure without a health exception. She said that if there was any disagreement among doctors about safety, it was to be decided in favor of the woman’s health.”

[Her paragraph proves that Justice O’Connor was not a moderate on the Supreme Court. It also demonstrates the obscene power one non-elected Supreme Court Justice can have. She did not “keep an uneasy peace”. She maintained the lie of an obscene Supreme Court decision—a decision that never should have been reached and a decision that should be changed as soon as possible. Stop the Murder of Unborn Toddlers!!! Any disagree by one doctor and Justice O’Connor approved the murder of an unborn baby by what ever means! Obscene! Thankfully she is now gone from the scene!]

“But the new court majority has decided something quite different. In an opinion tortured by an attempt to deny what he was doing—overturning a precedent—Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote that since only a small minority of women seeking abortions would be affected and since there was another possible procedure, the ban was constitutional.”

[The new majority fortunately is correct! Justice Kennedy wrote a tortured opinion? Of course, that is her analysis which just may not be true. In truth, the ban is inherently Constitutional because the murder of unborn babies is inherently unconstitutional. Isn’t it interesting though that she doesn’t seem to believe that the method used to murder the unborn baby is in any way torture. Does it seem as if the baby murderers believe that babies can not feel pain while any part of the baby is within the womb but once out side of the womb they magically have the ability to feel pain? Oh wait, maybe the ability for a baby to feel pain evolves over a period of days, weeks, and years after he has been delivered from the womb. What do you think?]

“Writing for the majority, Kennedy said it was fine for the politicians to make medical decisions, fine to eliminate health exceptions, fine to overturn precedent. He even pretended to leave the door ajar for individual suits by women in the midst of a pregnancy crisis. From where? Her hospital bed, or perhaps her gurney?” (What melodramatic nonsense—my addition!)

[The five members of the Court got it right. Congress has every right to regulate this procedure. They regulate medical issues all the time. Should medical doctors write the laws in relation to medical practice? Have they been elected to Congress to do that? Should farmers write the laws in relation to farm practices? Have they been elected to Congress to do that? Should automobile manufacturers write the laws in relation to automobiles? Have they been elected to Congress to do that? Should murderers write the laws in relation to murder? Have they been elected to Congress to do that?]

“When Samuel Alito was a Justice wannabe to replace O’Connor, he reassured lawmakers he’d respect precedent on abortion. When John Roberts talked about his reverence for both precedence and the court, he said he got a ‘lump in my throat whenever I walked up those marble steps.’ That lump in his throat is now a chill up my spine.”

[Actually, I don’t remember Justice Alito reassuring “lawmakers he’d respect precedent on abortion.” But, if that reassurance was perceived as upholding abortion why did libertine Democrats vote against his confirmation? But then, baby murderers lie! Here is the Encarta definition of precedent: “the doctrine that requires a court to follow decisions of superior or previous courts.” (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.) What does that mean? It means that if the Supreme Court had been following precedent in 1973, the Court would have never ruled that women could murder their unborn babies. The legal precedent for almost 200 years (1776-1973) was that women could not murder their unborn babies. It was, in fact, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that did not follow precedent. The modern version of precedent is only about 34 years old. Following precedent does not mean that horrendous precedent must remain because it is precedent. The Supreme Court in its second worst decision said “once a slave; always a slave.” We fought a bloody civil war to overturn that horrendous precedent. Prayerfully, the Supreme Court will reverse the obscene decision of 1973 before a true calamity falls upon this nation. “Do not be deceived: GOD cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6: 7 (NIV) Prayerfully, a much greater chill runs up her spine when the Court admits its colossal sin and stops the murder of unborn babies once and for all.]

“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did more than hint at the loss of O’Connor in her blistering opinion for the now-minority. The court opinion ‘tolerates, indeed applauds, federal intervention to ban nationwide a procedure found necessary and proper in certain cases by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,’ Ginsburg wrote. ‘The court’s defense of it (the ban) cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away at a right declared again and again by this court.’”

[“In 1971 she (Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg—my addition) helped launch the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and served as the ACLU’s general counsel from 1973 to 1980. Between 1973 and 1976 she argued six cases on women’s rights before the Supreme Court, winning five of them.” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, Wa: Microsoft, Corporation, 2006.) Since the ACLU was the organization that pushed the Court cases that sought to allow the murder of unborn babies, do you think she just might have been involved in these obscene cases in the 1970’s? If she was, then she was involved in helping to establish the obscene precedents she is now lamenting that the new Court is not following. As stated before, there can never be a right to murder your unborn baby. Not only should these Court decisions be chipped away at; they should be reversed and ended!!! To be remembered by every person who supports the end of the murder of our unborn babies: President Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1993. She is now continuing her desire to murder unborn babies thanks to the appointment made by President Clinton.]

“As of last week, women whose pregnancies come with alarming words and dangerous diagnoses live in a world that is a little less legal and a lot less safe.”

[The legal provisions have changed but by definition they can not be less legal. The Supreme Court is not suppose to make law. Congress is suppose to make law. That is exactly what they did. Good for them! It has not been shown to be less safe except in the fantasy world of baby murderers. People who believe it is proper to murder unborn babies certainly will not hesitate to lie about it!!! The proof is in the commentary!!!]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Commentary on the abortion decision

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17 (NIV)

The Peoria Journal Star today (April 23, 2007) published three commentaries and a political cartoon in relation to the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the laws passed to regulate and end “partial birth abortion.” Tonight, I am going to quote the commentary by Kathleen Parker with a few comments of my own. The commentaries were printed on page A4. Be forewarned, some of this article to me is repugnant just as murdering our unborn babies should be repugnant to every civilized individual.

“From the clamor following the Supreme Court’s ruling to ban partial-birth abortion, one might assume that American women have been robbed of choice.

In fact, women can still render themselves unpregnant, in the vernacular of choice-speak, by several means. They can ‘disarticulate the fetus,’ and ‘reduce’ or even ‘separate the fetal calvarium.’

If the vocabulary is confusing, that’s the point. Using Orwellian speak, is a time-honored tactic of the pro-choice arbiters. If we don’t say what it is, we can pretend what it isn’t.

Herewith, a brief translation: Disarticulating a fetus means to dismember it. Reducing a calvarium—a thoroughly desirable-sounding procedure, like lancing a boil—means to suck the brains from the baby’s head. Separating the calvarium means to sever the head with scissors.

Paying attention to the language of abortion—or anything else for that matter—is instructive when trying to consider right from wrong. If you have to dress something up to obfuscate the truth of what’s in play, you can probably assume it’s wrong.

When a man murders his wife, we don’t say, ‘Mr. X rendered his wife unalive by efficiently evacuating her cranial cavity with an instrument customarily associated with construction.’ We say, ‘He bashed her brains out in a brutal attack with a claw hammer.’ We apparently have no stomach for similarly descriptive terminology when it comes to the unborn. But then, one might argue, Mrs. X—unlike a fetus—was a completely alive human being when Mr. X committed the deed.
With its partial-birth abortion decision, the Supreme Court took a step towards defining the aliveness of not-quite-born human beings and drew a bright line between abortion and infanticide. Until now, a baby whose head was still inside the mother’s body was not alive enough to be protected under the laws of a nation that calls itself civilized. Understandably, it’s easier to kill a baby—sorry, ‘terminate a fetus’—when you don’t have to see its face.

Now, if a baby’s body has been partly delivered from its mother, it is alive enough to be protected.

Opponents of the ruling assert that this is a dark day for Americans’ constitutional rights and women’s right to choose. They say this ruling is merely part of the pro-life strategy for gutting Roe v. Wade, one ruling at a time.

They also argue, correctly, that this ruling saves no babies from abortion. As stated previously, a fetus can still be disarticulated. And that ‘procedure’ is, arguably, equally brutal, though perhaps not as painful as collapsing the skull.

According to expert testimony, a fetus from 20 weeks’ gestation forward may feel ‘prolonged and excruciating’ pain during a partial-birth abortion—especially when the skull is crushed or punctured for ‘evacuation’ of its brains. The other side did not rebut the claim. (Not exactly like removing a wart is it!!!—my addition)

The main argument from the pro-choice side, and the constitutional issue at stake, has been that partial-birth abortion is sometimes needed to protect the health of the mother. But in no single court case were doctors able to demonstrate that partial-birth abortion was ever a medical necessity. Instead, all arguments were in the realm of the hypothetical. Indeed, the majority of partial-birth abortions are performed on the healthy babies of healthy women. Meanwhile, other alternatives are available that are safe for the mother, if no less unpleasant for the fetus. (If no less murderously fatal for the unborn baby—my addition.)

It is, of course, true that pro-lifers are celebrating this ruling and that they also hope eventually to see abortion regulation reverted to the states. (Not exactly correct. We intend to end the murder of unborn babies everywhere in this country. The baby murderers made the murder of unborn babies a national issue when they convinced a libertine Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution of the United States—my addition.) It is also true that many states will pass partial-birth abortion bans, as well as ‘informed consent’ laws that may require women to view a sonogram before consenting to abortion. Pro-lifers expect the informed consent laws to be challenged.

Whatever legal battles lie ahead, Wednesday’s high court decision seems a civilizing step forward, affirming as it does that the state has a substantial interest in protecting and preserving life.” (The state has more than a substantial interest in protecting life. Protecting life is the state’s primary responsibility and because of past Supreme Court rulings, it has failed miserably at protecting the life of unborn babies!!!—my addition)
“If the vocabulary is confusing, that’s the point. Using Orwellian speak, is a time-honored tactic of the pro-choice arbiters. If we don’t say what it is, we can pretend what it isn’t.”

Here are some of the terms used by the baby murderers which although sometimes correct and sometimes incorrect are all used to soften the reality of the meaning:

Abortion—the murder of an unborn baby (baby murderers never refer to the procedure as murder and almost never use the term “kill an unborn baby” or even “kill a fetus”)

Alive—having been delivered from the mother and now completely removed from all contact with the mother (Before such delivery, the baby is considered by the baby murderers to be a portion of the mother and therefore dead (Since by definition you can only be one of two things: alive or dead.) or nonexistent. See mother’s body.)

Fetus—an unborn baby (baby murderers almost never use the word baby; fetus is the normal term. Does fetus even sound human?)

Moderate—anyone who supports the murder of unborn babies (grossly inaccurate)

Mother’s body—the unborn baby (This is an outright lie since the mother’s DNA and the baby’s DNA are different and therefore by definition the baby can not scientifically be a portion of the mother’s body. They seem to believe that they have the right not only to murder unborn babies but to define words as they choose—another right to choose philosophy.)

Pro-choice—supports the murder of unborn babies

Protect women’s health—murder an unborn baby using the excuse of being concerned about the mother’s health (As stated many times, most abortions have nothing to do with health issues.)

Right to choose—right to murder an unborn baby

Terminate a pregnancy—murder an unborn baby

Truth—their definition of the way they want things to be (Want to murder your unborn child; deny that the child is a child.)

It is easier to murder an unborn baby when you deny that you are murdering an unborn baby. Of course, the CREATOR of the universe knows the truth. Of course, they are not fooling GOD the FATHER. However, that does not stop them from supporting their own depravities. Without repentance, they are not only murdering unborn children but also murdering themselves spiritually. What an awful price to pay to be humanly allowed to murder an unborn baby!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

Reaction to the abortion decision, Part 2

On Thursday April 19, 2007 the Peoria Journal Star on page A3 published two stories in relation to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law that outlawed “partial birth abortions.” The first was the story about the Court’s ruling. The second was entitled “Candidates weigh in on abortion ruling.” The candidates referred to are Presidential candidates. The article did not discuss the reactions of all the Presidential candidates who have declared or are contemplating a run for the Presidency. (Of course, I don’t know if the article published was longer and edited by the staff of the Peoria Journal Star or if this article with an Associated Press by-line was published as provided by the Associate Press.) The article gave the reported reactions of three Republican candidates who are perceived by the mass media as the Republican frontrunners and selected Democratic candidates. Because all of the announced Democratic candidates have stated that they support the murder of unborn babies, I will concentrate on their reactions according to the published material. (Uncharacteristically, about two thirds of the material was about the Republican candidates responses.)

Quoting from the article, “Among Democrats running for president, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware voted for the ban, while Sens. Hillary (“we are the President”—my addition) Clinton of New York and Christopher Dodd of Connecticut voted against it. North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, who was running for president at the time, missed the votes on the issue.

On Wednesday, Edwards said he ‘could not disagree more strongly’ with the high court’s decision.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (who was an Illinois State Senator and not a Congressional Senator at the time the law was passed—my addition) said the decision is a dramatic departure from precedents safeguarding women’s health.

‘I am extremely concerned that the ruling will embolden state legislatures to enact further measures to restrict a woman’s right to choose.’ Obama said.”

I discussed in my previous blog that the murdering of unborn babies has not been and is not now a health issue. Therefore, I will not deal with that during this blog. Note, however, how Democrats continually bring up that bogus lie as a part of the justification to allow the murder of unborn babies as if the health and life of the baby is totally insignificant and should, therefore, be ignored. I have also discussed many times that no one has the right to choose to murder another human being so I will not deal with that continuing lie at this time.

What is significant is of the Democratic candidates who were Senators at the time, only Senator Joe Biden originally voted for the ban. Senator Hillary “we are the President” Clinton voted against banning “partial birth abortions.” That is not surprising since her husband during his Presidency in the 1990’s vetoed an earlier version of a passed Congressional bill to ban “partial birth abortions.” Senator Clinton has been quoted as stating that “abortions should be legal, safe, and rare.” I wrote previously that such a statement is an admission that an abortion murders an unborn child since if it did not there would be no reason for it to be rare. Her support for a barbaric method of murdering an unborn baby demonstrates conclusively that she has no qualms about murdering innocent babies.

I can not understand how any Christian can support a Presidential candidate who supports the murder of innocent unborn babies and who supports the barbaric practice of “partial birth abortions.” Where is your real allegiance? Is it in the support of the WORD of GOD or is it to humanistic libertines who support the murder of our unborn children. As JESUS declared in Matthew 6: 24a (NIV), “’No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.’”

Who is your master? Is it GOD the FATHER, the CREATOR of all things, or is it the barbaric Democratic candidates who support the murder of unborn babies and “partial birth abortions?” It is your choice. You can not choose both!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17 (NIV)

Reaction to the “abortion” decision

On Friday April 20, 2007 the Peoria Journal Star published a short article on page B5 entitled “Activists speak out about abortion ban.” Actually only two people were referenced in the article. One supported the decision of the Supreme Court and one opposed the decision. The one who opposed the decision was identified as the president and CEO of the local “Planned Murderhood” organization for the Central Illinois area.

Quoting from the article, the president of “Planned Murderhood” declared the decision is “‘a very serious threat to women’s health in the long term.’” (The article does not give an explanation why ending such an obscene procedure is a “very serious threat to women’s health in the long term.”—my addition)

“’It is a frontal assault,’ Harant said. ‘This is beginning the slope that says women are not in control of their bodies and that their health’ is secondary.”

“’Now the Supreme Court has said that evidently politicians can make medical decisions and not licensed physicians looking to the interests of their patients,’ she said.

Harant pegged the decision to court appointments made by President Bush, which she said makes it possible to begin ‘chipping away’ at the Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.”

I quoted the supporter of the murder of unborn babies because out of their own mouths the evidence is given of how corrupt their reasoning is. Remember, these are people who are trying to justify their argument that the murder of unborn babies is a right bestowed upon women. To justify such utter, barbaric nonsense, it is necessary to lie and distort the truth at almost every turn. And lie they do.

The first lie is that the murder of unborn children is a health issue. It is not now and has not been since the obscene decision of the Supreme Court over thirty years ago. A woman under the court ruling does not have to go to a doctor and have a serious medical discussion on whether or not murdering her unborn baby would improve her health. A baby by definition is not a health problem! All a woman has to do is walk into a “Planned Murderhood” establishment and declare “remove my baby” and the baby is removed. Where is the doctor’s medical decision in this obscene practice? The control is the woman’s; not the doctors! In fact, the “Planned Murderhood’s” mouthpiece admits as much in her next quote when she trumpets that “’This is beginning the slope that says women are not in control of their bodies….’” The murder of unborn babies is not a health issue; it is a control issue and a convenience issue.

The second obscene lie in this article is the absurd, scientifically invalid declaration that the baby is part of the woman’s body and not a separate, distinct person. Yet, the only way the baby could scientifically be a part of the woman’s body is if the baby has the exact same DNA as the woman. We know that is not true! If it is true, then no test could be used to determine who the father of the baby is because the father would also have to be the mother. The DNA of the baby is always different than the mother’s DNA. Therefore, the baby can not be part of the body of the mother. Another obscene lie to try to justify an obscene act of murder!

The “Planned Murderhood” supporter is right about one thing. The two appointments to the Supreme Court by President Bush did make a difference in the decision of the Supreme Court. In admitting this however, she demonstrated that the original abortion decision was exactly what she was also complaining about. Politicians (in this case, the original Supreme Court members who, of course, were not medical people but lawyers politically appointed to the Supreme Court) making a decision that was not only outside of their realm of expertise but also contrary to the Constitution of the United States that they had sworn to uphold. How can she now complain about a political decision when the decision to allow the murder of unborn children was a political decision? Again, the only way to possibly defend an obscene decision is to repeatedly parrot obscene lies.

It is way past the time to end this obscene practice of murdering our unborn children for the convenience of the mother! A mother has no more right to murder her unborn baby than you and I have to murder one of our own children. MURDER IS NOT A RIGHT!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17 (NIV)

The law is Constitutional!

Originally my first post after tax season was going to be a continuation of the two previous ones about the unsafe floor condition at the Peoria Civic Center during the Boys’ Class A Illinois State Basketball Tournament. However, because of recent events that is not going to be the case. I hope to return to this issue soon. First though, an important, correct decision was just reached by the United States Supreme Court.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007; a small victory was won in the continual battle against the forces of evil. With prayer and much work, the law outlawing the abominable practice known as “partial birth abortions” has been upheld by a narrow 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court. The two newly appointed members of the Supreme Court supported the right of Congress to regulate an abortion procedure.
Let’s not delude ourselves. This ruling does not end the immoral, illegal, barbaric practice of murdering our unborn children. The ruling prevents one particularly heinous method from being used by doctors who will continue murdering the unborn.
To achieve this small victory, Congress outlawed the procedure during the Clinton Administration only to have President Clinton veto the measure. Similar bills were passed at the State level. Almost immediately, the baby murderers challenged these laws in various sympathetic courts around the nation. The lower courts ruled the law to be unconstitutional. In the mean time, once President Bush took office, Congress again passed a similar bill which was signed by the President.
With the decision of the Supreme Court, “partial birth abortions” should not be practiced within the United States. However, we are still murdering our unborn toddlers both by medical procedure and by abortion pills. The work is far from done and the libertines will not surrender. They intend to continue promoting the murder of the unborn as a Constitutional right.
It is probable that Congress will not change the “partial birth abortion” law before the next Congressional election because even if such a bill managed to pass Congress, President Bush would surely veto it. However, it is also unlikely that any new initiatives to restrict or end abortion will pass in Congress because the Democrats now control both Houses. Therefore, if the practice of murdering our unborn is going to end, we most probably must elect a President who abhors abortion and who will appoint strict constructionists at all levels of the court system including the Supreme Court.
Therefore, it is also imperative that those who oppose the murder of unborn babies work to regain control of the United States Senate. Of course, it would also be beneficial to regain control of the House of Representatives although that body does not approve court appointments. The House could promote laws that would further restrict or end this immoral practice.
We still have a lot of praying to do. We still have a lot of work to do. The baby murderers will not relent. We must continue to support and work for the end of the murder of the unborn!