Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pro-Life Activists: No Amount of Persecution Should Deter Us from Ending All “Legal” Abortions! now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:


“Despite Death Threats, Phill Kline Continues to Speak Out Against Abortion
by Kristi Burton Brown | Washington, DC | | 6/21/14

Washington, DC (LiveActionNews)—To anyone with an open mind, it couldn’t be clearer that Phil Kline—once the Attorney General of Kansas—was targeted and oppressed specifically because of his stand against Planned Parenthood.

Kline attempted to expose Planned Parenthood’s illegal activities in regards to child and statutory rape, and he was shut down. Some say Kathleen Sebelius shredded damning documents that could have helped to convict Planned Parenthood (She, of course, was the Secretary of Health and Human Services and implemented Obamacare. Obamacare which provides money to MURDER unborn babies even if the people insured do not desire such!—my addition). We know that she appointed judges who would strip Kline of his law license so that he couldn’t practice law in Kansas anymore.

Kline was on track to take down Planned Parenthood in Kansas, with the evidence he’d found. And so Planned Parenthood’s cronies took him down instead (Only temporarily!—my addition). Dennis M. Howard of Renew America writes about Kline’s journey thus far:

Kline has been sued numerous times by Planned Parenthood and its allies, suffered death threats and harassment and been subjected to a multi-million dollar smear campaign, yet he persists (Good for him! We all need to be thus involved and determined!—my addition).

Kline is now assistant professor of law at Liberty University and director of Amistad Journey, a project of the Life Issues Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio. In that job, he continue to pursue pro-life justice (Good for him!—my addition).

Because Phil Kline seeks true justice for the oppressed, he keeps on keeping on. He will not be silent, not when he is speaking for those who have no voice to speak for themselves. Recently, Kline spoke to the Legal Center for Defense of Life, saying that ‘if America continues embracing abortion, it will destroy the rule of law (It will also destroy America as we know it. GOD will not tolerate such MURDERS indefinitely!—my addition).’ He told the audience that we ‘claim a promise and live a lie.’

Americans claim the promises our fathers and mothers established this nation on. The promises of freedom, of justice, and of the right to life. We still hold these truths to be ‘self-evident,’ and yet we reject them when it comes to our most helpless members (Yes, the Supreme Court did and the Left! We need to return the United States to these principles in fact as well as in theory!—my addition).

Kline said:

The law flies out the window when abortion comes in the door. Without truth, there is no law, and that truth must resonate in the hearts of the people.

He also explained that those who work to save lives ‘must expect to suffer for their beliefs (Sure! For a time! It is well worthy it to restore the dignity for life that the courts have rejected and we have allowed the court to get away with it!—my addition).’

If you put your convictions on the line in America, you can expect to be persecuted (Unless your are on the Left! Then you get praised! Wendy Davis as an example!—my addition). The word ‘suffering’ in the ancient Hebrew means to lift up to a higher purpose. If you reflect on life and on history—you will see that all that has eternal value has required suffering. We must rely on the promises of God. We often can’t see how God is using us in our pro-life ministry. Yet we have faith in the author of truth (We should and I do!—my addition).

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And while it is unlikely that all of us will receive death threats or be subject to multi-million dollar lawsuits, it is likely that each of us will suffer in some way for this cause we have found to be greater than ourselves.

But we must indeed remember that we are not in this for ourselves. We are not here because we need help. We are here to help the helpless (We are! I hope we all are!—my addition). We are here because we must be here.

And just like Phil Kline, we can never leave (Until we have ended alllegalabortion/MURDERS!—my addition). Let us see our cause through to the end, for it is a just cause that will one day achieve its final victory (I believe it will and I pray soon!—my addition).

LifeNews Note: Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom. She is also a stay-at-home mom and an assistant editor for Live Action News. This column originally appeared at Live Action News and is reprinted with permission.

Remember this: Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the decisions of the Supreme Court or any other federal court, for that matters, are the supreme law of the land! Nowhere!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

Hillary Clinton of “What difference does it make?” fame asked to sign her new book. Surrounded by her personal body guards.

Video on site

I am moving this weekend. This may be my last post until Monday or Tuesday of next week. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pro-Life, Pro-Abortion, Christianity, and the Impossibility of Serving Two Masters!

                                                               now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:


“There is No Such Thing as a ‘Pro-Choice’ Christian
by Matt Walsh | Washington, DC | | 6/23/14

What if I told you that I believe it’s OK to physically abuse your household pets?

Hold on. Don’t jump on my case about it. I’m saying it’s acceptable to torture and torment pets—but only pets. And only your own pets. You certainly can’t go around drop kicking, headbutting, or piledriving your neighbor’s dog, but your dog is a different story.

And you can only punch, pistol whip, and karate chop your gerbils, cats, puppies, parrots, etc, up until a certain age. And only in the most humane way possible (Is there a humane way to MURDER?my addition).

That’s all. I’m not some kind of psycho animal hater—I’ve never even assaulted my own cat, and I don’t think I ever will—I just happen to think you should have that right, should the need or desire ever arise.

But, beyond this one admittedly unique viewpoint, my overall ideology is pretty mainstream. I mean, I think it’s important to recycle and eat healthy and be nice to people and all that stuff.

Now, what if I told you that I also consider myself an animal rights activist?

Do you think the other animal rights activists will embrace me as their own? Will they allow the title ‘animal rights activist’ to be bent and broadened to the extent that it also includes maniacs who think we ought to vociferously defend a person’s right to smack their pets around (Sure, if you are a Leftist!my addition)?

Alright, maybe this is a bad example. PETA kills thousands of animals every year, yet they seem to be celebrated in the animal rights community (Form over substance that is what is important to a Leftist!my addition).

Still, you get my point. And in case you don’t, I’ll spell it out:

Our beliefs are not packaged, sealed, and sold separately. We don’t formulate our personal philosophy in a vacuum. Your views on one subject will be colored, or clarified, by your views on everything else.

If you think you live in a world where it is morally acceptable to do X, then your opinion on Y must be understood in the context of a world where X is considered righteous.

So this is why you can’t, for instance, advocate for slavery while also being a proponent of civil rights. Either you’re lying about your civil rights stance, or else you have an understanding of ‘civil rights’ which does not include a right to be free from enslavement. If that’s the case, then you are not a believer in civil rights at all, no matter how loudly you insist otherwise.

For very similar reasons, you simply cannot be Christian and pro-abortion. (Thats a given as far as I am concerned! Of course, there are those who claim otherwise. Mostly, to protect themselves! Think of our present President who claims to be a Christian but ignores GODS word continually! Claiming is good enough, it seems!my addition).

In order to be both, you’d have to change Christianity into a religion that does not and would not condemn the murder of human children (Of course you would but no one can!my addition). You’d have to turn Christ into a Savior who embraces infanticide, and God into a Father who creates children but does not necessarily expect us or command us to refrain from violently destroying them (Which is preposterous on the face of it!my addition).

What you are left with is something that bears no resemblance to Christianity. In fact, you’re left with something that is, in every way, exactly the opposite (Of course!my addition).

You are the pro-animal abuse animal rights activist, the pro-slavery civil rights proponent, the circular square, the north south. You are attempting to be two diametrically opposed things simultaneously. You’re trying to do something that is not only theologically impossible, but scientifically impossible as well (Can not serve two masters!my addition).

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If churches in America had any guts, this message would be proclaimed from the pulpit at least once a month. Especially this week, after that revolting story about a ‘Christian’ abortionist (Oxymoron!my addition).

This man—a mercenary killer of infants—insists that his faith ‘calls’ him to decapitate babies (He is a liar and he is evil!my addition). ‘Dr.’ Willie Parker says that abortion ‘became this conviction of compassion in a spiritual sense of the deepest level of love that you can have for another person, that you can have compassion for their suffering and you can act to relieve it.’ (What nonsense! Who gave him that authority? NOT GOD!my addition).’

He’s right when he says that Christianity is a religion of love and compassion. But he understands (or claims to understand) love and compassion to include the extermination of 50 million children worldwide each year. His version of love leaves the ground scattered with the corpses of slaughtered babies. Christ’s love called us all to protect and love children, and warned us that we’d be better off with a stone around our neck, drowning in the sea, than defying that commandment.

Willie’s concept of love, then, isn’t just incompatible with Christian love—it’s the precise opposite of it (It is a LIE!my addition).

But Willie The Child Killing Quack is not alone. Even Planned Parenthood has a ‘clergy advisory board’ composed of fake clergy, peddling fake Christianity, in order to sell and promote infanticide. Meanwhile, the polls continue to show that a vast number of ‘Christians’ agree with abortion, to some extent or another (They have exceptions! GOD does not! Are they Christians? That ultimately is GODS call! We can and should point out what the Bible says!my addition) .

Now, I almost hesitate to point out the numerous Bible verses that clearly and unequivocally condemn all abortion, at any stage, for any reason. I hesitate because I don’t want to reinforce the popular but horribly misconstrued notion that the Bible only teaches against or for a certain act if it somewhere explicitly mentions that act by name.

Scripture must be studied as a whole, in its entirety—not in disconnected pieces. From that view, we see a religion which preaches a message that is, in every facet, from every angle, from every vantage point, completely opposed to the killing of innocent children (True!my addition). It doesn’t need to say ‘hey, by the way, don’t kill innocent children in the womb,’ in order for its anti-murdering-innocent-children-in-the-womb stance to be clear (True!my addition).

In any case, conveniently enough, the Bible is pretty explicit about abortion.

Shall we count the ways?

Let’s begin with the Bibles constant and consistent message condemning the taking of innocent life. Exodus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Revelation, Matthew—all of these books engrave this truth into stone. Psalms, in particular, has a very relevant verse: ‘They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters … desecrating the land with bloodshed.’

Question: is abortion the taking of a life? Yes. Call it a fetus, call it an embryo, call it a moose if you like. What you can’t call it is inanimate matter. Therefore, it (He/she is life!my addition) is a life.

Another question: is that life innocent? Yes. And I shudder to think that anyone would suggest otherwise.

The Bible repeatedly condemns the killing of innocents, but abortion kills the innocent.

Who is still confused?

My favorite pro-life verse is that obscure passage that reads: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’

Yes, ‘kill’ must be understood as ‘murder,’ and murder can’t be understood to include justified and righteous killing like self-defense, or the defense of a loved one. It is not hard for me to understand ‘thou shalt not kill (except in matters of self-defense and just warfare). But it is a little difficult to comprehend this version: “thou shalt not kill (unless you’re killing your young child [It would NEVER stand with GOD! NEVER!my addition]).’

The Bible also teaches that God specifically commanded the human race to ‘be fruitful and multiply.’ Abortion would seem to fall short of that directive (Duh!my addition).

Scripture says that life is sacred (‘I came that they may have life’—John 10 ‘There shall be no more death’—Revelation 21 ‘Thanks be to God who gives us victory’ over death—1 Corinthians 15 ‘He will destroy death forever’—Isaiah 25) and that children are a ‘gift from God’ (Psalm 127).

Most compellingly, the Bible repeatedly says that God creates and forms every human being (‘God created man in His image’—Genesis ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you’—Jeremiah). Unless you believe in a flawed and clumsy Lord, you must not think that any life can be accidental, or that God wishes for any of the beings made in His image to be exterminated before they even emerge from the womb. God has a plan for all of us, and our job as parents is to guide our children in following and understanding that plan.

Further, Jesus makes it clear that whatever we do or fail to do for ‘the least of His brothers’ we did or failed to do for Him (Matthew 25). When we abort a child, we are therefore aborting Christ.

I feel sick even typing that sentence, but there is no other way to interpret the matter.

But the most shocking Biblical attacks against abortion cannot be boiled down to one or two sentences. The central point—the Ultimate Moment—of Christianity is, among other things, a stunning rebuke against abortion. Indeed, if there is one issue today that most offends and desecrates the Christian Message, it is abortion.

Think about it: Jesus was miraculously conceived in the womb. He spent his first nine months on Earth as a ‘fetus.’ If abortion wasn’t a grave sin up until that point (even though it was), it would have become the gravest of sins afterwards. Jesus elevated all of mankind when he became one of us. And He became one of us through every stage, so every stage was elevated and sanctified (True!my addition).

Let me repeat this: if you are a Christian then you believe that CHRIST HIMSELF was a ‘fetus (Of course HE was! A fetus is just a stage in the growth of a human being! And CHRIST was a human being!my addition).’ How can the ‘fetus’ be anything other than sacred life after such an event?

Just a glob of cells? Is that what a Christian would say of his Savior?

We don’t know what Christ looked like exactly, but we know he once looked something like this:

And how did Jesus’ life end? He sacrificed Himself for the our sake.


Christianity is a religion of sacrifice, while abortion is a sacrament for those who wish to avoid it.

Sacrifice. Love. Life.

Abortion stands opposed to all of these things, and so it stands opposed to God, and so it stands opposed to Christianity.

That doesn’t mean that pro-choice people can never be Christian, and it certainly doesn’t mean that post-abortive mothers aren’t welcome. Far from it. Christianity is also a religion of forgiveness (AND Repentance!my addition), and thank God for that, because I am in constant need of God’s eternal mercy.

Christianity is a faith for all people, but it is not a faith for all notions and ideas. You cannot simultaneously profess the Faith while also defending the murder of the innocent. You are welcome into the church, but your belief in baby-murder is not. You cannot carry the cross and a Planned Parenthood banner at the same time (True! You cannot serve two masters!my addition).

You have to drop the one, and pick up the other.

I hope you do. I hope you start today. Now. This moment.

But until then, you cannot follow Christ while you still support the murder of His children.

You cannot be both.

You cannot be Christian and ‘pro-choice (Absolutely agree! You can not serve two masters! However, this seems to be harder for some people even though it follows the same logic. How can you be a Christian and allow for exceptions? The Bible does not say Thou shalt not MURDER except for …!”my addition).’

LifeNews Note: Matt Walsh is a blogger and talk radio host. Hes also a father of twins and a writer of haikus. This article was first published on The Matt Walsh Blog and is reprinted with permission. Image of Jesus ©1998 Shannon Wirrenga

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

Hillary Clinton of “What difference does it make?” fame asked to sign her new book. Surrounded by her personal body guards.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pro-Life, Pro-Abortion Senators and Senate Candidates, North Carolina’s Senate Election, Susan B. Anthony List, and Planned Parenthood

Chris Daniel won the primary in Mississippi for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. However, he did not receive 50% + 1 of the vote as required by law. Therefore, a run-off election will occur on June 24. He needs his campaign funds to be rebuilt. Donate to the Chris McDaniel Senate primary campaign in Mississippi:




New T.W. Shannon for Senate for Oklahoma ad:

Donate to the Senate Conservatives Fund for T.W. Shannon:


Donate: now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:

From: Susan B. Anthony List

“I’m sending you a link to the powerful, hard-hitting TV ad we just finished producing. It targets Senator Kay Hagan, a pro-abortion Democrat from North Carolina.

You’re probably thinking … why do I care about North Carolina?

Because I know youre worried about where our nation is heading, and winning the North Carolina Senate race is the most effective way to save unborn babies and turn America around in 2014. (Not worried but determined to help defeat all Democrats who support the MURDER of unborn babies!my addition)

But don’t just take my word for itlook at what Planned Parenthood says about the NC Senate race!

You see, Planned Parenthood needs Senator Kay Hagan re-elected to keep a pro-abortion U.S. Senate majority that backs their abortion agenda 100%. So just this week Planned Parenthood declared, ‘North Carolina is our top priority in terms of keeping the Senate.’ They’re pouring $3 million dollars into electing abortion extremist Kay Hagan (Nothing new! Planned MURDERHOOD supports all MURDERING Democrats!my addition).

And thanks to your support, SBA List is fighting back. Were meeting Planned Parenthood on the battleground of North Carolina, and its a battle for Americas heart and soul.

So watch the ad, feel the powerful impact it will have on voters and the unborn lives it will save … and then I need you to make a donation right now so we can get ads like this on the airwaves across America.

Watch the ad

Once you’ve watched the ad, forward this email to at least 5 of your pro-life contacts and tell them to spread the news (Putting it on the blog! Let others know!my addition).

Then fight with us! Donate now to get ads like this on the airwaves and support our grassroots troops in North Carolina and Senate races across America . We probably won’t have $3 million to pour into North Carolina like Planned Parenthood, but we have God and the truth on our side (Rather powerful!my addition)saving unborn lives is always a more compelling message to voters than abortion extremism (Life vs. MURDER!my addition).

Thank you again, Donald, for fighting with us.

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List”

Help get pro-life Senators elected throughout the United States! Every pro-life Senator is automatically better than any pro-MURDER Democrat! Automatically!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

Hillary Clinton of “What difference does it make?” fame asked to sign her new book. Surrounded by her personal body guards.

Video on site


Monday, June 23, 2014

Planned Parenthood Encourages Minors to Engage in Abusive Sex! Sign the Petition to Defund Planned Parenthood! Then, Vote Those Who Fund Planned Parenthood Out of Office!

Chris Daniel won the primary in Mississippi for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. However, he did not receive 50% + 1 of the vote as required by law. Therefore, a run-off election will occur on June 24. He needs his campaign funds to be rebuilt. Donate to the Chris McDaniel Senate primary campaign in Mississippi:




New T.W. Shannon for Senate for Oklahoma ad:

Donate to the Senate Conservatives Fund for T.W. Shannon:


Donate: now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:

Primaries in June:

06) Colorado Primary: June 24, 2014

20) Maryland Primary: June 24, 2014

32) New York Federal Office Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ State Office Primary: September 9, 2014

36) Oklahoma Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ Runoff: August 26, 2014

44) Utah Primary: June 24, 2014

24) Mississippi Primary Runoff: June 24, 2014


“Teens & Taxpayers: How Planned Parenthood is abusing both
Adam Peters
June 18, 2014

Earlier this week, I was accused of wanting to ‘feel dominant.’ This, I was told, is the reason why I and other Live Action supporters are waging a ‘war on women’ by seeking to end abortion (The real and ONLY War on Womenis being waged by those who support and promote the MURDER of unborn babies over half of whom are female!my addition). That sounds odd when you consider that Live Action was founded by a woman and women make up the majority of its authors at Live Action News. Further, if the pro-life movement really is fighting a war against women, then polls show that around half of America’s ladies don’t seem to know it (As I said, the real War on Womenis coming from the baby MURDERERS! Over half a million females are MURDERED every year for the last forty some years! Thats over 20 million MURDERED females! More MURDERS than all the deaths in all our wars combined! Who, again, is waging a War on Women?”my addition).

The idea is especially strange given that there’s a much more effective way to dominate females: abusive sex. And the good news (for abusive men) is that Planned Parenthood is making things even easier (How kind of them!my addition). As new video footage proves, America’s largest abortion provider has been encouraging girls as young as 15 to accept beatings and degradation from their sexual partners (You mean that isnt fun? It also may be illegal!my addition) . Best of all, they’re doing it with your money.

In March of this year, one of Live Action’s volunteers brought a hidden camera to Planned Parenthood’s Midtown Health Center in Indianapolis. Posing as a 15-year-old, the volunteer said that she had ‘some questions’ regarding sexual activity. She got plenty of answers.

A Planned Parenthood counselor mentioned that the volunteer’s older boyfriend may want to ‘dominate’ her with a whip. Of course, ‘there need to be rules.’ Apparently the best way to set those rules is to ‘test your limits’ and see ‘what kind of pain you can take.’ The teen was then directed to a porn site should she have further questions. Don’t worry, that last piece of advice isn’t as alarming as it sounds: the counselor stressed that this particular porn site is free of viruses (Encouraging! That also might be illegal!my addition).

Planned Parenthood president Betty Cockrum says the video ‘does not reflect our professional standards or training protocols (Liar! OK. It does reflect the practices of Planned MURDERHOOD though!my addition).’ In fact, earlier Live Action investigations show that it’s par for the course, as Planned Parenthood staff have been willing to help cover up statutory rape, facilitate gendercide, and arrange involuntary abortions on child prostitutes who ‘can’t speak English’ and ‘won’t know what’s going on.’ While Live Action’s volunteers haven’t taken Planned Parenthood up on these offers, plenty of others have.

Who’s paying for all of this? Well, that would be you (Of course!my addition). Planned Parenthood received upwards of $500 million in funding from the federal government last year, even though it can’t account for how tens of millions were spent in years past. If paying an organization that helps predators and advises teens to harm themselves tests your limits, then feel free to sign Live Action’s petition asking that Congress defund Planned Parenthood. After all, we do need rules.”

The petition:

And after signing the petition, vote the Democrats and establishment Republicans, who vote to fund Planned MURDERHOOD, out of office!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

Hillary Clinton of “What difference does it make?” fame asked to sign her new book. Surrounded by her personal body guards.

Video on site

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Abortion and Contraceptives: Have Contraceptives Increased or Decreased the Abortion Rate? Or Have They not Made a Difference?

Chris Daniel won the primary in Mississippi for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. However, he did not receive 50% + 1 of the vote as required by law. Therefore, a run-off election will occur on June 24. He needs his campaign funds to be rebuilt. Donate to the Chris McDaniel Senate primary campaign in Mississippi:




New T.W. Shannon for Senate for Oklahoma ad:

Donate to the Senate Conservatives Fund for T.W. Shannon:


Donate: now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:

Primaries in June:

06) Colorado Primary: June 24, 2014

20) Maryland Primary: June 24, 2014

32) New York Federal Office Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ State Office Primary: September 9, 2014

36) Oklahoma Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ Runoff: August 26, 2014

44) Utah Primary: June 24, 2014

24) Mississippi Primary Runoff: June 24, 2014


“I Disproved The Theory Contraception Reduces Abortions, All They Could Do Was Call Me Names
by Michael New, Ph.D. | Washington, DC | | 6/20/14

The responses to my writing about the relationship between contraception and abortion never cease to disappoint me.

Back in 2010, I participated in an exchange in Public Discourse about the book Red Families v. Blue Families and the role contraception was playing in the U.S. abortion decline. In my article, I questioned the role of contraception, in part because abortion rates were declining faster in red states than in contraceptive friendly blue states. In his response, Northwestern University Law Professor Andrew Koppelman failed to engage my arguments or present data indicating that contraceptives were effective. Instead, he stated the argument is ‘silly’ and laments that it is ‘astoundingly stupid and tragic that this is what we are arguing about (Nothing new about this. The Left takes the position that if we say it and/or if we believe it, then it must be true! Therefore, there is no reason to debate it or present any facts supporting our position! We see the same attitude in relation to their man-made global warming myth! Anyone who disagrees with them is a denier!my addition).’

Yesterday in NRO (National Review Online—my addition), I had a blog post where I considered various factors that might be reducing the incidence of abortion. These include legislation, shifts in public opinion, reductions in teen sexual activity, and increased contraception use. For a variety of reasons, I have doubts that increases in contraception use have had much to with the long term abortion decline. First, the increase in contraception use predates the abortion rate decline by many years. Secondly, despite increases in contraception use, the unintended pregnancy rate has remained relatively stable over time, and has even increased slightly since the mid 1990s.

Yesterday in Salon, Katie McDonough said that I was ‘delusional’ because I have doubts about the role contraception has played in the abortion decline (A natural response by the Left. When they have nothing to support their position, they automatically resort to name calling! It is almost a reflex action! Almost like they are still in childhood! Maybe they are! He was lucky. He was not called racist, a hater, or even unscientific. He was just delusional! When they name call, you know you have hit a nerve and they have no response other than name-calling!my addition). McDonough did not raise questions about the accuracy of my data. She did not present additional data. She did not offer any additional arguments. Nope, she just called me a name. She spent the rest of the article attacking pro-life laws and other pro-life efforts to dissuade women from obtaining abortions (Drawing attention away from theoffendingdiscussion! Another tactic used by the Left! They are very predictable! .

Click here to sign up for daily pro-life news alerts from

I have a simple question for McDonough and others who think that contraception is responsible for America’s long-term abortion decline: If contraceptives are effective and contraceptive use has increased, why has the unintended-pregnancy rate gone up (I know a woman who has had at least two unintended pregnancies while using contraceptives. Both times the contraceptives came from Planned MURDERHOOD! That may tell you something in and of itself!my addition)? Again, statistics from both Guttmacher and the National Center for Health Statistics and both show the unintended-pregnancy rate has increased since the mid 1990s. Honestly, I am not expecting much of a response. It is unfortunate that instead of thoughtfully engaging the arguments that I put forward, McDonough and others simply choose to engage in childish name calling (What else can they do?my addition). Note: Dr. Michael New is a political science professor at the University of Michigan–Dearborn and holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University. He is a fellow at Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, New Jersey.

When the position of one side is that it is arightto MURDER your own unborn child, it is almost if not impossible to have a debate with them. Their primary position is inherently evil! And, of course, that is the position of Barack Hussein Obama! They have sold their souls in support of it! The Bible does not say: “Thou shalt not MURDER except for ….”

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Impeach Barack Hussein Obama!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

Hillary Clinton of “What difference does it make?” fame asked to sign her new book. Surrounded by her personal body guards.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Pro-Life: a Pro-Life Catholic Excoriates Pro-Abortion Catholic Congressmen and the Church Leaders Who Allow Them to Participate in the Catholic Faith as They Remain Unrepentant

Chris Daniel won the primary in Mississippi for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. However, he did not receive 50% + 1 of the vote as required by law. Therefore, a run-off election will occur on June 24. He needs his campaign funds to be rebuilt. Donate to the Chris McDaniel Senate primary campaign in Mississippi:




New T.W. Shannon for Senate for Oklahoma ad:

Donate to the Senate Conservatives Fund for T.W. Shannon:


Donate: now has the exclusive right to sale my first e-book in its Kindle Store.

The title of the e-book is The Black Sword: The Secret U.S. Army in Vietnam

The direct link to the e-book:

Primaries in June:

06) Colorado Primary: June 24, 2014

20) Maryland Primary: June 24, 2014

32) New York Federal Office Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ State Office Primary: September 9, 2014

36) Oklahoma Primary: June 24, 2014 ~ Runoff: August 26, 2014

44) Utah Primary: June 24, 2014

24) Mississippi Primary Runoff: June 24, 2014

From: American Life League

“Dear Friend of Life,

Pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ politicians like Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Andrew Cuomo ought to be ashamed of themselves (I doubt if they are. However, if they do not repent, they will pay a terrible price! I had to repent! I have always been pro-life. However, I voted for and supported pro-MURDER Democrats. Never again! I will never again knowingly vote for or support a pro-MURDER candidate from whatever party or group! Pro-life Catholics in Illinois, Dick Durbin, who is up for reelection this year, is pro-MURDER! Follow GOD, do not vote for him! In fact, any Catholic Democrat on the ballot at the federal level is pro-MURDER! Do not vote for them!my addition).

So should their do-nothing bishopsCardinal Wuerl of Washington, DC, Cardinal O'Malley of Boston and Cardinal Dolan of New York!

How dare these politicians vote for abortion and Planned Parenthood time after time after time?

And how dare their bishops not discipline them, thereby scandalizing and demoralizing good Catholics?

You bet I’m mad at both. I’m angry for all the babies who die while ‘Catholic’ politicians and bishops hobnob and dine and issue statements about peace and justice all the while the holocaust of the unborn goes on, directly aided and abetted by their action and inaction (My use of red. Sinning against the GOD of the universe and CREATOR of all things!my addition)

The blood of the babies is on the hands of the pro-abortion politicians for their sins of commission! The blood of the babies is on the hands of the do-nothing bishops for their sins of omission (TRUE! And they WILL answer to GOD for it was will we all answer to GOD for our actions and inactions!my addition)!

This isn’t that hard, really.

Earlier in my own life, abortion was illegal.

And Catholics who wanted to go into public life as politicians, or those called to the priesthood and were elevated to becoming bishops, knew that abortion was always and everywhere wrong and anyone who voted for it or participated in this crime would be excommunicated, denied communion, and denied all of the Sacraments until they repented of their evil ways (My use of redmy addition)!

This is in fact the most merciful way to help sinners change, so that they don’t burn in the fires of hell!

At American Life League, we have been fighting every day since 1979 to end abortion. We are scandalized that the American bishops of the Catholic Church are not doing their job (Ouch! She is right though! Many of them are not!my addition)! It is within my rights as a Catholic to first ask, and then demand that our shepherds, our bishops take action now!

For decades we complained about Mario Cuomo and Teddy Kennedy, as two of the earliest prominent pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ politicians. Their horrible track records of voting for abortion and for Planned Parenthood’s filthy and evil ways were a matter of public record. Despite that, they were celebrated by their bishops and were ultimately buried with full honors in a Catholic Church, with their respective Cardinals watching on (Power and money! It is not the first time those two were used for evil and yet those who used them for evil were allowed to continue within religious bodies as if nothing was wrong! Compounding the evil!my addition).

And since they weren’t corrected, admonished, shunned and excommunicated, their sinful support of abortion and Planned Parenthood is now touted and expanded by their own kids and family members!

A whole new generation of Cuomos and Kennedy ‘Catholics’ are in public life right now voting for and advocating for abortion and Planned Parenthood!

Had only Ted Kennedy and Andrew Cuomo’s bishops acted then, maybe their progenyand millions more American Catholicswould have said ‘I don’t want to be embarrassed and excommunicated like Mario Cuomo and Ted Kennedy. There must be something seriously wrong with supporting abortion and Planned Parenthood. I’ll find out more, and do more, and I’ll be pro-life (Which is following GODS will!my addition).’

But that didn’t happen! What a shame! What a wasted opportunity of saving so many souls (And lives of unborn babies!my addition)! How many Catholics were led astray, putting their own immortal souls in jeopardy!

Don’t tell me it didn’t matter then, or doesn’t matter now. In fact, today, if you ask ‘sweet, Church-going little old ladies’ from Ted Kennedy’s home state of Massachusetts about him, they’ll tell you what a wonderful man he was. And good-hearted New York Catholics still say what a fine man Mario Cuomo was, so why not vote for his son Andrew?

Since the bishops didn’t speak, the people in the pews think abortion and Planned Parenthood are a-ok (Acquiescence to evil!my addition)!

And the only one saying it’s not ok is American Life League and a few other voices crying in the wilderness! Enough is enough! It’s time for the American bishops to put their mouth where their money is and come out in favor of LIFE (LIFE is the official position of the Catholic church. More importantly, it is GODS position!my addition)!

I love my fellow Americans and my fellow Catholics too much to let these sins that cry out to heaven for justice go on any longer. I have followed biblical precepts of approaching pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ politicians and do-nothing bishops quietly and privately first, and then returning with others to persuade and point out the error of their ways.

But they’re not listening! So now, we must do like the Bible says, and expose them for what they are until they change or get out of the way of righteousness (Christians are to expose evil!my addition)! As Christ Himself counseled us to do:

‘If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.’Matthew 18: 15-17

In short, all Catholic politicians must vote against abortion and against Planned Parenthood funding, and if they don’t, Catholic bishops must act swiftly and publicly to explain why what they are doing is wrong and declare them excommunicated, to save all other Catholics from being led astray (What a difference they could make! Pro-MURDERCatholicswould either repent and vote pro-life or be exposed as the frauds they are. Now they use their so-calledCatholicbeliefs to actually try to justify MURDERING unborn babies. Nancy Pelosi comes immediately to mind! In relation to MURDERING the unborn, she is no more following GODS will than is satan!my addition).

And if neither are willing to change, then it is up to us to hold them accountable, and to defend the babies and the faith, regardless of the discomfort we feel. This is not easy work, nor fun to do. I wish I didn’t have to do it. But no one else is or will, so if you agree with me, I need your help today! Please click on this link and go to our website where you can make a gift today!

Your gift today will help ALL carry the fight for the babies all the way to the top, allowing us to do the investigation, research and boots-on-the-ground activism necessary to end abortion and hold ‘Catholic’ politicians and do-nothing bishops accountable!

How else will Nancy Pelosi/Cardinal Wuerl, John Kerry/Cardinal O’Malley, and Andrew Cuomo/Cardinal Dolan understand the eternal risk they face (Calling out Cardinals for their sin is a bold move on her part. She is right of course. But good Catholics are not prone to challenging their Cardinals!my addition)?

How else will we be able to end the slaughter of the innocent babies if they don’t join us in this fight?

We need to pray and work like never before to set things right, as babies are dying every single day (Yes they are!my addition), and souls are being led astray (Yes they are!my addition). Please help us today, and please pray for victory against the evil of abortion (Every day!my addition)!

Sincerely yours in the Lord Who IS Life,

Judie Brown”

I am not a member of the Catholic church. However, some of the most fervent pro-life people I have known are! Contradictory, some of the most fervent pro-MURDER members of Congress have claimed to be faithful members of the Catholic church. Obviously, one of the two groups are living a delusional, sinful lie! I do not know of one Catholic Democrat in Congress who votes pro-life! The obvious solution for faithful Catholics is to vote them out of office. They are not following the Catholic faith! They are living a lie! By the way, there are more Congressmen in Congress who identify themselves as Catholic than any other faith. If they actually voted according to Catholic doctrine, abortion/MURDER would be illegal! There are a lot of fraudulent Catholicswho are elected!

Because gun control works for government, the government killed:

I have enjoyed baseball for as long as I can remember. Watching a pitcher work his magic, watching a hitter who is considered excellent when he fails 2/3rds of the time. Tony Gwynn has died. Here is a tribute to his craft.

Watch the first video: