Saturday, October 31, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama on FOX news and a gambling issue in Ohio

I received two e-mails Saturday morning which are both time sensitive. Therefore, a bonus posting tonight. The first e-mail is about Barack Hussein Obama from someone whose e-mail address I don’t recognize. Since I don’t receive FOX news channel, I don’t know if the information is correct or what will be covered. Check the program out at your own discretion. The second e-mail about the gambling issue I have heard about since I listen to most Saturday morning broadcasts (7 AM in Morton) of the American Policy Roundtable. The organization is located in Ohio and, rightfully so, is concerned about casino gambling being established within the State.

The two e-mails put into my format:

“FORGET BEING DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.
Sounds like this could be History in the making—I feel someone is going to go down—either Obama or Fox News It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. I’m not going to miss it and I hope you won’t either. This should prove interesting!!
Subject: This Sunday at 8:00 pm central 9:00 pm eastern

This Sunday, Fox news is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9 P M Eastern. The report will go back to Obama’s earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for +20 years i.e. how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states! The report has uncovered more of Obama’s radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.
Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 P M. CT; 9 P M ET. Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know...”
“Help Defeat Issue 3

(Issue 3 is a ballot question in Ohio to establish casino gambling in the State. This is the fifth time the issue has been on the ballot having been defeated the other four times. The election is November 3rd.—my addition.)

A Public Square® listener from Montana recently wrote:

‘I am from Montana. I owned a collection agency before gambling was legalized in Montana in 1989 and I know the negative effects gambling has had in Montana before and after. They promoted gambling as an economic solution to the state, but they failed to mention the negative effects.

Soon after gambling was legalized, the following began to happen: bad checks tripled; the elderly gambled away their Social Security checks and then their checks had to be administered by the County Clerk; families lost their homes; people were thrown in prison for forging checks due to their gambling addictions; families were torn apart as one of the parents would gamble their entire paychecks; crimes were committed daily so the addicted gamblers could get money to gamble; alcoholism increased as casinos began to give away free drinks to get people to spend more at the slot machines. But the most life changing event continues to be the loss of lives by people who commit suicide because they cannot cope with what their gambling addiction has done to them and their families.

I had a prominent attorney with a successful practice who committed suicide because he gambled away money that was in his trust account; a young adult put a pistol to his head because he forged his dad’s business checks in order to gamble; the wife of the vice president of one of the largest banks in town broke into her neighbor’s home and stole checks and forged them so that her husband would not find out she was gambling.

These are life changing events that affect an entire community. No amount of money could ever bring these families’ their dads, moms or sons back from the dead. Gambling results in increased crime, decay of moral values, and erosion of the community. I didn’t know then what I know now, please don’t let this happen in your state. Thanks for your time and I am praying for your state!’

All across America people are hearing the cry to stand up against the casino gambling industry and their corrupt partnership with state legislatures and Governors. The tide is turning against this industry that enslaves people and ruins families.

Please pray that on Tuesday, November 3rd, Ohio will defeat Issue 3 and send the casinos packing for a historic fifth straight time. Everyone in Ohio needs your help. Follow us online at for up to the date election reports. Vote No Casinos. Thank you.

The Public Square®:
The Real Campaign Trail”
General Assembly Shenanigans—giveth with one hand, taketh away with the other

My post last night—“$250 BRIBE”—was originally written to be posted on October 16th. I, however, could not paste it on the appropriate page. It seems that problem has now been fixed. I received a comment concerning my “Video gaming in Tazewell County” post. I plan to respond but not immediately. I’ve fallen behind with my agenda.

That said, I’m posting tonight about a short article published in the Peoria Journal Star on October 30th, page B3. You may have noticed that I posted twice on the 30th—my planned post of “$250 BRIBE” and a second post later that morning directing anyone interested to the website of the “new, improved” version of the nationalized healthcare bill (now labeled H.R. 3962) as envisioned by the House Democrats. The House is to begin discussion on the new bill next week—Monday—and may well vote on it next week. From what I’ve heard watching C-SPAN Thursday night, it is even worse than the original H.R. 3200 and it is definitely longer—1990 pages.

I don’t plan on reading the whole thing. Do you think any Congressman who votes in favor of it will?

As I’ve written, earlier this year during three days during the regular session, the General Assembly passed a video gaming law to allow video gaming throughout the State. Realizing the negative aspects of the bill and/or trying to fake concern, the Legislature allowed communities and the counties—unincorporated areas only—to ban video gaming within their respective jurisdictions. Furthermore, voters in a community could petition for a referendum to ban video gaming. Of course, the vote on the referendum would occur during an election day vote. Almost immediately, some communities banned video gaming along with three counties including the largest in population.

It seems that the General Assembly did NOT expect that reaction to the law. It seems the General Assembly expected the communities and counties to just shrug their collective shoulders and allow video gaming to be established in their communities. After all, didn’t the General Assembly bribe the communities and counties to accept video gaming, even if somewhat reluctantly, by providing to the communities and counties 16⅔ percent of the tax collected?

Thus, the natural response of the General Assembly to this unexpected reaction by the communities and the counties is to correct this misjudgment. The General Assembly is trying to change the rules of the game that were just established earlier in the year. Consequently, according to the Journal Star, the Senate voted to allow any establishment, who receives a gaming license before a ban, to continue their video gaming. Thus, it is quite possible that every establishment, who is legally permitted to have video gaming, could have a license before any referendum could possibly be passed.

So much for allowing citizen input! So much for equal protection of the law! It seems the fear of losing this lusted after revenue is again clouding the collective judgment of the General Assembly. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” I Timothy 6: 16a (NIV)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Light reading for the weekend

Want some light reading for the weekend?

go to

click on committees

click on Committee on Rules

That will take you to currents bills being considered.

The first one on the left (seems appropriate) will be H.R. 3962--Affordable (misnomer) Health Care for America (disaster) Act.

click on text of the bill

download the PDF file of the 1990 page bill. Three more pages and it would be the same number of pages as the year of the last healthcare bill debacle!

Enjoy your light reading if you can! I think the Democratic Party is ready for the insane asylum!
$250 BRIBE

I wasn’t going to write about this tonight but just have to after reading an article in the Peoria Journal Star on 10/15/09, page A2. The article is titled “Seniors could get $250 payments.” Quoting some of the contents of the article:

“President Barack Obama called on Congress Wednesday to approve $250 payments to more than 50 million seniors to make up for no increase in Social Security next year.”

Translation: Congress established a “Cost of Living Adjustment” (COLA) to provide money to retired citizens when inflation increases the cost of living. Since no inflation existed in the last year, no cost of living is due. Yet, the President wants to BRIBE retirees with a flat $250 payment.

Do you think this $250 payment will convince retirees to support his much larger and much more expensive healthcare nationalization plot? After all, if they worked all their adult life, they have been regularly paying for Medicare benefits. One of the methods being proposed to pay for healthcare for everyone is to make massive cuts to Medicare.

So, here is the deal. The government will give you a one time payment of $250. Then, the government will cut Medicare coverage by millions of dollars a year and, in the end, the government will ration healthcare for retirees. In return, you get the privilege of changing your position (Change you can believe in?) and supporting a massive government takeover of healthcare for all. Sounds equitable; doesn’t it? How ignorant does the Obama Administration think we are? Instant gratification in return for long term misery!

“‘Even as we seek to bring about recovery, we must act (Why MUST we?—my addition) on behalf of those hardest hit by this recession,’ Obama said in a statement. ‘This additional assistance ($250?—my addition) will be especially important in the coming months, as countless seniors and others have seen their retirement accounts and home values decline as a result of this economic crisis.’”

Notice: We are in another crisis—all we seem to hear about and have is one crisis upon another. Problem is, he continually ignores the one real crisis—our moral crisis—which may well doom our nation. And Barack Hussein Obama is helping to increase our moral crisis at every turn—the MURDER of unborn babies, homosexual gratification instead of GOD’S moral law, instant gratification instead of working and saving and willingly helping others. No! Government BRIBES do NOT count as helping others!!!

A few other points of interest: According to some economists, although it is too early to know for sure, we are already out of the recession. If true, why this proposal to spend even more of our money? Barack Hussein Obama, it is our money; NOT your money!!!

Retirees are the hardest hit group in our society? We have no inflation; that’s why there is no cost of living adjustment! Most retirees have NOT lost a job and by definition are NOT part of the almost 10% unemployed. Why are they the hardest hit in the recession? Many retirees do not invest in the stock market and the stock market has already come back by a couple thousand points to over 10,000 as of the 14th of October. The lower value of a home is economically meaningless unless one is trying to get a loan using the home as collateral and/or trying to sell the home. It doesn’t apply for most retirees! In fact, there is a benefit to a loss of value if the resultant property tax tied to home ownership is lowered! There is one area that does have an impact on many retirees. The miserably low interest rates paid on savings. However, the low interest rate is the result of federal monetary policy—almost free money (as low as ¼% interest) to financial institutions. Financial institutions aren’t going to pay high rates to ordinary savers when money is sooo cheap.

“The $250 payments would also go to those receiving veterans benefits, disability benefits, railroad retirees and retired public employees who don’t receive Social Security.”

Why to Retired public employees? Oh, that’s right. They tend to support Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party. Can anyone say pay back! So, all the rest of the poor slobs who are still actually working or those unemployed, who receive unemployment benefits since they pay taxes on those benefits, will foot the bill! I heard the other day on a radio program (No it wasn’t a “right-wing” program, I don’t listen to them.) that 43% of adult American citizens don’t pay income tax and the percentage is increasing. I don’t know if the percent is correct but my guess is that it is close if not accurate. Barack Hussein Obama had better hope that the fewer and fewer people who are paying more and more taxes don’t get tired of it and decide to join the ranks of the recipients of increasing government largess!

“The White House put the cost at $13 billion ($13,000,000,000—my addition). Obama said he would not allow the payments to come out of Social Security trust funds, further eroding the finances of the retirement program.”

$13 billion dollars! Why that’s peanuts compared to the $1.4 trillion deficit of 2009!

$1,400,000,000,000. See, peanuts! Less than 1% (.9+%) of the total deficit last year. We certainly can afford another $13 billion on top of a whooping 1.4 trillion dollar deficit, can’t we? $13,000,000,000 is NOTHING to Barack Hussein Obama!!!

My question: Since the amount is so small compared to our national deficit last year, why only $250 per recipient? Why not $500? Wouldn’t that provide twice the help? Why not $1000? And provide 4 times the original help. It’s only money!

And, it’s a good thing that it won’t come out of the Social Security trust fund because, according to the same article, “Social Security already is projected to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in each of the next two years.”

YIKES! NO MONEY ANY WAY!!! No problem! The government will just borrow MORE!!!

“However, Obama did not offer any alternatives to finance the payments. A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Obama was open to borrowing the money, increasing the federal budget deficit.

Barack Hussein Obama, the great problem solver—JUST BORROW the MONEY!!! NO ONE ever has to pay back BORROWED money!!!

I heard a math teacher say the other day that people today don’t understand math. GOOD THING!!! Then, they won’t realize just how much a billion dollars is or a trillion dollars. A trillion here a trillion there and pretty soon you get into REAL MONEY!!!

Barack Hussein Obama is a VERY BAD JOKE!!! AND THE JOKE’S ON US—U.S.!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Video gaming—a second letter to the editor

I’ve not been able to post since Friday morning the 16th. I write my articles off-line and then normally copy and paste onto the website. I haven’t been able to paste. Until the problem gets solved, I’m going to write on-line—the result will be shorter posts without all the extras normally included.

I mailed the following “letter to the editor” to the Morton Times-News and the Morton Courier on October 21, 2009. The letter was published in the Morton Courier on October 28th but was not published in the Morton Times-News. It is a modified version of a similar letter I posted on October 5th and mailed to both papers—neither of which was published.

The letter:

The Illinois General Assembly passed a law allowing video gaming in virtually every establishment in Illinois that sells alcohol by the glass. A Chicago Tribune article said “State officials estimate that as many as 45,000 legal poker machines could eventually be up and running across Illinois.” The State will be taxing this newly legalized gambling at 30%. The Tribune article declared almost 60% of the people oppose the new law.

The process used by the General Assembly is tainted. During the third reading on H.B. 255 dealing with the estates of dead people, the Senate on May 20th gutted the entire bill after the title and amended it with the provisions to establish video gaming. It was passed that same day. The public was denied any real possibility of providing input.

The General Assembly recognizes problems with this law. 25% of the fees collected are to “be paid to programs for the treatment of compulsive gambling.” Individuals under 21 can not gamble. Communities and county boards—acting for unincorporated areas—may ban video gaming within their jurisdictions. Citizens of a community may ban video gaming through a referendum. Representative Sommer voted against the bill. 12 communities and 1 county have already banned video gaming. (Three counties have now banned video gaming—my addition.)

Some authorities consider video gaming to be the “crack cocaine” of gambling—addicting more people faster than any other form. Experts argue gambling/video gaming will increase crime, increase debt, lead to more bankruptcies, remove money from the local community that would otherwise be spent in the community, increase addiction, and increase suicides.

We urge the Village Board to be a leader and ban video gaming now. We urge all communities in this county to ban video gaming. We urge the County Board to ban video gaming in unincorporated areas.

The Morton 9/12 Project

—Community Leader
—Assistant Leader
Don L. Vance—Treasurer

I did not include the name of each of the other officials since I did not tell them that I was going to post the letter on my blog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Video gaming in Tazewell County

for non-Illinois residents:

According to a story in the Peoria Journal Star on 10/24/09, page A1, the Tazewell County Board is gong to consider the possibility of banning video gaming within the unincorporated areas of the county as allowed by the new State law that expanded video gaming. This is a positive step and, as I said in my video gaming posts, this addictive form of gambling should be banned throughout the State as permitted by law.

According to the article (page A12), three of Illinois'102 counties have already banned video gaming. The three are DuPage, Lake, and Cook counties. Cook is the largest county in Illinois according to population with Chicago located in the county. All three are located within the Chicago metropolitan area. If the Tazewell County Board is wise enough to ban video gaming, it would be the first downstate county to do so. Are the members of the county board willing to demonstrate the leadership necessary to ban video gaming?

The primary purpose of county government is to protect its citizens--sometimes from themselves. The State had previously determined that video gaming is detrimental and had prohibited the use of such machines for gambling purposes except in gambling casinos. Nothing that I have read or heard has offered any evidence that video gaming is now a positive. And yet the State legalized it anyway. Prayerfully, the Tazewell County Board will correctly and quickly ban video gaming within the unincorporated areas of the county.

I will continue to monitor the progress of this proposal and post updates as appropriate. County board members should be held accountable for whether or not they vote to ban video gaming and by their actual vote, if a vote is taken. It is past time for voters at all levels of government to hold elected officials accountable for their votes or lack thereof. Governments' responsibility is to govern for all of the people--not selected, privileged groups and businesses.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Doug Hoffman--conservative for the 23rd District in New York

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article concerning the special Congressional election being held in the 23rd District of New York. It seems that the Republican leadership in New York selected a RINO who is more liberal than the Democratic candidate to run for the election even though the District is a Republican leaning district. The result is that many conservative Republicans are supporting a third party candidate--Doug Hoffman--who is also conservative.

The RINO was initially leading in the polls since it is a Republican leaning district. However, the latest poll results I've seen (October 16th) now has the Democrat winning and Doug Hoffman closing in on the RINO. The undecided vote is 15% and more and more Republicans are switching their support to Doug Hoffman. The election is a week away and it is critical that Hoffman gets sufficient funding to campaign in this final week. This is an opportunity for a conservative candidate to win if he has enough support.

Conservative groups and PACs that are supporting him according to his website include:

American Conservative Union

Citizens of the Republic

Concerned Women of America

Conservative Victory Fund

Eagle Forum

FREDPAC which is Fred Thompson's PAC,

Minuteman PAC (I did not see this on the list. However, I do receive e-mails from the PAC and they are supporting him. I also receive e-mails from FREDPAC.)

NY'S Right to Life PAC

Susan B. Anthony List

If you can contribute, now is the time. His website is and, of course, you can make a donation there. Help elect conservatives to Congress and STOP the OBAMA MADNESS from growing! Every vote in Congress is important. Cap and Trade in the House passed by 8 votes. Nationalized healthcare should be very close in the House.

The election is November 3rd. Help if you can! And, of course, if you vote in the 23rd District, VOTE for DOUG HOFFMAN!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bob McDonnell—Virginia candidate for governor

Please NOTE: I received notice that the following link was incorrect. “You can also find photos and video from people who attended the Defending the American Dream™ Summit on my Facebook page XXXX” The correct link should be

On my post of Tuesday, October 13, 2009 titled “Barack Hussein Obama overwhelmingly advocates the MURDER of unborn babies!” I wrote that on “January 5, 2009—Obama picks pro-abortion Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as the chairman of the Democratic Party.” As it happens, Virginia has a gubernatorial election this November—neither the Republican candidate nor the Democratic candidate is an elected incumbent.

According to what I can find, the Republican candidate is pro-life and the Democratic candidate supports the MURDER of unborn babies. The following is from and put into my format:

“Virginia Pro-Life Governor Candidate Bob McDonnell Leads Deeds in New Polls

by Steven EditorSeptember 30, 2009
Richmond, VA (—Three new polls show pro-life Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell with a lead over his pro-abortion opponent, Democrat Creigh Deeds. One survey shows McDonnell is faring better with pro-life Virginia residents than Deeds is with state voters who back abortion.

A new Rasmussen poll out today shows McDonnell has bounced back to a nine-point lead over Deeds.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Virginia voters finds McDonnell attracting 51% of the vote while Deeds picks up 42%. Over the past two weeks, McDonnell’s support has gone up three percentage points while Deeds has lost four points in the Rasmussen numbers.

‘After closing to essentially a toss-up in mid-September, the race is back to where it was in early September, when the GOP hopeful held a nine-point advantage,’ Rasmussen explains. ‘McDonnell’s lead at this time is essentially the same with and without leaners.’
McDonnell holds a wide lead among unaffiliated voters. Both candidates draw strong support from within their own party.

Meanwhile, a new Survey USA poll has the pro-life candidate McDonnell leading by 14 points. He would defeat Deeds by 14 points, 55% to 41%, if the election were held today, the survey shows.

‘Compared to identical SurveyUSA polls released four and nine weeks ago, little has changed. McDonnell receives majorities from both men and women, young and old, rich and poor, college graduates and those who did not attend college,’ the poling firm noted.
SurveyUSA found 49 percent of Virginia voters take a pro-life position and 47 percent take a pro-abortion position.

Among pro-life voters, McDonnell holds a 77-0 percent lead while Deeds has a lower 64-33 percent edge among pro-abortion voters.

Survey USA also found that pro-life advocates Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli hold leads in their respective races for Lt. Governor and Attorney General.”

“Virginia Governor Candidate Deeds Attacks Pro-Life McDonnell on Abortion Again

by Steven EditorOctober 6, 2009

Richmond, VA (—With pro-life Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell’s lead in the polls remaining strong, pro-abortion candidate Creigh Deeds is attacking him again on the issue of abortion. As he has before, Deeds is relying on comments McDonnell made at a recent National Right to Life convention.

The ad shows footage of McDonnell speaking to the annual NRLC convention last year.
‘These elections matter because elections determine who’s got the power, and who’s going to make the decisions,’ McDonnell told more than 1,000 pro-life advocates. ‘Whether or not they are pro-life or not will make an eternal difference in the statutes and in the legislatures all over this country.’

‘Those policy makers with the votes determine whether or not you’re going to have a pro-life state where protections are given to the unborn consistent with federal court decisions, or whether you are going to have a different kind of policy,’ the pro-life former Virginia attorney general explained.

Dave Andrusko of the National Right to Life Committee, says he doesn’t think the ad will endear Deeds to Virginia voters like himself.

‘Deeds’ latest ad is as amusing as it is misguided,’ he wrote in an email received.

‘In the video taken at our convention, McDonnell comes across as calm, relaxed, reflective. He says nothing more than what an educated voter should know,’ Andrusko said.

He indicated the ads and the records of the candidates make it clear that pro-life voters and those who want reduced abortions should support McDonnell.

‘If you want a state where the chief executive will work to make sure whatever protections the courts allow will be extended to the unborn, you want McDonnell. If you want abortion on demand, you want Deeds,’ he said.”

There are two governor races this year—this one in Virginia and one in New Jersey. Before Barack Hussein Obama’s appointment of pro-MURDER Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as the chairman of the Democratic Party, both States had elected Democratic governors.

As you know, I don’t give a lot of credence to public opinion polls unless I know all the details of the poll. Nevertheless, it seems that pro-life candidate Bob McDonnell has a good opportunity to win the governor’s office in Virginia. Pray for him! Support him! Don’t get complacent! Work hard for his election up through election day. Get out the vote and vote for LIFE! We can take back this nation if we support GOD’S will and live it. And GOD”S will is NOT to MURDER unborn babies!

“… and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.” I John 3: 15b (NIV)

Republican pro-life gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell’s website is

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

“Hate Crimes” bill about to sneak into law!

Please NOTE: I received notice that the following link was incorrect. “You can also find photos and video from people who attended the Defending the American Dream™ Summit on my Facebook page XXXX” The correct link should be

Background information to understand tonight’s post: I originally wrote about the “Hate Crimes” bill that was in the House of Representatives with posts from May 5th through May 15th, May 19th, May 21st through the 22nd, and then June 6th and June 9th. That bill—H. R. 1913—passed the House and was co-sponsored by Illinois House of Representatives member Mark Kirk who is now trying to win the Republican nomination for the Senate. In the meantime, the Senate was not able to pass such a bill directly. The Senate, therefore, attached the “hate crimes” bill as an amendment to a defense spending bill. That defense spending bill was passed in the House of Representatives last week with the “Hate Crimes” bill attached. According to my information, the Senate may vote for that same bill with the “Hate Crimes” bill attached as early as today—Wednesday, October the 14th.


“‘Thought Crimes’—Another reason to vote AGAINST Mark Kirk for U.S. Senate

Posted: October 8, 2009
By John Biver

The U.S. House voted today to ‘Extend Hate Crime Law to Cover Gays’ in the words of a headline. The measure now moves to the U.S. Senate. ‘Hate Crimes,’ however, is a misnomer.

The press release below from the American Family Association two days ago explains why. The Illinois Family Institute policy brief we previously posted (which follows) expands upon the same concerns. Both are worth reading and understanding—especially for would-be political leaders.

October 7, 2009

AFA warns of dangerous ‘thought crimes’ bill

The American Family Association (AFA) is calling for the defeat of a so-called ‘hate crimes’ bill, which House Democrats in Congress have put on the fast track by attaching it to a defense appropriations bill. The measure may come up for a vote as early as tomorrow.

‘This is really a ‘thought crimes’ bill, since it punishes people not for what they did but for what they were thinking (were allegedly thinking since it is doubtful anyone actually knows what they were thinking at the time of the crime—my addition),’ said Tim Wildmon, president of the AFA. ‘If this law passes, we believe ‘politically incorrect’ thoughts about homosexual behavior will come under enormous pressure.’

Wildmon said that everywhere that similar laws have gone into effect they have been used to intimidate, silence and punish people who have sincerely held religious beliefs that homosexual behavior is fundamentally immoral.

‘The bill creates a totally unacceptable threat to freedom of religion and speech in America,’ Wildmon said. ‘Pastors can be jailed under this law for preaching against homosexuality if their teaching can be linked in any way to an act of violence against a homosexual. This will not just have a chilling effect on free speech, it will freeze it out altogether.’

Bryan Fischer, AFA’s director of issues analysis, added, ‘This law will create a caste system by creating two tiers of victims, some of whom will get more legal protection than others. This is a gross violation of the fundamental American principle of justice that we are all equal under the law.’

Wildmon pointed out that if the amendment continues to be attached to the Defense Appropriations bill, the bill must be voted down. ‘We all support adequate funding for the military, but this attachment is a poison pill,’ he said. ‘The American people deserve a straight up-or-down vote on military funding, not a bill that’s compromised by out-of-control political correctness.’

The AFA sent out an Action Alert to its 2.6 million member network today, urging them to contact Congress and urge a ‘No’ vote on the Defense Appropriations bill if the ‘hate crimes’ language is not removed.

American Family Association is a pro-family advocacy organization with over 2.5 million online supports.

Click here for more information on this issue from AFA.

IFI: Mark Kirk’s sponsorship of the anti-family, anti-faith Federal ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill

Editor’s note: Champion News was recently reminded that in addition to our list of issues chronicled here, north shore Republican Congressman and possible U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk has sponsored the dangerous ‘hate crimes’ bill. Here is the Illinois Family Institute’s issue brief on the subject.

The dangerous, anti-family, anti-faith Federal ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill

H.R. 1913 would allow the federal government to prosecute any crime ‘motivated by prejudice’ against protected characteristics, including ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ (homosexuality, cross-dressing and sex changes). Amendments to include protection for pregnant women, unborn babies, the elderly and the military were all defeated. If passed, the law will punish two identical crimes differently because of what is perceived to be in the perpetrator’s mind.

The bill is not about stopping crime, but about giving sexual preference the same legal status as race. This legislation is just a stepping stone to regulate the speech of people who support family values, as in the case of the Philadelphia 11, a group of people holding signs about freedom from homosexuality at a ‘gay pride’ event in Philadelphia who were arrested and charged with hate crimes, even though no crime was committed.

Other Christians and pastors in Sweden, England, and Canada have already been prosecuted under similar laws for expressing disapproval of homosexual behavior. In some jurisdictions ‘hate crimes’ have been defined as hate speech, intimidation, and even verbal assault.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, could have been charged with a ‘hate crime’ for her views on same-sex marriage if H.R. 1913 was already law. What could constitute a ‘hate crime’ under this bill is a homosexual man or woman claiming they were discriminated against and hurt by what was said.

According to the latest FBI statistics, in 2007 there were about 1.4 million violent crimes committed in the U.S. Of those, only 1,512 were reported as ‘hate crimes’ motivated by ‘sexual orientation’ bias. Over two thirds of those were allegations of ‘hateful’ words, touching, intimidation, pushing or shoving. There were a mere 247 cases of aggravated assault (including five deaths) allegedly motivated by ‘sexual orientation’ bias nationwide. In each case, where appropriate, offenders were prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and victims were afforded the exact same justice guaranteed every other American.

H.R. 1913

Infringes on freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Violates the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause by protecting some victims more than others.

Punishes thoughts (alleged thoughts—my addition), not actions.

Shows contempt for the moral and religious views of millions of Americans. (Shows contempt for GOD’S laws and WILL!—my addition)

All criminal acts should be vigorously prosecuted

All victims should be treated equally. (Isn’t it strange that the same people who allegedly preach equality are now making a sinful behavior and the people who participate in these sinful behaviors more equal than other behaviors and other people who do not participate in these sinful behaviors?—my addition)

Tell Congressman Kirk to drop his support for H.R. 1913. Tell him that criminal actions must be punished, not thoughts and beliefs.

Kirk’s District office:
707 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 350
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: 847-940-0202

Mark Kirk [R] (Illinois—10th District)
1030 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 (Website)

Illinois Family Institute:
6732 W. 173rd Street Suite 7 Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 781-9328

This issue brief appears on the IFI website here.

John Biver is the Editor of Champion News.”

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama overwhelmingly advocates the MURDER of unborn babies!

The following doesn’t need any explanation. The information was put into my format. Barack Hussein Obama—the MURDERER of unborn babies!!!

“Dear Readers,

The recent Pew Research Forum poll had great news for pro-life advocates—showing that we are gaining ground in the abortion debate. Our numbers are up 11 percent over the last poll Pew conducted.

However, the survey also had some terribly disconcerting results. According to Pew, 42 percent of Americans do not know that President Barack Obama is pro-abortion.

That number includes 25 percent of Republicans who describe themselves as conservative and 51 percent of Democrats who describe themselves that way as well.

These numbers are no surprise. The mainstream media rarely focuses on the ways in which Obama has aggressively promoted abortion since taking over the White House. And when these pro-abortion news outlets bother to cover Obama and abortion, they focus on the times when he presents a watered-down version of his record and position to make him seem more moderate. (Nothing new! Barack Hussein Obama—the creation of the mass media!—my addition)

The Pew figures also aren’t a surprise given the calculated way Obama has tried to make himself appear as if he is finding a common ground on abortion. (Called lying—my addition)

Obama’s bogus claims to want to make sure abortion funding is not in the health care bills make him appear moderate to the American public. But you know, thanks to, that he hasn’t lifted a finger to support amendments to ensure the health care bills will not contain massive abortion subsidies and mandates. (Unless specifically prevented, the MURDER of the unborn WILL be covered in the nationalization of healthcare!—my addition)

The Pew numbers point to the need for and our timely, accurate pro-life news reporting.

Not only do we need your support to educate more strongly pro-life Americans about Obama and his pervasive pro-abortion record, we need your help in reaching nominally pro-life people and alerting them to how Obama started using their tax dollars to pay for abortions from week one of his presidency.

You can help in two ways:

1) Below this note to you, I have included the compilation of Obama’s pro-abortion record. This is the most comprehensive collection of his actions promoting abortion and we include links to full news reports with detailed information.

Please pass along this list to every pro-life person you know. The link to our report on Obama’s pro-abortion record is at

2) You can help reach more pro-life people with this valuable information by supporting our October $5,000 fundraising campaign. We’re just over 38 percent of the way there and we need your help to reach that goal.

You can click the donation button below to make a donation via PayPal or to use a credit card online or use the form below to send in a check by mail.

(I couldn’t produce the donation button. However, I believe you can donate at—my addition)

Thank you for your help in supporting! It is critical to the effort to educate Americans about how Obama has aggressively promoted abortion and encouraging them to do something about it.

For their lives,Steven Ertelt,Editor and

PS You can support with a donation using the form below or send a PayPal donation to us at

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President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation

Washington, DC (—The following is a compilation of bill signings, speeches, appointments and other actions that President Barack Obama has engaged in that have promoted abortion before and during his presidency. While Obama has promised to reduce abortions and some of his supporters believe that will happen (naïve, blind, or clueless—my addition), this long list proves his only agenda is promoting more abortions.

This list can permanently be found at

Post-Election / Pre-Inauguration

November 5, 2008—Obama selects pro-abortion Rep. Rahm Emanuel as his White House Chief of Staff. Emanuel has a 0% pro-life voting record according to National Right to Life.

November 19, 2008—Obama picks pro-abortion former Sen. Tom Daschle as his Health and Human Services Secretary. Daschle has a long pro-abortion voting record according to National Right to Life.

November 20, 2008—Obama chooses former NARAL legal director Dawn Johnsen to serve as a member of his Department of Justice Review Team. Later, he finalizes her appointment as the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of the Legal Counsel in the Obama administration.

November 24, 2008—Obama appoints Ellen Moran, the former director of the pro-abortion group Emily’s List as his White House communications director. Emily’s List only supported candidates who favored taxpayer funded abortions and opposed a partial-birth abortion ban.

November 24, 2008—Obama puts former Emily’s List board member Melody Barnes in place as his director of the Domestic Policy Council.

November 30, 2008—Obama named pro-abortion Sen. Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State. Clinton has an unblemished pro-abortion voting record and has supported making unlimited abortions an international right.

December 10, 2008—Obama selects pro-abortion former Clinton administration official Jeanne Lambrew to become the deputy director of the White House Office of Health Reform. Planned Parenthood is ‘excited’ about the selection.

December 10, 2008—Obama transition team publishes memo from dozens of pro-abortion groups listing their laundry list of pro-abortions actions they want him to take.

Pro-Abortion Presidential Record—2009

January 5, 2009—Obama picks pro-abortion Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine as the chairman of the Democratic Party.

January 6, 2009—Obama chooses Thomas Perrelli, the lawyer who represented Terri Schiavo’s husband Michael in his efforts to kill his disabled wife, as the third highest attorney in the Justice Department.

January 22, 2009—Releases statement restating support for Roe v. Wade decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions and has resulted in at least 50 million abortions since 1973.

January 23, 2009—Forces taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations. Decision to overturn Mexico City Policy sends part of $457 million to pro-abortion organizations.

January 26, 2009—Obama nominee for Deputy Secretary of State, James B. Steinberg, tells members of the Senate that taxpayers should be forced to fund abortions. Nominee erroneously says limits on abortion funding are unconstitutional.

January 29, 2009—President Obama nominates pro-abortion David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.

February 12, 2009—Obama nominates pro-abortion Elena Kagan to serve as Solicitor General.

February 27, 2009—Starts the process of overturning pro-life conscience protections President Bush put in place to make sure medical staff and centers are not forced to do abortions.

February 28, 2009—Barack Obama nominates pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius to become Secretary of Health and Human Services.

March 5, 2009—The Obama administration shut out pro-life groups from attending a White House-sponsored health care summit. Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business, made the invitation list as did other pro-abortion groups.

March 9, 2009—President Barack Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research.

March 10, 2009—Obama announces the creation of a new foreign policy position to focus on women’s issues. He names Melanne Verveer, an abortion advocate, to occupy the post.
March 10, 2009—Reverses an executive order to press for more research into ways of obtaining embryonic stem cells without harming human life. The order Obama scrapped would have promoted new forms of stem cell research.

March 11, 2009—Obama signed an executive order establishing a new agency within his administration known as the White House Council on Women and Girls. Obama’s director of public liaison at the White House, Tina Tchen, an abortion advocate, became director of it.

March 11, 2009—Obama administration promotes an unlimited right to abortion at a United Nations meeting.

March 11, 2009—Obama administration officials deny negative effects of abortion at United Nation's meeting.

March 17, 2009—President Barack Obama makes his first judicial appointment and names pro-abortion federal Judge David Hamilton to serve on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

March 26—President Obama announced $50 million for the UNFPA, the UN population agency that has been criticized for promoting abortion and working closely with Chinese population control officials who use forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations.

April 7—The Vatican has rejected three Obama ambassador nominees because of their positions in favor of abortions.

April 7—Obama has named pro-abortion law professor Harold Hongju Koh as the top lawyer for the State Department.

April 7—Put more abortion advocates on his White House advisory council for faith-based issues.

April 8—Obama nominee for assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, Ron Weich, is pro-abortion.

April 14—Obama administration releases document that claims pro-life people may engage in violence or extremism.

April 17—Obama administration releases the proposed guidelines that implement his decision to allow taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research that involves the destruction of human life.

April 23—Refused to appeal a ruling requiring the FDA to allow 17-year-old girls to purchase the morning after pill without either a doctor visit or parental involvement beforehand.

April 27—Obama’s women’s ambassador Melanne Verveer touted Obama’s decision to send $50 million to the United Nation’s Population Fund.

May 5—Details emerge about a terrorism dictionary the administration of President Barack Obama put together in March. The Domestic Extremism Lexicon calls pro-life advocates violent and claims they employ racist overtones in engaging in criminal actions.

May 8—President Obama releases a new budget that allows the Legal Services Corporation to use tax dollars to pay for pro-abortion litigation.

May 8—President Obama's new budget calls for taxpayer funded abortions in the nation’s capital.

May 8—President Obama’s budget eliminates all federal funding for abstinence-only education.

May 15—Appointed pro-abortion New York City health commissioner Thomas Frieden as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

May 17—During his commencement speech at Notre Dame, Obama deceived listeners into thinking he wants a conscience clause, promoted embryonic stem cell research and misstated his pro-abortion record. (HE LIED AGAIN!!!—my addition)

May 26—Appoints appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court nominee. Sotomayor agrees that the courts should make policy, such as the Roe v. Wade case. Sotomayor is later opposed by pro-life groups and supported by pro-abortion groups and those who know her say she will support abortion on the high court.

July 2—Calls for an unlimited right to abortion at a United Nation’s meeting. (But the MURDER of unborn babies won’t be allowed or paid for in the so-called “healthcare reform” bill??? (What a LIAR!!!—my addition)

July 7—The Obama administration admits it ignored the majority of Americans who opposed the proposed guidelines that would implement Obama’s decision to force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research.

July 14—Obama science czar nominee John Holdren is revealed to have written before that he favors forced abortions.

July 30—Awards several pro-abortion activists with the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

July 31—Tells the National Institutes of Health to adopt rules that allow embryonic stem cell research.

August 4—Information becomes public that Ezekiel Emanuel, an Obama advisor at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, supports rationing health care for disabled Americans that could lead to euthanasia.

August 6—Obama criticized for asking for people to ‘snitch’ on groups and people who oppose the pro-abruption health care bills in Congress.

August 13—Obama wrongly said a senator backed the pro-euthanasia components of the health care bill.

August 23—Said pro-life advocates were making ‘phony claims’ about the health care bills. Also said the claims were false. (HE LIED AGAIN!!!—my addition)

August 24—Releases veterans guide promoting euthanasia.

September 13—Misleads on the federal conscience clause in a health care speech and misleads on abortion funding. (HE LIED AGAIN!!!—my addition)

September 13—Obama waits two days to comment on shooting of pro-life advocate whereas he commented immediately shooting of abortion practitioner.

September 15—Senate confirms Obama’s new regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who is pro-abortion

October 5—Selected pro-abortion lawyer and Georgetown University law professor Chai Feldblum for the EEOC.

October 5—Announces he will give the keynote speech for pro-abortion group Human Rights Campaign.

Comments or questions? Email us at”

“… and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.” I John 3: 15b (NIV)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Economic choices—good and bad

I wasn’t planning to write about this particular subject tonight. However, two separate articles caught my attention recently. The first was a short article published in the Peoria Journal Star on 10/8/09, page A6. It seems that consumer debt has been decreasing since the recession began. According to the article, consumer debt decreased by $12 billion dollars in August and that decrease was the seventh straight month that a decrease has occurred.

Economically, one of our major problems has been the increasing consumer debt that has been fueling economic growth. This increasing debt, while contributing to short term growth, was and is a negative long term. Eventually such debt always comes back to haunt the nation as demonstrated by the housing implosion that recently occurred resulting—to a great extent—in the current recession.

In fact, this would be an extreme positive if the American consumer permanently learns that consumer debt is a long term negative. The basic economic principle is to save money during good economic times and spend money in recessions when prices become stable or even are lowered. Unfortunately, we have been doing it backwards. Spending like bandits when times are good and cutting back when times get bad. Cutting back is logical when in debt. The irrational action is overspending—going deeply into debt—during good economic times and expecting those good economic times to always continue. It doesn’t and can’t work that way. Eventually, the increasing debt always comes back to haunt the nation—always!

Unfortunately, from past experience, once the recession ends consumer debt will probably begin to increase again which will eventually lead to the same implosion again. The long term solution is to not go into debt. Will we learn this time or return to our same old bad habits?

Of course, our government has not learned a thing from the recession. Instead of cutting spending since it did not save during the good times, the Barack Hussein Obama administration is continuing the nation’s plunge into greater and greater debt at an ever increasing pace. The yearly national debt for the last fiscal year was 1.4 trillion dollars ($1,400,000,000,000) approximately 3 times the previous record high. And with the proposals being presented by the administration, if passed, the national debt will only increase. It may be or seem somewhat beneficial short term. Long term it is almost suicidal.

The second article—actually in the form of a graph—was published in the Peoria Journal Star on 10/11/09, page E3. According to the graph which goes from July through June of the next year, the amount of money collected by banks in the form of service charges has increased from just over 15 billion dollars in 2003 to just over 20 billion dollars in 2009. Further, “an estimated three-quarters (75%—my addition) of this income comes from overdraft and non-sufficient fund penalties.”

A banker friend of mine tells me that most of these overdraft and non-sufficient funds penalties come from the misuse of debit cards—which I can certainly believe. While in Arizona, another friend of mine asked me twice to help her balance her checkbook since she was being charged penalties for withdrawing more money than she had—penalties at $25 a pop. Both times the problem was the same. She was using her debit card to make small purchases and NOT recording those purchases in her check registry.

The result? She was writing checks with no money to cover them because of all her debit card purchases that were not recorded. Once she limited her use of her debit card (I would have preferred her destroying the card) and actually recorded those debit card purchases she did make—at the time of the purchase—her problem was solved.

In fact, I have NEVER owned or used a debit card. When offered, I refuse to accept the offer. It is a convenience but it is often a very costly convenience. And the banks know it.
If it weren’t for these poor consumer choices, consumers would have an extra 20 billion dollars to buy goods and services instead of paying fees to banks for small, but economically costly, conveniences.

You would think they would learn. Is it possible to change from the instant gratification mode to making wise long term economic choices? Is it possible for consumers? Is it possible for governments?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

MURDER of unborn babies updates

This is a new feature for my blog. I’ve been receiving e-mails dealing with the MURDER of unborn babies for a couple of months now. I’m planning to post some of these updates with links once a month. I have put the information into my format. The last two emails with selected summary articles and links: Pro-Life News UpdateSunday, October 4, 2009

President Obama to Keynote Pro-Abortion Group’s Weekend Fundraising Dinner

Washington, DC (—President Barack Obama will keynote a dinner for an organization known for its pro-gay activities but which has also promoted abortion. In addressing the Human Rights Campaign, Obama is making the second overture to the pro-abortion group after putting a top HRC official on his faith task force. Obama will address the Saturday fundraising gala for the Human Rights Campaign on a night when it plans to honor another abortion advocate. ‘It is fitting that (Obama) will speak to our community on the night that we pay tribute to his friend and mentor Sen. Edward Kennedy,’ HRC president Joe Solmonese said. While much of the focus on his attendance at the HRC dinner will be placed on its advocacy of the homosexual agenda, HRC has a long history of advocating abortion. As recently as February, HRC endorsed Obama’s move to rescind conscience protections for medical professionals who don’t want to be forced to perform or refer for abortions. The group ‘commended the Obama administration for beginning the process to repeal the Department of Health and Human Services regulations regarding ‘provider conscience’ and urges the Administration to repeal the regulations in their entirety.’ ‘We commend the Obama administration for acting quickly to review these regulations and urge the Administration to repeal them in their entirety,’ Solmonese said at the time. Full story at

Barack Obama Names Pro-Abortion ACLU Lawyer Chai Feldblum to EEOC Panel

Washington, DC (—President Barack Obama is racking up another pro-abortion appointment and, this time, the appointee would serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Obama has selected pro-abortion lawyer and Georgetown University law professor Chai Feldblum for the EEOC. If confirmed by the Senate, Feldblum would serve on the EEOC for five years and could decide cases that related to pressuring women employees to have abortions or pressuring pro-life advocates to allow abortions in insurance policies. Feldblum isn’t known by most Americans, but she has worked for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Human Rights Campaign Fund, another group that promotes abortion. From 1986-1987, Feldblum clerked for Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, the notorious judge who handed down the Roe v. Wade decision that has allowed more than 51 million abortions. Feldblum praised him to the New York Times as someone who had the ‘ability and desire to look behind the law and see the people is not the classic way to do law.’ Full story at

House Members Working on Second Phony Compromise on Abortion in Health Care

Washington, DC (—Members of the House of Representatives are working on a second phony compromise that would try to mitigate some of the concerns pro-life lawmakers and groups have about the abortion funding found in HR 3200, the main health care ‘reform’ bill in the House. The current bill contains the Capps Amendment that abortion advocates have been portraying as a compromise that prohibits abortion funding. But pro-life groups and leading pro-life lawmakers such as Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan have exposed the Capps language as a fraud by noting that it allows massive abortion subsidies and mandates. Knowing Stupak has assembled potentially enough pro-life and moderate Democrats to join Republicans in voting down the rules for debate on the bill or the bill itself if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t allow a debate on his amendment to yank the abortion funding, pro-abortion lawmakers are hoping to pacify him and his coalition. Now, pro-abortion Rep. Henry Waxman, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is trying to work out a compromise with some of the members of Stupak’s coalition who are not as strongly pro-life. Full story at (You can be sure that, if Pro-Life members don’t have the ability to specifically prevent the MURDER of unborn babies through an amendment on the House floor, the bill WILL provide for the MURDER of unborn babies. That was why such an amendment was voted down in the committee as cover by my blog previously—my addition)

Planned Parenthood Used Underage Girls in Clinical Trials Pushing Abortion

Washington, DC (—A new report from a Planned Parenthood watchdog group finds the abortion business used underage girls in at least 10 clinical trials over the last two decades to push abortion, birth control, and STD testing. The news comes at a time when Planned Parenthood is facing criticism for videos showing it ignoring potential statutory abuse cases. Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and the head of its STOPP Planned Parenthood effort, released the details in a statement to Twenty-eight Planned Parenthood affiliates have been involved in 33 clinical trials, some of which received government funds, and 10 of them involved girls as young as 13 years of age. That number represents one-third of all clinical trials surveyed in the STOPP report. Two of the 33 trials ended in the 1990s, while the remaining 31 were conducted within the last seven years and some of them are ongoing. Full story at

Pro-Life Democrat Challenges Obama to Tell Congress to Stop Abortion Funding

Washington, DC (—Bart Stupak, the Michigan Democratic congressman who is leading the fight to stop abortion funding in health care, isn’t confident about his prospects for success of getting an amendment to do that. So he is challenging President Barack Obama to make good on his promise of no abortion funding. As reported, Stupak got a meeting this week with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to discuss his request for an amendment to get the abortion funding out of HR 3200. The meeting didn’t appear to go well as a Democratic aide said to expect that the abortion funding will remain in the health care reform bill. Now, Stupak is talking about that meeting and saying the prospects for his amendment appear dim and he wants Obama, with whom he recently spoke on the phone, to back up his September speech claiming there will be no abortion funding. He said Pelosi did not promise him a vote on his amendment, though she did not rule one out. The Michigan lawmaker confirmed that Pelosi wants him to work on a phony compromise called the Waxman amendment that pro-life groups are already opposing. ‘Unfortunately, I don’t see a clear resolution right now,’ Stupak told U.S. News and World Report. ‘But I’m going to go back to what the president said: no public funding for abortions. And that’s the Hyde Amendment.’ Full story at (The President lied unless there is a specific provision in the bill preventing the use of our money to fund the MURDER of unborn babies. Remember: the President owes Planned MURDERHOOD for helping him get elected in the first place. The organization expects payback!—my addition)

Catholic Cardinal Asks Supreme Court to Reject Abortion During Red Mass

Washington, DC (—Top government officials were exposed to a call from a Catholic cardinal to reject abortions and uphold the sanctity of life during the Red Mass on Sunday. The mass is a traditional event that takes place before the Supreme Court starts the first day of its next term, which takes place the first Monday in October. Six Supreme Court justices, Vice President Joe Biden, and two members of pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s administration were present for the event. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston, Texas gave a homily and presented the pro-life message to the top officials. He calls on attorneys to be a voice for all clients, including those who have not been born. ‘They are poor and wealthy, confused and lucid, polite and impolited,’ he said. ‘In some cases, the clients are voiceless, for they lack influence; in others they are literally voiceless, not yet with tongues and even without names, and require our most careful attention and radical support.’ Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts attended the event along with the high court’s newest member, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who is expected to uphold abortion. Ironically, the cardinals who participate wear red because the color represents a willingness to shed blood in the defense of their faith. In this case, the red could easily have stood for the bloodshed at the hands of the Supreme Court, Biden, and the Obama administration. Full story at (It’s truly amazing how many Democrats in Congress, who claim to be Catholic, who are rabid MURDERERS of unborn babies!—my addition)

Poor Weather Doesn’t Stop LifeChain From Telling America Abortion Kills Children

Washington, DC (—Rainy weather throughout much of the nation yesterday didn’t stop likely more than 200,000 Americans from gathering in cities and towns across the country to proclaim the message that ‘Abortion Kills Children’ (Abortion MURDERS children!!!—my addition) and ‘Abortion Hurts Women.’ Groups large and small held pro-life signs and received responses ranging from honking horns to thumbs up, to profane gestures. Thousand of people participated in the Life Chains in Indianapolis while two people braved the cold in Estes Park, Colorado. Dozens of pro-life advocates in Wichita, Kansas took to the streets to share the pro-life message in the LifeChain. ‘We're out here today to make a statement that we support life and also to encourage others to support life from womb to tomb,’ said Fr. Jerome Spexarth of St. Patrick Catholic Church in Wichita. The LifeChain saw pro-life advocates gather in places around the world as well—with 200 participating in one in Cape Town, South Africa. ‘It is time that the lies of abortionists are exposed,’ says international coordinator of the Christian Action Network, Taryn Hodgson. Her group has organized the event in South Africa since 1992. Full story at

“, It’s a quick read on a big issue, You’ll feel better for having read it.

“YWCA Misinforms Raped Inmate About Adoption, Pays for Coerced Abortion

Topeka, KS (—The case of a raped inmate in Kansas who was coerced into an abortion and taken to a Planned Parenthood center is generating criticism of Kansas corrections officials. But it is also implicating the YWCA, which appears to have misled the woman and arranged her abortion. As reported, a Topeka newspaper has featured an expose’ today focusing on Tracy Keith. She is a 30-year-old inmate who got involved in a racketeering scheme with a corrections official that eventually led to her rape at the hand of a prison instructor, Ted Gallardo. According to the Topeka Capital Journal, YWCA domestic abuse advocates misinformed her about open adoption law in Kansas. Instead, they purchased the abortion and accompanied her to the Planned Parenthood for it. ‘The abortion was paid for by a group of committed women in this community,’ said Sherry Baer, who works for the Battered Women Task Force, claimed. ‘There were no resources to help this woman in her terrible plight, so some of us put in our chips for that.’ The YWCA told Keith that, with two years left on her sentence, and no solid family support network on the outside, the state would sever her parental rights if the baby was born. A Topeka woman who learned of Keith’s pregnancy made inquiries about adopting the child, but Keith said she wasn’t informed. Full story at (YWCA [Young Women’s Christian Association] is a misnomer. It has long ago been taken over by baby MURDERERS. The organization ought to change its name. It’s is misleading and fraudulent!—my addition)

Abortion Advocates Attack Crisis Pregnancy Centers After New Report Released

Washington, DC (—Not able to stand the competition that pregnancy resource centers provide by helping women find tangible help and support during an unplanned pregnancy, abortion advocates are attacking pregnancy centers and using a new report highlighting their history and service to do so. noted the new report, produced by the Family Research Council in conjunction with Care Net, Heartbeat International and NIFLA. The report gives a historical overview of the pregnancy center movement and highlights case studies and interviews with staff and former clients to demonstrate how pregnancy centers have helped millions of women during their time of need. Last Thursday, Wendy Norris, a blogger at the pro-abortion RH Reality Check blog fired back. Norris contends the centers ‘push wildly inaccurate, non-scientific and biased information on pregnancy and contraception in schools and at facilities staffed almost exclusively by volunteers.’ Full story at” (Right! Why would I believe anything said by avowed baby MURDERERS!!!—my addition)

“President Obama Could Change Makeup of Key Appeals Courts on Abortion

Washington, DC (—President Barack Obama has already made his first mark on the Supreme Court with the nomination of newly-minted pro-abortion Justice Sonia Sotomayor. His next Supreme Court appointment could come soon, but he can change the face of a key appeals court in the meantime. While most of the focus in the courts debate centers on the nation’s high court, a president can change the outcome of rulings on abortion and bioethics law with appeals court appointments. The appeals courts are one step removed from the Supreme Court but they are frequently the end of the line for abortion law cases because of the small percentages of cases that make their way before the nine influential judges. Such is the case with the Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which handles laws for the mid-Atlantic states but also some cases with a national scope given its position adjacent to the nation's capital. Most recently, the 4th Circuit issued a 6-5 decision in June upholding a Virginia ban on partial-birth abortions. Full story at” (This is one of the three main reasons why Barack Hussein Obama should have NEVER been elected President of the United States!!! We will and are paying the price!!!—my addition)

“Medical professionals are on the frontlines of battle in life issues. From abortion to assisted suicide and euthanasia and all issues in between we are challenged in the workplace to defend our beliefs and risk our employment. The National Association of Pro-life Nurses has been here for nurses since the beginning of this battle. Join with us in our efforts to protect those voices at

“State and International Pro-Life News Headlines

Third Woman Rushed From California Planned Parenthood After Botched AbortionFull story at

Supreme Court Lets Stand Ruling in Illinois Choose Life License Plate Case
Full story at

Prison Officials in Kansas Take Raped Inmate to Planned Parenthood for Abortion
Full story at

Canadian Parliament Begins Debate on Bill C-384 to Legalize Assisted SuicideFull story at

Virginia Governor Candidate Deeds Attacks Pro-Life McDonnell on Abortion Again
Full story at

“Ohio Poll Shows Majority Oppose Abortion, Concerned About Health Care RationingFull story at

“Receive a free twice-weekly email report with the latest pro-life news headlines on abortion, euthanasia and stem cell research. Sign up here.”

“Pew Poll Finds 42 Percent of Americans Don't Know Barack Obama Pro-Abortion

Washington, DC (—Looking further into the new Pew Research center poll on abortion, the survey reveals that a substantial percentage of Americans don’t know that President Barack Obama has a strong pro-abortion position and record. The poll found 42 percent of Americans are unaware. The poll finds that four-in-ten Americans are unaware of Obama’s position on abortion, although pro-life advocates are most well-informed—which is a testimony to the work of pro-life organizations. On the other hand, independent voters and abortion advocates are less informed that Obama has been stridently pro-abortion. While just 25 percent of conservative Republicans and 36 percent of moderate Republicans don’t know Obama is pro-abortion, 42 percent of independents and 51 percent of conservative and moderate Democrats don’t know. Some 32 percent of liberal Democrats know Obama backs abortion. Pew asked a follow-up question to those who know Obama’s position to determine whether the particular groups believed Obama would go too far in promoting abortion, not far enough or whether he is handling abortion about right. Four of the five groups have at least twice as many who said they worried Obama would go too far in promoting abortion as those who said he would not go far enough. Full story at (How uninformed are the voters in this nation not to know that Barack Hussein Obama is a supporter of the MURDER of unborn babies!!! It’s incredulous!!!—my addition)

Senate Committee Defeats Amendment to Stop Financial Incentive for Rationing

Washington, DC (—Members of the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday not only turned back an amendment to stop abortion funding, but they defeated an amendment to stop rationing as well. They rejected, on a party-line vote, an amendment to eliminate the rationing components of the Baucus health care bill. Sen. Jon Kyl, an Arizona Republican, brought the amendment out of a concern, shared by pro-life groups, that one provision of the measure penalizes Medicare doctors who provide higher levels of medical treatment to senior citizens. Kyl and Senator Pat Roberts, a pro-life Kansas Republican, sponsored the change. The amendment would have removed a provision that establishes that, for at least five years, Medicare physicians who authorize treatments for their patients that wind up in the top 10% of per capita cost for a year will lose 5% of their total Medicare reimbursements for that year. (What lunacy!!! Statistically, some doctors will have to be in the top 10% no matter how low the charges. How insane!!! And people want these Senators controlling healthcare?!!—my addition) Pro-life advocates say the provision means that all doctors treating older people will constantly be driven to try to order the least expensive tests and treatments for fear that they will be caught in that top 10%. ‘Last night’s vote in the Senate Finance Committee should put America’s senior citizens on alert,’ medical ethics attorney Burke Balch of National Right to Life, told today. ‘If death spiral provision actually becomes law, their Medicare providers will start a race to the bottom to avoid being captured in the top ten percent.’ (EXACTLY!!! It’s INSANITY!!! Full story at

“Pro-Life Groups: Votes on Baucus Amdts Confirm Abortion in All Health Care Bills

Washington, DC (—With a Senate committee rejecting yet another pro-life amendment to make sure the health care bills in Congress don’t include abortion funding, pro-life groups say there is one conclusion. That is that every one of the health care bills under consideration contains abortion funding. The Senate Finance Committee this morning rejected the Hatch amendment to make it clear that the Baucus health care bill would not fund abortions. ‘This action leaves no doubt that the health care bill that will come to the Senate floor in a few weeks will contain provisions that would result in massive subsidies for abortion coverage,’ Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee said. Johnson told after the vote the battles to stop abortion funding are not over as ‘the full Senate will have to vote on the pro-abortion subsidies, and other pro-abortion components as well.’ The pro-life legislative guru also noted that the near unanimous opposition to the anti-abortion funding limits by members of President Barack Obama’s party ‘is one more proof that President Obama’s public statements that he does not want federal dollars used for abortion are completely phony—part of an ongoing political hoax.’ Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life, agrees. She told that the defeat of these important amendments illustrates the gap between rhetoric and reality on the Hill over abortion in health care reform. Full story at (WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG!!! IT’S PAYBACK FOR BABY MURDERERS!!!—my addition)

Senate Panel Defeats Amendment to Protect Pro-Life Medical Workers on Abortion

Washington, DC (—Shortly after the Senate Finance Committee voted against an amendment to remove the massive abortion subsidies from the Baucus health care bill, they rejected a second pro-life amendment. It would have offered protection for medical workers who don’t want to participate in or refer for abortions. Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, offered the abortion funding limitation and Hatch also offered his conscience protection amendment, number 354, which mirrors the Hyde-Weldon appropriations language. Hyde-Weldon is a federal law that President George W. Bush signed into law in December 2004 that protects hospitals, health insurance companies and medical professionals who don’t want to pay for or perform abortions. The Hatch nondiscrimination amendment failed by a vote of 13-10 with pro-abortion Sen. Olympia Snow, a Maine Republican, siding with Democrats on the panel to oppose the measure. Sen. Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, joined Republicans in supporting the amendment. Without the Hatch amendment, the Baucus bill contains no conscience protections on abortions for employees who don’t want to be involved in them or refer for them. Full story at (The Democrats continually promise one thing and then vote against it in committee. Do they really think we are so stupid we don’t know!!! Obviously, they do!!!—my addition)

Letter From 183 House Members Urges Pelosi to Allow Vote to Cut Abortion Funding

Washington, DC (—A bipartisan group of 183 members of Congress sent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter on Monday urging her to allow a vote on an amendment to cut the massive abortion funding and subsidies from the main health care ‘reform’ bill in the chamber. HR 3200 currently allows for both abortion subsidies and mandates and pro-life Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan wants the opportunity to propose an amendment to remove the funding from the bill. ‘We urge you to allow members of the House to vote their consciences with regard to abortion and health care reform by allowing consideration of an amendment to prohibit government funding of abortion,’ the letter says. The lawmakers say HR 3200 ‘radically departs from current federal government policy of not paying for elective abortion or subsidizing plans that cover abortion.’ Full story at

“Planned Parenthood Gives Late-Term Abortion Practitioner George Tiller Top Award

Washington, DC (—The International Federation of Planned Parenthood Foundation gave slain late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller its highest award over the weekend. The international abortion business honored Tiller posthumously in Washington months after he was shot and killed in his Kansas church. Planned Parenthood gave Tiller its Medal of Honor for ‘outstanding individual contribution to sexual and reproductive health.’ (For MURDERING unborn babies!!!—my addition) According to a Wichita News report, Tiller's widow Jeanne accepted the award on her late husband’s behalf. Alexander Sanger, grandson of Margaret Sanger, the woman who founded Planned parenthood and who has come under fire for having racist views for doing so, presented Tiller with the award. Before his death, the state board that monitors doctors was close to revoking Tiller’s medical license on allegations that he falsified the age of unborn children before the late-term abortions that took their lives. He allegedly did so to stay within the confines of state law. Tiller also injured numerous women in botched abortions and was responsible for overseeing another abortion practitioner, LeRoy Carhart, who killed mentally disabled teenager Christin Gilbert in a failed abortion. Full story at

Ex-CBS Anchor Dan Rather to Headline Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Event

Minneapolis, MN (—Most viewers can easily pinpoint the pro-abortion bias in news reports by the so-called mainstream media, but former CBS newsman Dan Rather is confirmation what they already know. Rather will headline a fundraising event for a local affiliate of the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota tapped Rather to be the keynote speaker at its October 13 banquet at the Minneapolis Hilton. ‘Dan Rather, the voice, heart and soul of American journalism, is one of the most recognized and renowned reporters of our time,’ (although discredited!!!—my addition) the abortion business trumpets in an announcement of the event. Tickets for the swanky pro-abortion fundraiser with Rather start at $150 and go up to $5,000—which guarantees the abortion advocate preferred seating near the former CBS anchor. Full story at

“State and International Pro-Life News Headlines

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity Grows as Teens Prepare to Oppose Abortion
Full story at

“Virginia Pro-Life Governor Candidate Bob McDonnell Leads Deeds in New PollsFull story at

Washington State Quickly Taking First Place in Promotion of Assisted SuicideFull story at

Friday, October 09, 2009

Afghanistan and Amnesty—brief updates

The following is from an e-mail put into my format from The Heritage Foundation—

“Moving forward in Afghanistan
October 6, 2009 By Amanda Reinecker

Last Saturday, eight American servicemen and two Afghan policemen were killed in a terrorist assault in Afghanistan. This blow comes at a critical point in the war, when General Stanley McChrystal, the NATO commander, has reportedly asked President Obama for an additional 40,000 U.S. troops in order to beat the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Despite pledges to improve security in Afghanistan, the President now seems on the fence about fulfilling his commander’s request.

McChrystal has offered a promising strategy for the war. President Obama would be wise to embrace this long view strategy, writes Heritage’s Conn Carroll in the Morning Bell, ‘and avoid short-sighted policies that undermine our friends in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while encouraging our enemies.’

Americans should pay close attention to the path President Obama chooses in Afghanistan, since his decision will prove critical to America’s national security interests, write Heritage Foundation experts Lisa Curtis and James Phillips. ‘There appears to be some wishful thinking within the Obama Administration regarding the U.S.’s ability to negotiate a political solution with the Taliban,’ write Curtis and Phillips. But negotiations have yet to work with al-Qaeda and Taliban, who are now more unified than ever by their anti-Western aims. As Henry Kissinger wrote in Newsweek, ‘even so-called realists—like me—would gag at a tacit U.S. cooperation with the Taliban in the governance of Afghanistan.’

Recent U.S. gains in Pakistan provide sufficient evidence that we can succeed, but only with continued dedication and support in both Pakistan and Afghanistan. ‘Now is the time to demonstrate military resolve in Afghanistan so that al-Qaeda and its affiliates will be squeezed on both sides,’ insist Curtis and Phillips. ‘Waiting does not prolong a favorable outcome. This effort will not remain winnable indefinitely, nor will public support.’

Yet the Left continues to stall any decision by pressuring the White House to devise an exit strategy and refuse any additional troops. President Obama should ignore the partisan rhetoric. Instead, he should trust the expertise and judgment of those he personally appointed to lead.

‘If the Obama administration chooses to deny its field commander’s request for more troops and instead seeks to engage Taliban leaders in negotiations with the vain hope that these militants will break from their al-Qaeda allies, the results will likely be disastrous,’ warn Curtis and Phillips.

Sneaking in Amnesty

When the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) worked with President Bush to enact amnesty for illegal immigrants without open debate, the American people were quite rightly outraged. Now the Obama administration is trying to do the same thing, and it’s looking ‘even worse,’ Heritage national security expert Jim Carafano writes in the Washington Examiner.

Aware that granting amnesty to lawbreakers may provoke a strong reaction, President Obama and one of the bill’s key authors, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have decided to keep it under wraps until the new year. In fact, the administration is drafting the legislation itself behind closed doors, rather than in the usual Congressional committees. That means Congressmen won’t even see the ‘hundreds of pages of complicated legislative language’ until the bill is brought to the floor.

‘After witnessing the firestorm over health reform, Obama apparently has decided never to go down that ‘let Congress lead’ route again,’ explains Carafano. This means the proposal won’t reflect Congressional debate—including input from those skeptical of granting amnesty—but instead will reflect only the President’s priorities.

To avoid the angry protestors and heated town hall debates that greeted his health care ‘reform’ proposal, the President won’t unveil his grand plan until January. Conveniently, this is just after lawmakers return to Washington from their winter break, and therefore after lawmakers leave their home districts, where they would have to explain their actions.

The health care debates made very clear that the American people want to know what their government is up to—and they deserve to know. But how can they when even their elected representatives aren’t privy to it? ‘It’s a bad plan, Mr. President,’ writes Carafano. ‘Americans deserve better. Publish now or let perish.’”