Saturday, June 21, 2008

Supreme Court usurps its authority again, part 4

Remember the Vision Forum “Giveaway” See the post of June 14, 2008 for complete details: “Vision Forum ‘Giveaway’”

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

(I had server problems again last night and could not get this posted. Hopefully tonight will be different.)

I had planned on only one post in relation to the Supreme Court decision and FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS. However, that has changed. In the Peoria Journal Star’s typical practice of providing balanced journalism, the paper printed four articles in relation to the decision. Three of the articles—an editorial by a national journalist, a political “cartoon” editorial, and an editorial by the on staff editorial writers—supported the Supreme Court decision. One editorial was opposed to the decision. However, it doesn’t matter. The paper could publish 100 editorials in favor of the decision and every one of them would be—wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

Tonight’s post is the national editorial that supported the Supreme Court decision. It was published in the Peoria Journal Star on June 17, 2008 on page A4 and written by George Will who I classify as a pseudo conservative. A significant portion of the article questions Senator John McCain’s opposition to the decision which is why I believe it was selected for publication in the Peoria Journal Star. I am quoting the entire writing.

“Questions for McCain on ruling
by George Will

The day after the Supreme Court ruled that detainees imprisoned at Guantanamo are entitled to seek habeas corpus hearings, John McCain called it “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.” Well. (GOOD for John McCain! He is RIGHT!—my addition)

Does it rank with Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) [Not quite; but close—my addition.], which concocted a constitutional right, unmentioned in the document (which is EXACTLY WHAT the present decision DOES!—my addition), to own slaves and held that black people have no rights that white people are bound to respect?

Does it rank with Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), which affirmed the constitutionality of legally enforced racial segregation? With Korematsu v. United States (1944), which affirmed the wartime right to sweep American citizens of Japanese ancestry into concentration camps? (The answer is YES! It does bother me though that he does not mention the most obscene Supreme Court case of all time—Roe v. Wade which allowed the MURDER of unborn babies by their mothers. What he is demonstrating is that the Supreme Court has been usurping power for a long time and needs to be brought under control and the Courtocracy must be stopped!—my addition)

Did McCain’s extravagant condemnation (Who said it was an extravagant condemnation except for George Will and the likes?—my addition) of the court’s habeas ruling result from his reading the 126 pages of opinions and dissents? (Why is that necessary? The result of the ruling is known—unless the news accounts are inaccurate—and the result of the ruling is pure usurpation of power by an out of control Supreme Court some of whose members routinely ignore the provisions of the Constitution and replace the provisions of the Constitution with their own personal positions, desires, and prejudices—my addition.) More likely, some clever ignoramus (Typical name calling by those who have no basis for their position on an issue—my addition.) convinced him that this decision could make the Supreme Court—meaning, which candidate would select the best judicial nominees—a campaign issue. (I should hope so!!! It is a very relevant campaign issue and the Democratic nominee has consistently supported judicial activism which is out of control and has been for years—my addition.)

The decision however, was 5-4. The nine justices are of varying quality, but these are not five fools or knaves. (No one said they were. Five fools and knaves would NOT be so DANGEROUS. It is the possession of so much uncontrolled, unregulated power that makes these five Justices so DANGEROUS to our Democracy. They seem to believe that they know best even when it is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution which they have taken an oath to uphold—not SUBVERT!!!—my addition) The question of the detainees’—and the government’s—rights is a matter about which intelligent people of good will can differ. (WRONG!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! The question has nothing to do with what their rights are or should be. THE QUESTION IS WHAT DOES THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES PROVIDE FOR SAID RIGHTS for FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS!!!!!!! Quite simply, George Will is making an argument, although unsound, for judicial activism and that the five members of the Court know best —my addition.)

The purpose of a writ of habeas corpus is to cause government to release a prisoner or show through due process why the prisoner should be held. (The use of a writ of habeas corpus for FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS has never been used in the United States and the CONSTITUTION does not provide for FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS to have relief through a writ of habeas corpus. THE CONSTITUTION DOES PROVIDE that Congress is the body to provide the RULES for CAPTURES in time of war and past historical practice left it to the President, as Commander in Chief, when such rules are not provided by the Congress. NEVER was this POWER given to the COURTS!!! NEVER!!!—my addition) Of Guantanamo’s approximately 270 detainees, many certainly are dangerous ‘enemy combatants.’ Some probably are not. (NOTE: the probably. He does NOT know and neither do the Courts and the Constitution does NOT provide that the Courts are the body to make that decision. It is OUT OF THE COURT REALM OF RESPONSIBILITY!!!—my addition) None will be released by the court’s decision (irrelevant—my addition), which does not even guarantee a right to a hearing. (also, irrelevant—my addition) Rather, it guarantees only a right to request a hearing. (AND THAT IS VERY RELEVANT BECAUSE IT IS A “RIGHT” NOT provided in the CONSTITUTION and now CREATED by this usurping decision of the FIVE members of the COURT!!!—my addition) Courts retain considerable discretion regarding such requests. (AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!! IT IS THE COURT SEIZING MORE AND MORE POWER THAT IS NOT PROVIDED IN THE CONSTITUTION!!! Does George Will NOT get it?—my addition)

As such, the Supreme Court’s ruling only begins marking a boundary against government’s otherwise boundless power to detain people (a very specific type of people—FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS—my addition) indefinitely, treating Guantanamo as (in Barack Obama’s characterization) ‘a legal black hole.’ (That is to be determined by Congress—NOT the Courts—my addition.) And public habeas hearings might benefit the Bush administration by reminding Americans how bad its worst enemies are. (That’s speculation but worse it is also irrelevant. Perceived benefits from usurpation of power is STILL based upon the USURPATION of POWER!!!—my addition)

Critics, including Chief Justice John Roberts in dissent, are correct that the court’s decision clouds more things than it clarifies. Is the ‘complete and total’ U.S. control of Guantanamo a solid-enough criterion to prevent the habeas rights from being extended to other U.S. facilities around the world where enemy combatants are or might be held? (Logically, it would not be but the five libertines aren’t always logical in their pronouncements. That’s part of the problem—the COURTS DO NOT USE the Constitution to reach their decisions. When that happens which is all too frequent, they are left to their own opinion of constitutional and unconstitutional!—my addition) Are habeas corpus rights the only constitutional protections that prevail at Guantanamo? (Again, logically the Court will extend to FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS ALL constitutional rights. The Court has unconstitutionally opened “Pandora’s Box”!!!—my addition) If there are others, how many? All of them? If so, can there be trails by military commissions, which permit hearsay evidence and evidence produced by coercion?

Roberts’ impatience is understandable. ‘The majority merely replaces a review system designed by the people’s representatives with a set of shapeless procedures to be defined by federal courts at some future date.’ (And there is the key!!! Congress HAS ESTABLISHED rules for CAPTURES just as the Constitution of the United States gives them authority to do. For the Supreme Court to deny those rules is to USURP the provisions of the Constitution as the Court does time after time, after time, after time. IT IS TIME TO STOP THE COURTOCRACY!!!—my addition)

Ideally, the defining will be by Congress, which will be graded by the courts. (WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! The courts have NO CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE TO GRADE CONGRESS WHEN DEALING WITH FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS!!! NONE!!!!!!!—my addition)

McCain, co-author of the McCain-Feingold law that abridges the right of free political speech, has referred disparagingly to, as he puts it, ‘quote, First Amendment rights’’ (Which unfortunately the same Supreme Court has ruled is mostly constitutional. But, in fact, this is irrelevant to what the court is now doing. It’s similar to claiming that because McCain did something wrong, the Supreme Court is now allowed to DO a SIMILAR WRONG! That is just NONSENSE!!!—my addition) Now he dismissively speaks of ‘so-called, quote, ‘habeas corpus suits.’’ He who wants to reassure constitutional conservatives that he understands the importance of limited government should be reminded why the habeas right has long been known as ‘the great writ of liberty.’ (This is ALSO IRRELEVANT because the Constitution DOES NOT APPLY THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS TO FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS!!! WE are suppose to take the Constitution as it is NOT as we think it is suppose to be!—my addition)

As the conservative and libertarian Cato Institute argued in its amicus brief in support of the petitioning detainees, habeas, in the context of constitutional law, ‘is a separation of powers principle involving the judiciary and executive branches. The latter cannot be the only judge of its own judgment.’ [Note: the article did not have ending quotation marks. I placed the ending quotation marks after “judgment” although I don’t know if that is correct.—my addition] (The argument that the writ of habeas corpus is a separation of power principle between the judicial and executive branches is debatable. What is NOT debatable is that it is IRRELEVANT to the issue at hand. The Constitution gives CONGRESS the power to make RULES concerning CAPTURES. It does NOT give that POWER to the COURTS!!!—my addition)

In Marbury v. Madison (1803), which launched judicial supervision of America’s democratic government (Marbury v. Madison was the first instance of the Supreme Court USURPING its Constitutional power!!! A discussion of Marbury v. Madison would take a college semester course and will not occur at this time. What is important is that it is unacceptable to use one instance of USURPATION of power to JUSTIFY a current USURPATION of Constitutional power!!!—my addition), Chief Justice John Marshall asked: ‘To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing, if these limits may, at any time, be passed by those intended to be restrained?’ (MY very relevant question: Just WHO is RESTRAINING the Supreme Court of the United States? As I’ve said, the Supreme Court IS NOT the Constitution!!!—my addition) Those are pertinent questions for McCain, who aspires to take the presidential oath to defend the Constitution.” (The Supreme Court members took the same oath and are continually violating that oath. Again I ask. WHO is RESTRAINING the Supreme Court of the United States???—my addition)

This ruling is simply an illegal edict by a Supreme Court that enjoys rewriting the Constitution of the United States. THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!!

Article I, Section 8 declares “The Congress shall have Power … To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water….” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” NOT ANY FEDERAL COURT; NOT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”

Historically, when Congress has not made such rules during time of war, who do you think made such rules? The Supreme Court??? NO!!! NEVER!!! It has been the President under his power as commander in chief of the armed forces—Article II, Section 2. Does the Supreme Court have the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water?” NOT ACCORDING TO THE CONSTUTITION OF THE UNITED STATES!!! If that power is so listed, please tell me where it is because I have some knowledge of the Constitution and I have NEVER read it in the CONSTITUTION! NEVER!!! I haven’t read it because it is NOT in the CONSTITUTION!!!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Supreme Court usurps its authority again, part 3

Remember the Vision Forum “Giveaway” See the post of June 14, 2008 for complete details: “Vision Forum ‘Giveaway’”

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I had planned on only one post in relation to the Supreme Court decision and FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS. However, that has changed. In the Peoria Journal Star’s typical practice of providing balanced journalism, the paper printed four articles in relation to the decision. Three of the articles—an editorial by a national journalist, a political “cartoon” editorial, and an editorial by the on staff editorial writers—supported the Supreme Court decision. One editorial was opposed to the decision. However, it doesn’t matter. The paper could publish 100 editorials in favor of the decision and every one of them would be—wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

I’m not yet sure if I’m going to discuss all four editorials although I probably will. Tonight’s post is the editorial that opposed the Supreme Court decision. It was published in the Peoria Journal Star on June 17, 2008 on page A4 and written by Cal Thomas. Although the article discusses more than the Supreme Court decision, I’m quoting the entire writing.

“Judges will have blood on their hands
by Cal Thomas

When the terrorists attack again—as Homeland Security has repeatedly warned us they will—how many survivors will be consoled because the Supreme Court looked out for the ‘rights’ of terrorists before the rights of their dead loved ones?

Will the dead be wrapped in a copy of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling granting foreign detainees, whose mission is to destroy our Constitution, our country and way of life, the right to appeal to U.S. civilian courts to challenge their detention, a right that should be reserved only for American citizens? (Regardless of what the Supreme Court rules, it is a right that is ONLY reserved for American citizens. By definition, the Constitution of the United States applies to AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! To define it any other way is to IGNORE the provisions of the CONSTITUTION—my addition.) Perhaps inside the caskets can go a statement by the State Department refusing to close Islamic schools underwritten by the government of Saudi Arabia, which teach visceral hatred of Jews, Christians and all things Western.

To the second issue first. Despite the recommendation from a federal panel that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandra, Va., be closed for promoting hate, the State Department won’t go along. State (the State Department—my addition) has jurisdiction because as part of the Saudi government, the school is subject to the Foreign Missions Act. A local Democratic politician running for Congress won’t support the closing of the school, either. He is Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly, who has reportedly called critics of the academy ‘bigots.’ Perhaps his position is related to a $2.2 million check he accepted from the Saudi Embassy to extend its lease.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom looked into reports that the school was teaching hate. The school promised to clean up the textbooks. The commission looked again to see if the school had done so and concluded it had not. In addition to vilifying Jews, children are taught it is permissible for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim and those who convert from Islam. (I just thought of this as I was typing the material. Not only does the Bible declare than homosexuality is a sin, so does the Koran. Homosexuals who are rushing to get married in California (and those who have married in Massachusetts) better hope that terrorists don’t gain access of said marriage records. The records would identify what some terrorists might consider ideal targets for retribution. Fortunately for homosexuals, Christians allow GOD to dispense justice and mercy. By definition, TERRORISTS tend not to do so—my addition.) We are allowing a training ground for future terrorists on American soil.

In addition to whatever harm is caused by terrorists who manage to win their freedom, the Supreme Court decision will cause collateral damage. Granting terrorists seized on the battlefield access to civilian courts also sends another message; America is not serious about winning the war. It tells them they can ‘game’ the system, demanding rights and protections unknown in their countries of origin. (I would classify this as an “unintended consequence” but I’m not sure it is unintended. There are way too many who have their heads buried in the sand refusing to recognize that these FOREIGN TERRORISTS intend to KILL us and DESTROY our nation. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. It is FOLLY to help them to do so in any way—my addition.)

According to Justice Antonin Scalia, 30 former detainees have ‘allegedly’ returned to the battlefield to kill American troops and others. On whose hands should be their blood. (Some Supreme Court members have a lot of blood on their hands including the blood of millions of unborn children BUTCHERED because of their obscene rulings!!!—my addition)

Who should be held accountable for the blood of Americans killed by terrorists who have gained their freedom courtesy of a federal judge, a judge who usurped the authority and judgment of the executive branch and the military? This is bound to demoralize our soldiers who will wonder why they should bother to seize terrorists at all if they are just going to be released. They might kill them all in the field, but then they would probably be court-martialed. (Does it make sense to free FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS through civilian courts? NO! It has never been done before in our history. NEVER!!!—my addition)

The U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) says, ‘the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.’ Justice Anthony Kennedy, one of Ronald Reagan’s biggest mistakes (along with former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor—my addition), wrote that the same rights granted to American citizens also cover non-citizens by virtue of their presence on land controlled by the U.S. military, even though that land is Cuba. (As I said in my previous post, during World War II we held German prisoners of war in the United States including in the Morton, Illinois area and NOT ONE of those FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS were given access to civilian courts. NOT ONE!!!—my addition)

Have we not been invaded? Didn’t the 9/11 terrorists ‘invade’ America for the specific purpose of harming us?

The next attack probably won’t come by airplane. It will come in a shopping mall, or a school, or on Wall Street, or possibly all three. Perhaps someone who manages to extricate himself from Guantanamo, thanks to a liberal judge, will lead the attack. (That won’t matter because we don’t hold our judges accountable for unconstitutional decisions. WE SHOULD!!! WE MUST!!!—my addition) What will the Supreme Court and State Department say to cleanse the blood from their hands?” (My guess is they will say, “Oh well. It’s not our fault. We were just interpreting the Constitution. We are not accountable. The writers of the Constitution should have been clearer if FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS were not to be involved in civilian courts. We just try to do our best to do what WE THINK is best for the country”—my addition.)

This ruling is simply an illegal edict by a Supreme Court that enjoys rewriting the Constitution of the United States. THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!!

Article I, Section 8 declares “The Congress shall have Power … To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water….” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” NOT ANY FEDERAL COURT; NOT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”

Historically, when Congress has not made such rules during time of war, who do you think made such rules? The Supreme Court??? NO!!! NEVER!!! It has been the President under his power as commander in chief of the armed forces—Article II, Section 2. Does the Supreme Court have the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water?” NOT ACCORDING TO THE CONSTUTITION OF THE UNITED STATES!!! If that power is so listed, please tell me where it is because I have some knowledge of the Constitution and I have NEVER read it in the CONSTITUTION! NEVER!!! I haven’t read it because it is NOT in the CONSTITUTION!!!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Supreme Court usurps its authority again, part 2

Remember the Vision Forum “Giveaway” See the post of June 14, 2008 for complete details: “Vision Forum ‘Giveaway’”

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I had planned on only one post in relation to the Supreme Court decision and FOREIGN ENEMY COMBATANTS. However, that has changed. In the Peoria Journal Star’s typical practice of providing balanced journalism, the paper printed four articles in relation to the decision. Three of the articles—an editorial by a national journalist, a political “cartoon” editorial, and an editorial by the on staff editorial writers—supported the Supreme Court decision. One editorial was opposed to the decision. However, it doesn’t matter. The paper could publish 100 editorials in favor of the decision and every one of them would be—wrong, wrong, wrong!!!

I’m not yet sure if I’m going to discuss all four editorials although I probably will. But first, tonight’s post dealing with the political “cartoon” editorial. I don’t know who wrote it because I could not read that portion of it but it was published in the Peoria Journal Star on June 17, 2008 on page A4.

The “cartoon” is situated in an obvious prison setting with a black back wall with a barred window. Another gray wall has posted on the wall a copy of the U.S. Constitution. I know this because at the top of the page it says “U.S. Constitution” (By the way, my copy of the Constitution has “Constitution of the United States” at the top but then this is a newspaper so we shouldn’t expect accuracy!) Above the Constitution is posted a notice which I will describe momentarily. Reading the notice and to the left of the notice, is a big overweight, burly man who seems to be in some type of uniform. He has a name tag above one pocket. The name tag reads “GITMO GOONS”—“GITMO” is directly above the “GOONS.” In each hand of the “GITMO GOON” is a much smaller man being held by the back of his shirt. Each man looks as if he has been dragged to the spot in the picture by the “GITMO GOON” and they each appear to be unconscious with their heads hanging down. On one of the shirts (both are red in color), is written DETAINEES. (I guess the author did not have space to include FOREIGN or ENEMY COMBATANTS.) And now to the notice: The notice declares “ATTENTION! THE SUPREME COURT HAS RULED THAT WE MUST HONOR THIS STUPID THING.” Three arrows are pointing down to the copy of the Constitution of the United States.

The only problem is that the notice is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! As I said in the previous post, NO WHERE in the United States Constitution does it say that FOREIGN ENEMY COMBANTS MUST BE GIVEN A HEARING IN CIVILIAN COURTS!!! NO WHERE!!! That simply is an illegal edict by a Supreme Court that enjoys rewriting the Constitution of the United States. THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!! THE SUPREME COURT IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION!!!

In fact, as I also pointed out in the previous post, Article I, Section 8 declares “The Congress shall have Power … To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water….” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” NOT ANY FEDERAL COURT; NOT THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” Congress has the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”

Historically, when Congress has not made such rules during time of war, who do you think made such rules? The Supreme Court??? NO!!! NEVER!!! It has been the President under his power as commander in chief of the armed forces—Article II, Section 2. Does the Supreme Court have the power to “make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water?” NOT ACCORDING TO THE CONSTUTITION OF THE UNITED STATES!!! If that power is so listed, please tell me where it is because I have some knowledge of the Constitution and I have NEVER read it in the CONSTITUTION! NEVER!!! I haven’t read it because it is NOT in the CONSTITUTION!!!!!

Consequently, the political “cartoon” editorial is an outright LIE!!! In fact, the Supreme Court has ruled that we MUST DISREGARD the Constitution and honor the Supreme Court’s treacherous rewriting of the Constitution!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Supreme Court usurps its authority again

Remember the Vision Forum “Giveaway” See the post of June 14, 2008 for complete details: “Vision Forum ‘Giveaway’”

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

(I’m still having problems with my server and haven’t been able to post—hopefully tonight. I plan to return to my series on homosexuality and the California Supreme Court Tuesday night or more likely Wednesday morning. For this post, a current event created by the edict of the United States Supreme Court as it continues to push Courtocracy upon the nation.)

The U.S. Supreme Court ought to try reading the U.S. Constitution before rendering its decisions! The court Thursday again usurped its authority and dictated a decision that ignores the provisions and/or lack thereof within the Constitution. Some members of the Supreme Court really seem to believe that they are the Constitution of the United States. It is the same old story of five appointed, unelected lawyers believing that “they know best.”

The story was published in the Peoria Journal Star on June 13, 2008 on page 1A and 11A. The article is long so I will only quote portions of the material.

“In a stinging rebuke to President Bush’s anti-terror policies, a deeply divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign detainees held for years at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have the right to appeal to U.S. civilian courts to challenge their indefinite imprisonment without charges. (Note the following: these detainees are FOREIGN and ARE NOT U.S. citizens. These FOREIGN detainees are being detained as military prisoners and yet five members of the Supreme Court are giving them the “right” to appeal to civilian courts—my addition.)

Bush said he strongly disagrees with the decision—the third time the court has repudiated him on the detainees—and suggested he might seek yet another law to keep terror suspects locked up at the prison camp, even as his presidency winds down. (pg 1A and 11A)

(The remaining quotes are from page 11A)

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the 5-4 high court majority, acknowledged the terrorism threat the U.S. faces—the administration’s justification for the detentions—but he declared, “The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times.” (That is true but they are not designed to allow the Supreme Court or any other court to usurp the Constitution and the laws of the nation as the Supreme Court has now been doing for many years. The Courts are erroneously claiming to be upholding the Constitution when, in fact, certain members of the Court are yearly rewriting the Constitution to suit their own purposes and desires —my addition.)

In a blistering dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia said the decision ‘will make the war harder on us. It will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.’”

“Kennedy said federal judges could ultimately order some detainees to be released, but he also said such orders would depend on security concerns and other circumstance. The ruling itself won’t result in any immediate releases.” (Does this mean that the CIVILIAN courts are to ultimately determine who is and who is not a military prisoner!!! When did they get that power and that expertise???—my addition)

“Most are classed as enemy combatants and held on suspicion of terrorism or links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.” (Note again: These are FOREIGN TERRORISTS or suspected FOREIGN TERRORISTS—my addition)

“But James Cohen, a Fordham University law professor who has two clients at Guantanamo, predicted Bush would continue seeking ways to resist the ruling. ‘Nothing is going to happen between June 12 and January 20,’ when the next president takes office, Cohen said.” (I should hope that is TRUE!!! When did FOREIGN terrorists get their own lawyers? I wonder how many American citizens who were murdered by Al-Qaida had lawyers representing them to the terrorists before they were MURDERED. How many Iraqis who were murdered by roadside bombs, by car bombs, by suicide bombers in public areas were represented by lawyers before they were MURDERED???—my addition)

“Guantanamo generally and the tribunals were conceived on the idea that ‘Constitutional protections wouldn’t apply,’ Swift said. ‘The court said the Constitution applies. They’re (meaning the military tribunals—my addition) in big trouble.” (The Constitution no where applies to FOREIGN military and terrorist groups. NO WHERE!!! The Supreme Court has again rewritten the Constitution to suit there own desires, concepts, and prejudices!!! The question is: Why do we the people continue to allow it to happen. Do we really prefer a Courtocracy to a democracy. It seems we do!!!—my addition)

“At its heart, the 70-page ruling says that the detainees have the same rights as anyone else in custody in the United States to contest their detention before a judge.” (ABSOLUTE and UTTER NONSENSE!!!!!!! These are FOREIGN TERRORISTS!!!!!!!—my addition)

“Chief Justice John Roberts, in his own dissent to Thursday’s ruling, criticized the majority for striking down what he called ‘the most generous set of procedural protections EVER (my capitalization—my addition) afforded aliens detained in this country as ENEMY (my capitalization—my addition) combatants.’

Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas also dissented.

Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and John Paul Stevens (the libertine four—my addition)—the court’s more liberal members—joined Kennedy to form the majority.” (These four should have been impeached and convicted a long time ago for usurping power and violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States—my addition.)

“Scalia, citing a report by Senate Republicans, said at least 30 prisoners have returned to the battlefield following their release from Guantanamo.”

Did you read that indictment of the courts? “AT LEAST 30 PRISONERS HAVE RETURNED TO THE BATTLEFIELD FOLLOWING THEIR RELEASE FROM GUANTANAMO.” What kind of insane people would even contemplate releasing FOREIGN ENEMY combatants so that they can return to the BATTLEFIELD to once again attempt to KILL Americans and others that they disagree with? THAT IS INSANE! ISN’T THAT TREASONOUS???

Here is what the Constitution of the United States (the document the Supreme Court is suppose to be obeying) has to say about the situation:

(The numbering of the following is my own. I am not listing all the powers specified—just those which pertain to the situation)

“Article I, Section 8. The Congress shall have Power …

1) To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

2) To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; (That seems significant! Repeating a portion of this power that CONGRESS possesses [NOT the COURTS]: MAKE RULES CONCERNING CAPTURES ON LAND AND WATER)

3) To raise and support Armies, but no appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

4) To provide and maintain a Navy;

5) To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

6) To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

7) To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

8) To make ALL (my capitalization—my addition) Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and All (my capitalization—my addition) other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States or in any Department or Officer thereof.” (This last paragraph quoted is the last paragraph of Article I, Section 8.)

“Article II, Section 2. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; … and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

What powers does the United States Constitution give to the courts including the United States Supreme Court in relation to the carrying out of war and the treatment of FOREIGN combatants? ABSOLUTELY NONE!!!

Does the United States Constitution declare that FOREIGN individuals have the same protections provided in the United States Constitution that United States citizens have? NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Does the United States Constitution declare that FOREIGN COMBATANTS have the same protections provided in the United States Constitution that United States citizens have? NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! A THOUSAND TIMES—NO!!!

Does the United States Constitution declare that FOREIGN COMBATANTS who are waging war against the United States have the same protections provided in the United States Constitution that United States citizens have? NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! A MILLION TIMES—NO!!!

I deliberately left out one paragraph in the article until now. That paragraph stated:

“Human rights groups and MANY (my capitalization—my addition) Democratic members of Congress celebrated the ruling as affirming the nation’s commitment to the rule of law. (What nonsense!!! It is not affirming the rule of law!!! It is affirming the illegal edicts and beliefs of five unelected members of the Supreme Court—my addition.) Several Republican lawmakers called it a decision that put FOREIGN TERRORISTS’ RIGHTS (my capitalization—my addition) above the safety of the American people.”

Do you remember this quote from the article? It is the very last paragraph in the news story. “Scalia, citing a report by Senate Republicans, said at least 30 prisoners have returned to the battlefield following their release from Guantanamo.”

Did you know that during World War II, that the United States kept German prisoners of war within the United States including some in the Morton, Illinois area? And guess what? Not one of those held prisoners of war were given a civilian trial. NOT ONE!!!

This is what the Constitution says about Treason which incidentally is in Article III which is the article which defines the powers and duties of the courts.

“Article III, Section 3. TREASON (my capitalization—my addition) against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Questions: Is illegally and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY declaring that FOREIGN ENEMY combatants must be given a day in court in civilian court an instance of GIVING THEM (our enemies) AID AND COMFORT??? ARE FIVE of our chief justices GUILTY of TREASON??? Why is this nation allowing the Supreme Court to pervert and rewrite the CONSTITUTION of the United States??? Does this Court even realize that WE ARE AT WAR??? THAT THE TERRORISTS WANT TO KILL US??? THAT THE TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS???

We now live in a Supreme Court created world where FOREIGN TERRORISTS have Constitutional rights and UNBORN AMERCAN CITIZENS who are daily murdered DO NOT!!! HOW UTTERLY ABSURD!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Thank you for your past purchases making the present giveaway possible! Don’t forget the current sale going on until June 17th—“The Ancient Wisdom for Modern Families” Audio Series saving 40% while supplies last. See previous post—“Vision Forum sale …” June 13, 2008—for more details.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vision Forum “Giveaway”

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

As a Vision Forum affiliate whose readers have purchased sufficient merchandise through my blog, I have been given the privilege of giving away a set of the new “Reclaiming the Culture DVD Collection.” Here is what Vision Forum says about the DVD collection:

“Vision Forum’s new ‘Reclaiming the Culture DVD Collection’: This engaging seven-part video series — which features messages by Ray Comfort, Doug Phillips, Dr. Paul Jehle, and Geoffrey, Anna Sofia, and Elizabeth Botkin — is designed to dispel worldly myths that undermine biblical womanhood, honor, evangelism, and America’s providential history and to recapture these priorities in a way that reflects God’s Word and gives hope to our children.” The set has a retail value of just over $100.

This is how the give away will operate. Anyone (except for me) who is at least 18 years of age and who lives within the 50 States and Canada or is a member of the United States armed forces is eligible to enter the giveaway. One entry per person or mailing address please. The entrant is responsible for any taxes required to be paid. The entrant should mail his/her name, complete mailing address, and email address on a 3 X 5 card or 3 X 5 piece of paper to:

Don L. Vance
P.O. Box 481
Morton, Illinois 61550

The entry should be postmarked on or before June 30, 2008 and must arrive by July 3, 2008. I will randomly select one winner as well as post the name of the winner on my blog Saturday July 5, 2008 or as soon thereafter as I can. (I’ve been having a problem with my server.) My decision is final and is not appealable. I am not responsible for any entry that does not reach me or does not have all the required information provided or does not meet the requirements or is not legible or is defective in any other manner. I will provide the above information to Vision Forum and they will mail the DVD set to the winner. Please allow delivery in 2-3 weeks from July 7, 2008.

One other requirement: On the 3X 5 card or paper, please write my first purchase from Vision Forum. The answer to that question will be given on my personal profile. Go to “About me” to the left of the material posted. Click onto “View My Complete Profile.” The purchase is mentioned at the end of the profile.

Two final items: 1) All appropriate laws must be adhered to. 2) It is my understanding that Vision Forum occasionally allows such giveaways. However, the giveaways are extended to those affiliates who have sufficient purchases through their links. To continue to have such offers from my blog, purchases must continue to be made through my blog link.

Thank you for your past purchases making this giveaway possible! Don’t forget the current sale going on—“The Ancient Wisdom for Modern Families” Audio Series saving 40% while supplies last. See previous post for more details.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Vision Forum sale concerned with the Christian development of children

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

One of the reasons I became an affiliate for Vision Forum is because of my concern for the family and my belief that Christians have been secularized in relation to the upbringing of our children. I own two of the CD’s in this series—How to Develop Character in Your Children and The Role of Children in the Meeting of the Church by Douglas W. Phillips. The first is good; the second is very good. I hope you very seriously consider purchasing the series. As Christians and as a nation, we need to reverse our lack of the proper training of our children. It, I believe, is essential. This is my post for tonight. Some time in the future, I hope to devote a series to the family and our children—perhaps not until after the election.

“‘The Ancient Wisdom for Modern Families’ Audio Series—save 40% while supplies last

For many years, Dr. S.M. Davis has been instrumental in helping families address and conquer the foundational challenges of this generation. With wit and rich insight, Dr. Davis provides practical, biblical wisdom for moms and dads who want their homes to be unified and their children raised with a victorious spirit. I hope that this series of eight message CDs — along with ‘The Influence of Older Children on Younger Children’ and ‘The Role of Children in the Meeting of the Church’ — will be a great encouragement to your family.

This inspiring and powerful audio series is offered for $60 (a 40% discount off the standard individual prices of $100) and is good for one week only — now through June 17. The offer is good only while supplies last and expires midnight, June 17 (CST).

As a special bonus, Vision Forum will include the newly-released message by Doug Phillips entitled, “Victories!: Moments, Large and Small, Which Define Christian Parenthood”, as a free gift with the purchase of the CD collection by S.M. Davis. We believe this message will inspire the young men in your family and that it is a must hear for every father and aspiring leader.

Thank you for shopping with Vision Forum. We appreciate your prayers and support!”

The ten CD’s:

01) “How to Keep Children from Becoming Bitter
02) “Seven Bible Truths Violated by Christian Dating
03) “Why Satan Wants Your Firstborn and What to Do About It
04) “How to Develop Character in Your Children
05) “What to Expect From a Twelve-Year-Old
06) “How to Pass On Convictions to Your Children
07) “How to Avoid the Destructiveness of a Wrong Self-Image
08) “What the Bible Says about Scorn and Mockery
09) “The Influence of Older Children on Younger Children
10) “The Role of Children in the Meeting of the Church” by Douglas W. Phillips

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Global warming dissent—a letter to the editor

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I was planning on ending my global warming series with the previous post. However, while doing research at the library Saturday—looking for news stories that I had heard on radio news but had not seen in the Peoria Journal Star—I came across a letter to the editor which is critical of the “Al Gore gang” theory of global warming. Therefore, without comment or agreement necessarily, I am presenting the letter as another example of those uneducated peons who seem to think that “man hasn’t walked on the moon.” (I had planned to post this Saturday night but have not been able to connect with my server. Hopefully, I will tonight.)

“Data doesn’t support global warming theory”

The Pantagraph (Bloomington)
May 30, 2008 page A6

“As a scientist who has studied the global warming issue extensively, I can say with high certainty that man’s influence on global climate is at best minimal. The temperature data of the recent past does not support the theory of anthropogenic global warming. (anthropogenic: of, relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition; Merriam-Webster, Incorporated;
Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. © 1995; page 49. Yes, I had to look it up to make sure I knew the definition—my addition.)

While carbon dioxide levels have continued to increase at a steady rate, global temperatures as measured by both satellites and land/sea stations have remained flat since 1998. That is over nine years with no measurable increase in the temperature. More recent trends are showing a significant cooling is beginning. As reported by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—my addition), April was the 29th coldest in the lower 48 states out of the last 115 years.

One problem with carbon dioxide is that it is a poor absorber of radiation and accounts for between 4 percent and 8 percent of the ‘greenhouse’ effect. Water vapor, on the other hand, accounts for over 90 percent of the ‘greenhouse’ effect. Another issue with carbon dioxide is that its ability to absorb radiation is highly logarithmic. The first 100 ppm of this gas produces a net warming of 2.25 degrees Celsius. The next 100 ppm adds only another 0.3 degrees of additional warming.

The amount of warming added from manmade emissions since 1940 can produce no more than 0.1 degrees of warming. Thus, as more carbon dioxide is added, it has an ever smaller and smaller effect. Those in the pro-AGW (anthropogenic global warming—my addition) crowd believe that carbon dioxide has a positive feedback—that increasing this gas creates a cascading effect. This is the so-called “tipping point” that you will hear them describe.

Recently, climate scientist Roy Spencer using data from NASA’s Aqua satellite has disproved this positive feedback exists. Unlike Al Gore, I would welcome an open debate on this subject.

R. John Muench

As I’ve said before, no human can accurately predict what the weather is going to be like 50 years from today. We have difficulty predicting with 100% accuracy what the weather is going to be like seven days from now. This I do know. If GOD wants global warming as predicted by the “Al Gore gang” to occur, there is NOTHING man can do to stop it. If GOD doesn’t want global warming to occur, it won’t, no matter what man does. Of course, God could always let man proceed as they choose without HIS hand in it either way. I don’t know what will occur 50 years from now and NEITHER DOES any other human on this planet!

This I also know. If I were living a life of SIN, I’d be more concerned about what GOD will do today and tomorrow or what will happen to me after my death (none of us has a guarantee that we will live another fifty years) than what is going to occur in another 50 years!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Global Warming and the Conservative Book Club

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

The following two books are being advertised by the Conservative Book Club ( I have not read either book nor do I endorse the content of the books. I post the material tonight to demonstrate that not everyone agrees with the “Al Gore gang” analysis (or lack thereof) of global warming—a couple more examples of not everyone being yet convinced that the “Al Gore gang” is correct. It seems there must still be people who think “man hasn’t walked on the moon.”

Global Warming Book—Unstoppable Global Warming

Unstoppable Global Warming by L. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery

“The real reason the Earth is warming—and why it’s nothing to worry about (and we couldn’t stop it if it were)

To Al Gore and his disciples, global warming is man-made and dangerous, and unless we radically change human energy production and consumption, the results will be catastrophic for human beings and all other species. But to L. Fred Singer—founding dean of the School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences at the University of Miami—the real question is not whether the Earth is warming—but why and by how much. Now, in Unstoppable Global Warming, Singer and co-author Dennis T. Avery demonstrate that the earth’s current warming trend is a largely natural occurrence that we can’t do anything to stop—and which is not only harmless, but potentially beneficial.

In this New York Times bestseller, Singer and Avery closely examine historic data from two millennia of recorded history—combined with the natural physical records found in ice cores, seabed sediment, cave stalagmites, and tree rings—to reveal that the 1,500-year solar-driven cycle has always controlled the earth’s climate, and remains the driving force in the current warming trend. As a result, trillions of dollars spent on reducing fossil fuel use would have no effect on today’s rising temperatures—and the public policy key is adaptation, not fruitless attempts at prevention. Further, they offer convincing evidence that civilization’s most successful eras have coincided with the cycle’s warmest peaks. With the added benefit of modern technology, humanity can not only survive global climate change, but thrive.

Unstoppable Global Warming reveals:

► How more than 70 percent of the world’s recent global warming occurred between 1850 and 1940, before much human-emitted CO2

► What could have caused a pre-industrial warming? Why science points to the sun

► How the North American Pollen Data Base shows nine complete reorganizations of our trees and plants in the past 14,000 years—or one every 1650 years

► The startling correlation between earth’s varying temperatures and the length of the sunspot cycles

► How the same long natural cycle shows up in the Nile flood records of ancient Egypt and the court records of Japan

► How small variations in the sun’s irradiance are amplified on earth by more or fewer cosmic rays slamming into our atmosphere, ionizing more or less water vapor, and creating more or fewer wet, cooling clouds

► How ice cores retrieved from Greenland and the Antarctic revealed 400,000 years of the planet’s temperature history—and a 1,500-year cycle that was too long and moderate to be discerned by Celtic tribes or Viking seamen.

► How physical evidence of the 1,500-year climate cycle has also been found in the bottom sediments of six oceans and hundreds of lakes, relict tree rings from around the northern hemisphere, and the cave stalagmites and glacier movements of every continent plus New Zealand

► How history documents a so-called Roman Warming in the 1st century AD, a Medieval Warming in the 11th, and a Little Ice Age that gripped the planet from 1400 to 1850

► How right on Nature’s schedule, we’re now 150 years into a Modern Warming

‘A wonderful new book … meticulously researched and footnoted.’—The Washington Times

‘Must reading for anyone concerned about global warming.’—Frederick Seitz, former President, National Academy of Sciences

‘Fred Singer and Dennis Avery highlight the many fallacies associated with the hysterical claims of dangerous climate change and unsubstantiated computer projections surrounding the theory of human caused global warming (garbage in = garbage out—my addition). They have managed to lay out, dissect, and expose the facts in a thoroughly readable style. Unstoppable Global Warming is a must read for everybody who is interested in the real issues surrounding climate change.’—William Kininmonth, Australasian Climate Research”

The second book: The Deniers: The World-renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud—And those who are too fearful to do so by Lawrence Solomon

“Al Gore and the mainstream media tell us constantly that it’s all settled: global warming is an established fact—and it’s a grave problem that is rapidly getting worse, is caused primarily by human activity, and will lead to catastrophe if those activities continued unchecked. Says who? Why, the ‘experts’—those who know directly what we can know only because they tell us. Doubtful? Go to them and ask. They have the right training and access to the best data. They understand the equations. Trust them. There are no dissenters sufficiently credible to make them worth taking seriously.

The only problem with this cozy scenario, says Lawrence Solomon in The Deniers: The World-renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud—And those who are too fearful to do so, is that it isn’t true. There is a small and plucky coterie of scientists who, because of their commitment to the facts, are daring to stand up—at great personal cost—against the established global warming myth.

Solomon explains how Gore and Co. have mounted an all-out campaign against these men, portraying them as hacks bought off by profit-mad oil companies—or, worse, as global warming ‘deniers,’ a term meant to link them with ‘Holocaust deniers.’ But Solomon knew firsthand from his efforts in the battles over nuclear energy in the 1970s and 1980s that scientists with integrity can hold unconventional and unpopular views, despite the scorn heaped upon them by the establishment. So when the rhetoric began to heat up on the global warming skeptics, he began to look into the claims of the deniers who were being so roundly criticized. In The Deniers he profiles some of the principal dissenters from global warming dogma—all recognized leaders in their fields, with many of them even active in the official body that oversees most of the world’s climate-change research, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In the process, Solomon provides absorbing insight into both the scientific issues and the ferocious political and media battles that are being waged about global warming. The scientists he profiles are unflaggingly honest: many of them not only disagree profoundly with the global warming doomsayers, but with other scientists who are also profiled in this book. ‘Such disagreement,’ he says ‘is the very stuff of science’—real science, not the debased and politicized Al Gore variety.

The few, the proud, the real scientists:

► Dr. Edward J. Wegman: the scientist who took on Michael Mann—perhaps the most prominent and most cited of pro-global warming scientists—and demonstrated before a Congressional committee that Mann was utterly out of his depth

► The single indispensable argument underlying the idea that recent warming has been so unusual over the last millennium as to demand an explanation beyond natural forces—and the scientist who laid it to rest

► Proof: today’s high carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are not new, and carbon dioxide levels have fluctuated in the past—and the high carbon dioxide levels like those predicted by the alarmists aren’t even dangerous

►Exploded: the main proof that global warming advocates offer for the idea that, due to human activity, the current atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is higher than in the pre-industrial period

► Why life on earth would be impossible without the greenhouse effect

► The odd story of how solar scientists became the bitter enemies of the global warming establishment

► Why no aspect of the global warming alarmists’ case has come in for as much criticism as the complex computer models with which the alarmists claim to be able to predict climate change hundreds of years into the future—and why even many of the supporters of the doomsayer case find these models—and the extreme claims made for their accuracy—deeply embarrassing (garbage in = garbage out—my addition)

►Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov: his cogent arguments that recent global warming will be short-lived, and that we are actually on the brink of a global cooling—likely a severe one

► Not just junk science, but imaginary science: how the scenarios raised in a much-cited and influential National Geographic article making the case for global warming rely on imaginary glaciers and ice sheets, not on the actual formations that exist in Greenland and Antarctica”

As I’ve said before, no human can accurately predict what the weather is going to be like 50 years from today. We have difficulty predicting with 100% accuracy what the weather is going to be like seven days from now. This I do know. If GOD wants global warming as predicted by the “Al Gore gang” to occur, there is NOTHING man can do to stop it. If GOD doesn’t want global warming to occur, it won’t, no matter what man does. Of course, God could always let man proceed as they choose without HIS hand in it either way. I don’t know what will occur 50 years from now and NEITHER DOES any other human on this planet!

This I also know. If I were living a life of SIN, I’d be more concerned about what GOD will do today and tomorrow or what will happen to me after my death (none of us has a guarantee that we will live another fifty years) than what is going to occur in another 50 years!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Al Gore—scientist? Updated

Recommended: the CD “How to Think Like a Christian.” This CD is or should be a reminder to all Christians!

I suggest you check out the following website if you are a policy holder of Farmers Insurance Group or thinking about having them insure you in any capacity:

The above link is for a company—Vision Forum—that provides unique products for the family. I am an affiliate for the company and receive a small commission whenever someone uses this link and then makes an unreturned purchase while using the link. Check it out. I think you might like the products offered. I do. See my more complete explanation on my post of February 1, 2008 entitled “Affiliate program with Vision Forum.”

Based upon past historical data: 3,287+ UNBORN BABY MURDERS have occurred in the last 24 hours in the United States. See my post “BABY HOLOCAUST” posted January 22, 2008.

I’ve been involved in a problem one of my clients has with Farmers Insurance Group. My previous posts in relation to this problem were:

September 10, 2007 post: “Beware of Farmers Insurance Group”
September 11, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group’s response”
September 18, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company received the requested list”
September 19, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Company’s response to the list”
October 16, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and my request for information”
November 27, 2007 post: “Farmers Insurance Group does not respond to my request”
January 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group latest stall”
January 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group is sent a response”
January 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group pays some money”
January 19, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group continues to be obstinate”
January 26, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group receives another request”
February 11, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group shows how low they will go?”
February 12, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group: If I were going to respond to the final letter”
February 13, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and associated companies”
February 14, 2008 post: “Farmers Insurance Group and how others rate the company”

I will not be continuing my Creationism posts today. I do plan to return to them soon.

Then, I plan to answer the response about Iraq. I am sorry for the change in plans. Plans, in reality, often are altered for one reason or another. “The best laid plans … often go astray.” Thank you for your understanding and patience.

How many unborn toddlers were murdered today because of the humanistic, paganish, barbaric decisions of the United States Supreme Court?

Stop the
Murder of

“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4: 17 (NIV)

I posted the following on Monday, July 24, 2006:

The seven day weather forecast given for the Peoria area of Central Illinois on the weekend of July 15th was for seven days of temperatures in the mid to high 90’s with no rain. On Wednesday in Morton, we had 1 inch of rain. On Thursday in Morton, we had 1/4th inch of rain. On Friday in Morton, we had 4 inches of rain. On Saturday, the official high temperature for Peoria was 83 degrees.

We are not able with 100% of accuracy to prediction the weather seven days in advance. One of my clients in Tucson is a meteorologist—educated at the University of Arizona. He is a TV weatherman for one of the local Tucson stations. His station wants him to predict the weather conditions five days in advance. He told me that he doesn’t like to go more than three days because of the increased inaccuracy of any such forecast.

Yet, Al Gore and his cohorts claim to be able to predict the weather conditions for the world not just seven days in advance, but ten to fifty years in advance. Sometime, someone should ask these people what the weather conditions will be for the next two weeks. But then, newspaper reporters and others who parrot these predictions would have to be actually thinking. Who can accurately predict the future fifty years from today? I mean besides Al Gore!

I was channel surfing recently when Al Gore was on some program talking of global warming. He claimed that the only people who do not accept his version of global warming are similar to those who do not believe that man has walked on the moon. Cute. But, wrong.

However, that is not unusual for him or his supporters. Any one who disagrees with him or his conclusions must be wrong. Why? Because they disagree with his conclusions!

If we can not predict with complete accuracy the weather seven days from today, how can they actually expect us to believe they can accurately predict what is going to happen ten years from now, fifty years from now?

However, if Al Gore really believes his dire forecast of future weather conditions, why isn’t he doing more to convince the public to stop this disastrous slide into oblivion? His solution? Make a movie. Make some money. Somehow this should be sufficient to rally all true believers to accept his version of future events.

If he really believes what he claims to believe, why isn’t he demanding immediate and drastic sacrifice? And that is the key concept—sacrifice!

As was pointed out in a recent column, why isn’t he demanding the immediate end of all motor powered racing events? Pollutants are being spewed into the air with no other benefit than entertainment for the public. Why are all of his proposed solutions more government regulations? Why isn’t he actively campaigning for the Presidency so that he can be in a power position to actually do something about it?

Is he really convinced of what he wants others to believe? I don’t know if his version of global warming is true. Unfortunately, neither does he nor do his cohorts.

Note the following in the above post: Al Gore “claimed that the only people who do not accept his version of global warming are similar to those who do not believe that man has walked on the moon.” This week the Senate is debating new regulations to place upon industry to “save us” from the “Al Gore predicted calamity” of global warming. However, not everyone has yet been convinced that the “Al Gore gang” is correct in their dire predictions 50 years into the future.

The following is a short article I got off the internet earlier this year. Did you read a similar article in your local paper? I don’t recall seeing it in mine. It seems there must still be people who think “man hasn’t walked on the moon.”

“Weather Channel founder blasts climate bias

‘Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network; Claims It Is 'Telling Us What to Think'
TWC founder and global warming skeptic advocates suing Al Gore to expose ‘the fraud of global warming.’

By Jeff Poor: Business & Media Institute
3/3/2008 6:11:04 PM

The Weather Channel has lost its way, according to John Coleman, who founded the channel in 1982.

Coleman told an audience at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 3 in New York that he is highly critical of global warming alarmism. ‘The Weather Channel had great promise, and that’s all gone now because they’ve made every mistake in the book on what they’ve done and how they’ve done it and it’s very sad,’ Coleman said. ‘It’s now for sale and there’s a chance a new owner of The Weather Channel will be announced—several billion dollars having changed hands—in the near future. Let’s hope the new owners can recapture the vision and stop reporting the traffic, telling us what to think and start giving us useful weather information.’

The Weather Channel has been an outlet for global warming alarmism. In December 2006, The Weather Channel’s Heidi Cullen argued on her blog that weathercasters who had doubts about human influence on global warming should be punished with decertification by the American Meteorological Society.

Coleman also told the audience his strategy for exposing what he called ‘the fraud of global warming.’ He advocated suing those who sell carbon credits, which would force global warming alarmists to give a more honest account of the policies they propose.
‘[I] have a feeling this is the opening,’ Coleman said. ‘If the lawyers will take the case—sue the people who sell carbon credits. That includes Al Gore. That lawsuit would get so much publicity, so much media attention. And as the experts went to the media stand to testify, I feel like that could become the vehicle to finally put some light on the fraud of global warming.’

Earlier at the conference Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy adviser to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, told an audience that the science will eventually prevail and the ‘scare’ of global warming will go away. He also said the courts were a good avenue to show the science.

Stuart James and Paul Detrick also contributed to this report.

Related Links:
A New Special Report from BMI: Global Warming Censored

BMI’s Special Report ‘Fire & Ice: Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but can’t decide weather we face an ice or warming’

‘Climate of Bias: BMI’s page devoted entirely to global warming and climate change in the media.’

‘Daily Articles, Special Reports, Support, BMI Newsletter, Sign-up Video, Vault, Contact Us’”

As I’ve said before, no human can accurately predict what the weather is going to be like 50 years from today. We have difficulty predicting with 100% accuracy what the weather is going to be like seven days from now. This I do know. If GOD wants global warming as predicted by the “Al Gore gang” to occur, there is NOTHING man can do to stop it. If GOD doesn’t want global warming to occur, it won’t, no matter what man does. Of course, God could always let man proceed as they choose without HIS hand in it either way. I don’t know what will occur 50 years from now and NEITHER DOES any other human on this planet!

This I also know. If I were living a life of SIN, I’d be more concerned about what GOD will do today and tomorrow or what will happen to me after my death (none of us has a guarantee that we will live another fifty years) than what is going to occur in another 50 years!!!

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (NIV)