Two comments in relation to this. It seems that a doctor's examination is no longer needed for a prescription these days. Also, do you think that the Peoria Journal Star and Planned Murderhood of Central Illinois have a contract between them that the Journal Star promotes the murderous practices of Planned Murderhood? This is not the first time the Journal Star has promoted this particular organization and encouraged the use of abortion pills by giving contact information for Planned Murderhood. What are the values represented by the Peoria Journal Star?
On 9/23/05 on page B5 the Journal Star had an article about Alex Sanger speaking at an award dinner of Planned Murderhood of Central Illinois. Mr. Sanger is the grandson of the founder of Planned Murderhood according to the article. From the comments quoted in the story it seems Mr. Sanger is as delusional as the rest of the libertines that are promoting the murder of unborn babies.
Here are some quotes from that article. "'Reproductive freedom is in the hands of the Republican Party,' he said. 'No freedom, no right is safe if one party platform opposes it.'"
"Sanger said polls show 73 percent of registered Republicans support abortion rights in at least some circumstances."
"'The Republican Party is pro-choice,' he said"
"His grandmother's greatest achievement, he said, was to make birth control respectable and discussed by everyone."
"'We failed to do that with abortion,' he said."
My comments on his comments are as follows. One can never make the murder of unborn babies respectable as long as the American people have any moral values. How can any responsible person with any concept of decency believe that murder of the unborn is respectable? Prayerfully that will never happen. Prayerfully Americans are now realizing that murder is not a viable solution! If the Republican Party is pro-murder of the unborn, why are the libertines so concerned about President Bush's judicial appointments? If Republicans support the murder of unborn babies, why does the platform oppose it? If Republicans supported the murder of unborn babies, a new political party would arise to demand the end of the murder of innocent unborn babies!
He quotes what he claims are the results of polls that state 73% of Republicans support the murder of unborn babies in some circumstances. First, as I've said before, polls are not a reliable method in many instances for determining the positions of the public. Nor do polls make policy decisions. Also, he neglects to state that one such circumstance is to save the life of the mother which is a very small percentage of actual abortions. It's quite conceivable that over 50% of that so called 73% only supported abortion to save another life. That does not mean they approve of the vast majority of abortions that occur in spite of no danger to the mother. As usual, the advocates of murder distort everything they can to attempt to achieve their immoral ends. Finally, no concept of freedom or any perceived right will ever allow the murder of unborn babies. Such practice is sin! Support of such sin is sin! Peoria Journal Star owners: the support of such sin is sin! GOD save the United States from itself!